Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1968 Send him to the hospital immediately

The time for acupuncture was almost over, and Chen Xin'an felt blood oozing from the wound.

He now needs to go to the bathroom to get the injection again, but he has no chance and can't leave at all.

Li Qi handed over a tissue and pointed to the corner of his mouth.

Chen Xin'an wiped it, and there was a shocking red color on the tissue!

He quickly wiped the corners of his mouth and shook his head at Li Qi.

Following the bride and groom, she walked to a table of guests. The people sitting here were all friends, including Mr. Dao and Shen Changsheng.

Shen Changsheng, who has now resigned as the president of the Haidong Chamber of Commerce, has no official position and lives in Kyoto, taking care of the construction of Maoping New District.

Just as Luo Xiaoman was about to pick up the wine cup, Luo Qianxue took his arm and said to Chen Xin'an:

"Peace of mind, Xiruo, you can take my place!"

Ning Xiruo frowned.

The best man and bridesmaid hold up the wine, and only drink for the bride and groom when they can't drink anymore.

Now I'm just passing a table, and now I'm blocking the drink?

Chen Xin'an picked up the wine cup and said, "Okay! Dear friends and brothers..."

"Wait a minute!" Dao Qiu was unhappy and said to Chen Xin'an: "Chen Xin'an, you can't favor one thing over another!

You use a glass over there, and a wine cup over here?

That won't work! "

Dao Yi's three sons, the eldest Dao Feng is a boring gourd.

The third brother, Daolei, is a tough guy.

Only the second child, Daoqiu, is too evil-minded and has a bad mouth.

He was dealt with by Chen Xin'an once before, but later Dao Yi followed Chen Xin'an, and he became honest.

After being sent out by my father to pursue the debt for two or three years, my temper has been tempered a lot.

Now he really admires Chen Xin'an. A dragon crossing the river has achieved this step, which is not something he can match.

But that doesn't stop him from finding such an opportunity to see Chen Xin'an make a fool of himself.

Even if I can't beat you and have a drink, you can still save some face!

Dao Qiu placed a whole glass of white wine in front of Chen Xin'an.

Li Qi picked it up and said, "I'll drink it for the boss!"

"No!" Chen Xin'an held down the cup and raised her chin.

Only then did Li Qi realize that the entire table had already replaced glasses and filled them with wine.

It's like telling everyone that it's okay to drink with others if you want to, but you have to fill up a glass yourself.

In this way, everyone will be fair, and others will not be able to replace them.

Chen Xin'an picked up the wine glass and said to everyone: "Dear friends, brothers! Thank you for coming. My brother is very happy. We will not go back until we are drunk!"

"You won't come home until you're drunk!" Everyone shouted with a smile, then touched the wine glass to the table, picked it up and drank.

When Chen Xin'an took his second mouthful, he could already feel the blood in his chest that couldn't be suppressed!

He swallowed hard, but in the next second, a mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth!

But he immediately held the cup with both hands, swirled it around, used the remaining wine to wash away the blood stains in the cup, and poured it all into his mouth!

Everyone was drinking and no one noticed this scene.

But Li Qi saw it, Ning Xiruo saw it, and Luo Xiaoman saw it too!

Putting down the cup, Chen Xin'an wiped her mouth with her sleeve, raised her hands and said to everyone: "Eat and drink well, everyone. I'm sorry!"

Turning around, he waved to the relatives table and asked Xiao Zhang to come over.

He turned to Luo Xiaoman and Luo Qianxue and said, "Let Lao Xiao take over for me for a while while I go to the bathroom!"

Luo Qianxue said dissatisfied: "Xin'an, what happened to you today? This state is really useless!"

"Shut up!" Luo Xiaoman looked gloomy and glared at her.

Luo Qianxue frowned and wanted to scold him, but Xiao Qin said to her: "Qianxue, don't make people laugh!"

Taking a deep breath, Luo Qianxue glared at Luo Xiaoman and cursed in a low voice: "Go home and see how I deal with you!"

Luo Xiaoman ignored her, just looked at Chen Xin'an and said, "Old Chen..."

Chen Xin'an waved her hands and said, "What are you doing? I just went to the bathroom!

You are so happy today, nothing else is more important than this!

You must be happy, so many guests are watching!

Don't make Qianxue angry. If you make her angry just after getting married, I want to slap you!

Watch out for her belly and don't let her drink too much!

Okay, I'll be back in a minute! "

He took two steps forward and his body swayed.

Li Qi followed up and said, "I'll accompany the boss. Brother Zhang, ask Brother Lei to come over and replace us!"

Seeing Chen Xin'an pretending to be calm but unable to hide her staggering steps as she left, Luo Qianxue curled her lips and said to Ning Xiruo:

"Xi Ruo, I used to think that Xin An's drinking capacity was okay!

I didn’t expect it to be so delicious!

It's really embarrassing for me to let him take the lead! "

Luo Xiaoman suddenly turned his head and cursed at her: "Can you stop saying a few words?"

Luo Qianxue was stunned!

This was the first time Luo Xiaoman spoke to her in such a tone!

And it was at their wedding!

She wanted to get angry, but looking at Luo Xiaoman's red eyes, she felt scared for no reason.

He could only hug Ning Xiruo's arm, and said with a grievance and a cry: "Xiruo, look at it!

Men have such bad qualities, once they get it, they won’t cherish it..."

Ning Xiruo patted her hand gently, turned and scolded Luo Xiaoman: "What are you doing! What Xin'an just told you, you forgot in the blink of an eye, right?"

Luo Xiaoman opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something, but after looking around, he sighed.

Finally reaching the bathroom, Chen Xin'an pushed Li Qi away from him and rushed into the bathroom.

As soon as he closed the door, he opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood!

Li Qi, who rushed in later, was shocked when he saw this scene. He supported Chen Xin'an and said, "Boss, I'll take you to the hospital!"

"Don't move yet!" Someone suddenly shouted from behind. Li Qi turned around and saw that it was Luo Qianhe.

"Don't be here, there are too many people!" Luo Qianhe frowned and said to Li Qi, "Let's help him to the box next to him!"

Chen Xin'an's current appearance should not be known to too many people, as it could easily lead to danger.

Li Diding nodded, and together with Luo Qianhe, he helped Chen Xin'an out of the bathroom like a drunk person.

There was an empty room next to it. Luo Qianhe opened the door and helped Chen Xinan in with Li Qi.

Let him lie down on the sofa and unbutton his clothes.

The blood from the wound has stained the shirt underneath red.

When they unbuttoned their shirts and looked at the wounds on Chen Xin'an's body, Luo Qianhe and Li Qi's eyes turned red.

"You don't want your life!" Luo Qianhe gritted his teeth and cursed at Chen Xin'an.

With such injuries, other people would have died long ago!

But he still dared to drink large glasses of wine with others, which aggravated the injury!

Chen Xin'an wanted to say something, but she didn't have the strength to speak, so she just smiled.

But he suddenly coughed, and a lot of blood poured out of his mouth and nose!

"Boss!" Li Qi exclaimed.

Luo Qianhe immediately pressed Chen Xin'an's chest with both hands, touched the cloth bag hidden on his body, took out the silver needle, and injected five needles in his body.

They are all intentional inheritors, and knowing acupuncture is the basic operation.

It's just that his acupuncture skills are much worse than those of his senior brother.

But it can still be used to stop bleeding at the most basic level.

Seeing that Chen Xin'an's mouth, nose and wounds were no longer bleeding, Luo Qianhe did not dare to delay and said to Li Qi:

"Send him to Zhenghe Hospital immediately. I want to arrange surgery with him! There is still a bullet in his body that has not been removed!"

In the underground parking lot, Luo Xiaoman and Luo Qianxue saw the leaders off in the car.

Seeing several cars disappear from sight, Luo Qianxue breathed a sigh of relief and said:

“With these leaders gone, it’s easy for the rest.

Husband, my mother just counted, we received more than one million in betrothal gifts! "

Luo Xiaoman looked towards the exit of the parking lot, frowned and said:

"Daughter-in-law, I want to go to the hospital.

I just heard them say that Lao Chen was sent to the hospital! "

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