Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1991 I am a very reasonable person

A cleaner wearing the uniform of Liangmao Liquor Factory rode a tricycle and parked next to the garbage bin on the west wall.

I looked at the east door of the pharmaceutical factory opposite and saw that the security room was empty.

The cleaner jumped out of the car, grabbed the garbage bag in the car, and quickly threw it into the garbage bin!

But at this moment, four people rushed out from behind the security room.

One person shouted: "Cripple Madlu, did I catch you again?"

The cleaner trembled and wanted to run away, but the tricycle was grabbed by two men in security uniforms.

Lu Laizi immediately put on a smile and said to the two people standing in front of him: "Monitor Cai, Brother Xu, are you two working again?"

A man with a low-quality cigarette in his mouth and a messy hair came over and kicked him, and cursed with a straight face:

"Lu Zizi, I told you that if I find you littering again, I will clean you up!

Do you think I'm scaring you? "

Lu Laizi quickly said with a smile: "Brother Xu, I didn't throw it away.

I didn't throw these on the ground!

I've cleaned everything up..."

Brother Xu scolded with a dark face: "Young master, these things are useless!

It’s not like I haven’t told you this in advance. I’ve said it many times. I don’t know where to throw it?

What would happen if I asked you to catch me last time?

Stop the ink stains, grab your stuff and clean it up quickly! "

Lu Zizi took the broom from the car with a look of helplessness, cleaned up the garbage that fell outside the garbage bin, and muttered:

“We used to share four warehouses, but later you decided to separate them, so we’ll have two warehouses each.

Later, if you insist on three, our winery will only have one.

You just throw rubbish into this one, filling it up for us early and not giving us anything else to use.

Are you too overbearing? "

"What are you talking about!" A security guard from a pharmaceutical factory kicked Lu Laizi on the butt.

Cripple Lu, who was already weak on his legs and feet, staggered forward two steps, looking aggrieved but not daring to get angry.

Another security guard sneered and said: "Just be satisfied with one of them!

After a while, the expansion of our pharmaceutical factory will be completed, and four will not be enough.

When the time comes, you can't dump your pharmaceutical factory's garbage here, you have to find another place! "

Lu Laizi said with an aggrieved look: "It's useless for you to tell me about this, I'm just a cleaner.

I will dump the trash wherever the manager tells me..."

Squad leader Cai came over and kicked away the garbage that Lu Zizi had just swept away. It was all over the floor. He looked at Lu Zizi coldly and said:

"You can listen to whoever you want, but if you dare to dump garbage here, I'll beat you up!"

Clay figures all have three-part earth nature.

Seeing that these people were so aggressive, Lu Laizi threw the broom in his hand and cursed angrily:

"Why do you bully people like this?

They all come out to work and make a living, right?

I've been deducted more than 200 yuan this month because I didn't clean up the garbage thoroughly.

Why aren't you done yet..."

Seeing that this guy actually dared to talk back, the four people all raised their faces and surrounded him.

Just as he was about to take action, he saw a few people coming from the direction of the winery.

"What are you doing?" Luo Qiancheng came over angrily, kicked Squad Leader Cai in the stomach, pointed at him and cursed:

"It's you again, you bastard! I've always heard that you bastard was blocking the cleaners of our winery, and now I finally caught you in action!"

Squad Leader Cai also knew that this was the director of the winery, and that he, a small security squad leader, could not offend him.

Not angry after being kicked, he took a step back, patted his clothes, and said with a smile:

"Director Luo, don't be as knowledgeable as a little guy like me.

If you have the ability, come to our Factory Director Zhou to discuss it!

Besides, people can't be white-eyed wolves, right?

This place originally belonged to us, so it’s not fun for your winery to be used as a garbage dump for several years!

I'm just following orders, and I want to inform you that you can only use this garbage bin for three more days at most.

After three days, we took it all back! "

"Fuck you!" Luo Qiancheng yelled with a livid face. Just as he was about to say something else, Chen Xin'an next to him said disdainfully: "What are you doing? Why are you robbing several garbage bins?"

Squad leader Cai laughed, looked at Chen Xin'an and said, "This big boss is still open-minded!

You wine manufacturers have a big business, why would you care about this kind of thing?

When the time comes, no one will care how many warehouses we find somewhere else to store! "

Chen Xin'an smiled and said, "Here, give the garbage bin to others! How many do you want?"

Squad leader Cai pointed in front of him with an arrogant look and said, "I want all four!"

"Okay, give it all to them!" Chen Xin'an clapped her hands.

The four squad leaders Cai laughed and said, "Thank you, boss, for being so generous..."

Before he finished speaking, he heard a roar from inside the winery, and two forklifts drove out!

Squad leader Cai and the four others were stunned.

What is this for?

Chen Xin'an waved his hand, and two forklifts slowly drove over and shoveled up the garbage bin full of garbage.

When the forklift slowly turned around, it rumbled towards the pharmaceutical factory.

Squad leader Cai's expression changed. He seemed to have guessed what these guys were going to do!

"Stop the car and don't let them in!" Squad Leader Cai shouted.

The three people around him all rushed towards the door of the pharmaceutical factory and blocked the entrance with their bodies.

Squad leader Cai glared at Chen Xin'an and cursed: "Let them stop! What do you want to do?"

Chen Xin'an glanced at him expressionlessly and said, "As everyone knows, I am a very reasonable person.

You say you want this thing, or you want all four.

I'll deliver it directly to your home!

By the way, go buy two good cigarettes and distribute them to our forklift master and cleaning master later!

Will I clean it up and deliver it to your home for free? "

"What the hell..." Squad Leader Cai almost lost his temper!

I thought this guy was easy to talk to, but he turned out to be even more of an asshole!

I also follow orders and do things. If you do this, I will have a huge responsibility!

Fortunately, my own people have blocked the door, so you don’t dare to break into the factory!

Sure enough, seeing the three people blocking the way at the entrance of the pharmaceutical factory, the two forklifts slowed down.

Chen Xin'an said loudly: "Crash directly into it and I'll pay if you kill someone!"

How dare you say such pretentious words?

Squad Leader Cai wants to kick this guy in the face. Who do you think you are?

Are you rich?

Before he could curse, Luo Qiancheng clapped his hands and laughed and said, "I've learned, I've learned, Chen Xin'an, you are really nothing compared to me!

I should use this trick to deal with them..."

Chen Xin'an? !

Squad leader Cai's eyes darkened and he almost fell down.

Without saying a word, he ran to the gate, waved his hands and shouted, "Go away! Don't stop me, they really dare to crush people to death!"

For others to say this is to be pretentious.

But if the words came out of Chen Xin'an's mouth, let alone three people, even if he stood against these thirty people, he would still crush them!

And they really can afford to pay!

What's going on?

Didn’t it say that the winery has been transferred to the Luo family?

After all, Liangmao Distillery is not part of Chen Xin'an's Anhao Group, and this is a fact that the entire Kyoto knows.

Why did I go to a small winery and start a dispute and attract this great god?

This is not something that a small security squad leader like him can interfere with!

The three people standing at the gate ran away the second before Squad Leader Cai called them to leave.

They had no choice but to think that the garbage bin was almost touching their faces and the forklift had no intention of stopping yet!

Instead, he stepped on the accelerator and rushed over, scaring them so much that they fled in panic!

Two forklifts rushed into the pharmaceutical factory, drove forward twenty meters, and then knocked the garbage bin to the ground with a bang!

Soon two cars drove out and threw the remaining garbage bins into the pharmaceutical factory one by one in this way.

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