Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1970 Just watch from the sidelines

Before the operation even started, there was already a noise in the operating room!

Catherine spread her hands, shook her head and said, "Sorry, I will not participate in such an operation.

I'm just watching, I don't want to get myself into trouble! "

The foreign male doctor who also came with her in exchange crossed his arms and looked at Luo Qianhe with an arrogant attitude and said:

“No one can take out the warhead without anesthesia!

None of us Eagle Flag people have ever had such an operation.

But there are many of you in China, so it doesn’t matter how many of you die.

So I can participate in this kind of surgery that does not pay attention to human rights.

However, you must sign a liability release agreement first.

You can do the surgery if you want me to, but if the injured person dies on the operating table, it has nothing to do with me! "

"Mr. Gray..." Ding Bao really wanted to say something, but the other party interrupted him directly:

"Listen, dear Dean Ding!

We are here to support your backward medical level in China and bring advanced medical concepts and technologies for you to learn from.

Therefore, we can show our medical skills to you without hesitation.

But we will not be responsible for the life and death of the experimental subjects.

Don’t worry, we won’t give up on this operation, after all, this kind of guinea pig is not easy to find..."

An impatient voice came from the operating table: "Are you ready? Let's start quickly!"

Ding Baozhen quickly said to the two foreigners in front of him: "I'm sorry, you two, the surgeon this time was not you.

The reason why I asked you to come and participate was to invite you to watch.

After all, in exchange, we cannot hide the highest level of surgery. "

Catherine and Gray's eyes widened!

"Do you think this kind of surgery is the highest level?

That's right, with your current medical technology, such a surgical operation is indeed quite difficult.

But for us, it’s just child’s play! "

"You actually let us just watch this kind of surgery?

Do you really not care about the life or death of the injured?

I dare say that if I were the surgeon, the person lying on it would at least have a chance of surviving.

But if it were any of you, he would definitely die! "

Ding Baozhen chuckled, turned around and walked towards the operating table without explaining.

Catherine and Gray looked at each other, then shook their heads at the same time.

Gray spread his hands and said with a look of gloating: "These stupid Chinese people will soon pay the price for their willfulness and ignorance!"

Chen Xin'an looked at Luo Qianhe and Ding Baozhen who were already standing next to them, as well as several expert doctors from Zhenghe Hospital, and asked with a smile:

"Are you ready? Pigeon, wipe off the sweat! Don't be nervous, I will always guide you!"

Guo Zhaodi used a tissue to wipe the sweat from Master's forehead.

Luo Qianhe took a deep breath, nodded to Chen Xin'an and said, "Although it's not my strong point, but... that's it, let's get started!"

Chen Xin'an said in a deep voice: "Fengchi, Yintang, Jianjing, Houxi, Hegu..."

Following Chen Xin'an's words, Luo Qianhe took a silver needle and quickly injected it into Chen Xin'an's body.

Catherine and Gray looked confused.

What are these Chinese people doing?

Now that we’ve started, why don’t we go under the knife?

And how can the injured person on the hospital bed still have the energy to say such useless nonsense?

Shouldn't you maintain your strength so that when the knife cuts through your body, you won't even have the strength to scream!

After the needle was inserted, Luo Qianhe breathed a sigh of relief, glanced at Ding Baozhen, nodded, and shouted softly: "Start!"

The two of them took scalpels and cut open Chen Xin'an's skin almost at the same time.

One on the chest, one on the abdomen,

Two gunshot wounds, two surgeries, performed at the same time.

The expected screams did not appear, and the injured on the hospital bed showed no reaction at all.

It seemed that what was cut open was not his body.

Did he faint immediately?

This kind of endurance is really too bad.

Catherine took a step forward, looked at Chen Xin'an with her eyes closed on the operating table, curled her lips and said to Gray:

"Maybe he is about to die! This guy is old-fashioned and fragile, and he is also a disgusting guy even when he is alive!"

But at this moment, the guy who made her think she was dead suddenly opened his mouth and said:

“Dove, relax.

Don't shake your hands, I'm fine!

Look inside again, we are almost there!

Brother Ding, don't touch the one on the right.

Let the clip go in from underneath, where the bullet is.

Zhaodi, give me two more injections at the Yongquan points on both feet, using the same acupuncture technique I taught you! "

Catherine and Gray were stunned.

Is this guy still alive?

And not only is he alive, his voice sounds quite calm!

They have never encountered such a major operation that should be performed under general anesthesia by themselves!

Is this guy a robot?

"Found it!" Luo Qianhe breathed a sigh of relief and clamped the warhead with a clip.

Catherine and Gray's eyes widened and they shouted in unison: "How is that possible!" and ran forward together.

Just now, did they think these Chinese doctors could perform high-level surgeries?

This kind of perverted operation that uses people as mice for experiments would have no value at all if they were not allowed to do it.

But now they wish they could stand at the front!

Because all this goes against medical common sense, isn’t it too weird?

This is not medicine, but witchcraft!

But they rushed over regardless, leaving Ding Bao really defenseless while he was undergoing surgery.

He still has a scalpel in his hand!

He was hit by Gray who came from behind, and with a slash of the scalpel, he cut several of Chen Xin'an's blood vessels!

Blood spurts out!

Ding Bao was so anxious that he turned his head and shouted loudly: "What the hell are you doing!"

"I just wanted to visit!"

Gray shrugged his shoulders innocently and said, "The floor in your operating room is uneven, and I tripped!

And it's just a few small blood vessels, so this kind of connection is very easy.

If Dean Ding can't do it, then let me do it? "

"Get the hell away!" Luo Qianhe cursed at Gray with red eyes.

The doctors around him also glared at him.

Gray stood aside with a look of disdain on his face.

It's just a little accident, these Chinese people are too cautious.

Ding Baozhen didn't have time to argue with him here.

He quickly connected the blood vessels and finally took care of the unexpected injury.

But at this moment, Chen Xin'an was bleeding too much, and his consciousness began to blur!

In order to facilitate the operation, Chen Xin'an did not use the testing equipment at all.

So there is no reference such as electrocardiogram and blood pressure chart.

But looking at his increasingly pale face, Ding Baozhen also knew that he had to give Chen Xin'an a blood transfusion at this moment.

None of the killers could kill him.

He can survive surgeries without anesthesia.

But because of the reckless behavior of a stupid foreigner, he died on the operating table from excessive blood loss?

Once such an accident happens, Ding Baozhen will never forgive himself in his life!

Luo Qianhe also cursed at Gray with red eyes: "If there is anything wrong with my senior brother, I will make it impossible for you to leave here alive!"

"Are you threatening me?" Gray said angrily: "I've already said I'm sorry, what else do you want?"

Catherine also said with a straight face: "It's just a little accident.

Just go to the blood bank and get a blood bag of the same blood type for him and hang it on him!

You can't even do something as trivial as blood transfusion, right?

Then we can teach you! "

"Shut up!" Luo Qianhe yelled at her:

"You two foreign idiots know nothing!

My senior brother's blood type is even rarer than panda blood!

There is no one in the whole world who can match his blood type!

If you two idiots kill my senior brother because of this, I, Luo Qianhe, will definitely kill you both! "

Ding Baozhen looked gloomy, took a deep breath and said, "Now, there is only one person who can save him!"

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