Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1966 I said there would be no delay

Swift, who came later, was luckier than Dolly and just slipped on the edge of the flames.

But his head hit the concrete isolation pier hard, and his face suddenly started to bleed!

Roy and Thomson in the other car were startled.

Seeing that Chen Xin'an had returned to the driving seat, they also hesitated.

Continue chasing the target, or stop to save your companions?

According to their habits and personalities, everything is naturally focused on completing goals and getting bonuses.

The life and death of their companions is not that important to them.

But things are different now.

Not to mention Swift's status as their captain.

Once he is captured by the police, neither of them will be able to escape.

Once the police lock their identities, they will hunt them all over the city!

So, save people first.

Before their identity is exposed, deal with the target as quickly as possible, and then fly away!

The motorcycle stopped, and Roy and Thomson rushed to Swift's side and pulled him away from the fire.

The moment they left, there was a loud bang and the motorcycle's fuel tank exploded!

Roy and Thomson didn't dare to stay long, so they picked up Swift, put him between them, got on their motorcycles and left quickly!

Chen Xin'an picked up the umbrella, threw away the back seat, stepped on the accelerator, and rushed onto the overpass.

"Now please invite the bride and groom to the stage!" The emcee said loudly to everyone during the cheerful wedding march.

There was thunderous applause in the hall.

Bang bang bang!

Fireworks bloomed and flowers rained all over the sky.

Accompanied by the best man and bridesmaid, Luo Xiaoman and Luo Qianxue slowly walked onto the stage on the red carpet.

Off the stage, a man covered his face and cried!

"Xue'er, my goddess! She was fucked by a pig like that!"

"Damn it, don't get close to me if you want to die! You are the pig, okay?

If nothing else, let me ask you this: If Xueer married you, would you be able to have such a formal wedding?

Can you invite so many A-list celebrities and internet celebrities? "

"You know nothing! If Xueer really loves me, we will have enough love and water, and there will be no need for fancy things..."

"Get the hell out of here! Do you have any shame? If you can't do it, just say you can't do it!

If you have enough love, do you think a goddess like Xueer will have love for you?

Can't you see the look in her eyes when she looks at Luo Sanshao?

That is the look between lovers! "

A couple of newlyweds walked onto the stage. Luo Qianxue pinched Luo Xiaoman hard when no one was paying attention, and scolded with a straight face: "What are you looking at? You are still distracted at this time!"

Luo Xiaoman grinned in pain and blurted out: "I'm waiting for Lao Chen!"

"What are you waiting for!" Luo Qianxue said with a sullen face and a frosty expression:

"Fortunately, brother, he didn't come to your wedding. What do you mean?"

Luo Xiaoman opened his mouth, wanting to say something but didn't dare.

He couldn't say, your husband, I lost my wedding ring, and Lao Chen went to get a spare wedding ring for me!

I guess if Luo Qianxue knew about this, she could scratch him half to death in front of so many people!

But it’s been too long since I’ve been here, and I have to use all this. Why hasn’t Lao Chen come back yet?

What should I do if I can’t take it out when it’s time to exchange rings?

Why don't you find a can ring to replace it first?

I don’t know if I will be beaten to death if I do this!

Even if the daughter-in-law is reluctant, I guess the father-in-law will chop him to death if he wants to return the favor to the mother-in-law, right?

The best man and bridesmaid behind him also glanced around from time to time. Everyone was waiting for the same person.


The Mazda parked in the underground parking lot of the Grand Hotel.

A security guard rushed over and shouted to him: "Hey, you are blind, is this a parking place?

Who asked you to break in behind someone's car?

are you……

Mr. Chen? !

How did you..."

Seeing Chen Xin'an covered in blood, the security guard was shocked, but luckily he recognized the person.

Chen Xin'an sat in the driver's seat, turned over the rearview mirror, looked at herself in the mirror, quickly pulled the tissue in the drawer, and wiped the blood on her face.

Although the clothes on his body were torn, luckily they were not too obvious, and as long as he was careful, they wouldn't reveal too many flaws.

After glancing at the security guard, Chen Xin'an took out a wad of money from his body, without counting how much, and stuffed it directly into the other person's hand!

"Brother, take off your white shirt right now, I'll buy it now!"

"Huh?" The security guard was startled and quickly said to Chen Xin'an:

"Mr. Chen, this is not okay!

I've been wearing this for two days and it's very dirty!

Just wait, I'll buy you a new one now.

Collect the money, you don’t need so much! "

Chen Xin'an grabbed his arm and said, "Brother, there's no time! Come on, take off your clothes, I'm going to use them right away!"

Seeing Chen Xin'an's insistence, the security guard didn't dare to delay and quickly took off his shirt.

Chen Xin'an just took off her coat and scared the security guard in front of her!

Good guy, how badly injured are you!

The original white shirts have turned into red shirts, and they are bleeding when you hold them in your hands!

Chen Xin'an took out the cloth bag, took out the silver needle, and gave herself a few injections to stop the bleeding.

Then he gritted his teeth and endured the severe pain of the wound, and put on the shirt that the security guard handed him tremblingly.

"Mr. Chen, you need to go to the hospital immediately for your injury!" The security guard pointed at the gunshot wound on Chen Xin'an's chest and said to him worriedly.

Chen Xin'an looked a little pale, smiled slightly, and said to him: "It's too late! It's okay, help me deal with it, keep the money!"

He threw his bloody clothes into the Mazda, grabbed his coat, and staggered toward the elevator.

At the entrance of the hall, Chen Xinan tidied his clothes and rubbed his face.

Then he put on a smile on his face and strode in.

On the stage, the host smiled and said to everyone: "Everyone just witnessed the two newlyweds' sincere vows to this marriage.

Now, two newlyweds are invited to exchange wedding rings! "

The crowd applauded.

Luo Qianxue took out the ring box and opened it, revealing a golden wedding ring with a unique shape inside.

"Wow! So beautiful! I like it so much! I seem to have never seen this style before!"

"I heard that it was specially ordered from Anhao Jewelry and made by famous Tailan masters!"

"This is a two-parter, right? Two of them together will be more beautiful! Look, the other one is about to be taken out!"

Everyone's eyes fell on Luo Xiaoman, waiting for him to take out another wedding ring and surprise the whole audience.

But Luo Xiaoman looked like he was constipated and slowly took out the ring box from his pocket!

"What are you doing!" Luo Qianxue tried her best to keep a smile on her face, but her eyes wanted to kick him.

Luo Xiaoman looked at the best man beside him as if asking for help, brothers, come to the rescue!

If you don’t have a can ring, a thimble will do!

Everyone looked helpless.

Brother, it’s not that I don’t want to help you, it’s that I can’t help you!

Luo Xiaoman was desperate.

Old Chen, why are you so unreliable?

If I had known this, I would have gone and got it myself!

Just when he was about to make up his mind and confess to Luo Qianxue, there was a commotion beside the stage.

Then a person walked up.

As soon as he saw this person, Luo Xiaoman was determined!

Chen Xin'an walked up to Luo Xiaoman, patted him on the shoulder and said, "Brother, congratulations! I said there will be no delay!"

While he was talking, he had already put the ring box into Luo Xiaoman's hand, and at the same time took the empty one and put it in his pocket.

Then he stood beside the groomsmen.

Luo Xiaoman laughed, held the ring box and said, "I just want to wait until my brother comes before continuing.

Now that everything is here, let’s get started! "

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