Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2001 They only make money without conscience

There were more than a dozen people in the box, and of course they were all Lin Yuansen's confidants.

Seeing the man rushing in, someone immediately came up to him and blocked him at the door.

Yu Chaoran scolded with a straight face: "Where are the security guards at the exhibition?

What to eat!

Is it okay for people to break into the private room at will?

Are you just going to let people harass your guests? "

Several security guards ran over and tried to pull the man out.

The man struggled hard and shouted loudly: "I don't want to cause trouble, I just want to get the compensation I deserve!

My wife still has to wait for money to save her life, so give me the promised money! "

Miao Guangxu slammed the table and cursed angrily: "Are you out of your mind?

People who want money come here! "

The man cried: "I can't find you! You are all hiding. How can I ask for money if I don't chase you here?"

Miao Guangxu cursed: "Compensation has to go through a process!

Do you think we will give you money if you want it?

Who knows whether your wife’s miscarriage is true or false?

Even if it is true, who knows why he had a miscarriage?

We all need to investigate and verify, step by step!

Just go back and wait until it is verified that if it is our responsibility, we will definitely compensate you.

It’s not like you don’t know our identities, so why do you still lose that little money? "

The man broke down and cried: "How long do you have to verify!

It has been verified for a week, and every time I ask, I am verifying.

I asked who verified it and couldn’t tell. I couldn’t tell where it was verified!

My wife will have a major surgery tomorrow and I am anxious to wait for the money!

I have no choice but to come here to find you! "

He pushed away the security guards around him, knelt down and kowtowed to the leaders of the Pharmaceutical Association sitting on the sofa.

"I'm begging you! A total of three hundred thousand, it's just pennies in the eyes of you people.

But my unborn son paid for it with his life!

It’s money to save his mother’s life!

I looked at the child that came out, and it was a boy.

Originally, the fetal examination was normal, and she would be full term after another two months.

Just because I took your medicine, I killed my child!

We have repeatedly confirmed whether pregnant women can take this medicine, and your people are patting their chests to ensure that it is fine.

Now the child has had a miscarriage and the adult's body has collapsed.

You have to pay for it!

You have to have a conscience..."

Lin Yuansen, who had been silent for the whole time, without even looking at the man kneeling on the ground, said expressionlessly:

“Whoever sells you the medicine is the one you go to!

Don't interrupt us while we drink and talk about business.

This matter has nothing to do with the Pharmaceutical Association. If you feel you have been deceived, call the police!

If you want compensation, wait until the appraisal process is completed.

There's no point in making trouble here!

Drive him away! "

Several security guards stepped forward to pull the man off the ground, and several strong men sitting on the sofa also stood up.

But at this moment, as a security guard exclaimed, everyone dispersed.

The man on the ground had a fruit knife in his hand, and he kept waving it!

"Go away! It's none of your business, don't come here!

Don't force me!

I just want money, why don't you give it to me!

When you were buying medicine, you people from the Pharmaceutical Association personally told you that the Pharmaceutical Association would be responsible for the problem.

Something really happened and you pushed it all away!

If you promise to compensate, pay it to me quickly!

Otherwise I will die with you bastards tonight! "

Lin Yuansen winked at the men beside him, then looked at the men expressionlessly and said, "Don't mess around! It won't do you any good!"

The man held a fruit knife and said frantically: "I can't control that much anymore!

If you bastards don't make it easy for me, then I won't make it easy for you either!

If you want to die, let's all die together! "

Following the shout, he had already rushed towards Lin Yuansen desperately with a fruit knife!

"She's just crazy!" Yu Chaoran cursed, panicked, pushed the woman beside him away, and crawled to the side.

Miao Guangxu shouted loudly: "Stop him quickly! What are you doing!"

However, he rolled and crawled to the side.

But Zhou Guanhua's eyes widened, he saw an opportunity, kicked the man with the knife on the waist, and knocked him to the ground!

The security guards around him quickly took the opportunity to step forward and try to control the knife-wielding man.

But he yelled twice crazily, and then slashed with his knife!

A security guard screamed, covering his left wrist and stepping back, blood gushing out of his hand!

The other security guards looked frightened and did not dare to step forward.

The man with the knife stood up, looked at Zhou Guanhua with fierce eyes, and rushed towards him while shouting.

Zhou Guanhua was also frightened, screamed strangely, turned around and ran away.

The man with the knife rushed two steps and suddenly turned around and pounced on Lin Yuansen, who was still sitting on the sofa!

He knows that this is the most important person.

To get the money, you have to get this person to nod in agreement.

Otherwise, no matter how hard you try, you won’t get a penny today!

Just as he was about to pounce in front of Lin Yuansen, he never thought that the old man would actually pull up the beautiful woman next to him and push her in front of him!

The man with the knife only wanted to get money, not kill people. Even if he hurt people, he wanted the security guards to retreat.

So he just didn't want to hurt women.

Seeing that the other party was despicably using a woman as a shield, he quickly put the knife back.

At this moment, a man rushed over, hugged his upper body, and threw him to the ground!

Immediately afterwards, other people rushed over, all pounced on the man, and snatched the knife from his hand!

"Let me go!" The man struggled hard, but he was alone after all. He couldn't break free from so many strong men on him, and he was pressed to death!

Lin Yuansen gritted his teeth, his face was gloomy, and he squeezed out one word from between his teeth: "Hit!"

Several strong men raised their fists and hit the man below them hard.

But in the blink of an eye, the man beneath him was beaten until his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, and he was covered in blood!

"Kill this bastard!" Yu Chaoran straightened his clothes, sat back to his previous position, and yelled through gritted teeth.

Miao Guangxu pointed at the man and cursed: "Beat him until he can't stand up, then call the police!

You bastard, dare to commit an assassination? "

Zhou Guanhua came over, kicked the man in the face, and scolded him: "How dare you threaten my father Lin!

With me here, you still want to hurt my father Lin?

I'll kick you to death! "

The man's entire head swelled up, and he spit out a pool of blood from his mouth. He stared at Lin Yuansen with his eyes fixed on him and kept muttering: "I want money! Give me money!"

A group of security guards and escort girls couldn't stand it anymore, but they didn't dare to persuade them. They just stood aside and didn't dare to say anything.

At this moment, someone said quietly: "You can't get them if you ask for money.

They are all a bunch of beasts, they only make money without conscience, they don't care about other people's life and death! "

A tall figure appeared from the door, leaning against the door frame of the box, looking at the scene in the box coldly.

He wore a hat on his head, with the brim held low, completely covering his face.

He was wearing a black windbreaker, covering most of his body under the windbreaker.

Zhou Guanhua glanced at him, frowned and cursed: "Who the hell are you? Are you here to ask for money?

Get out of here! Otherwise, this person on earth would be your role model!

Security, get him out! "

After all, it was their duty. Although the security guards were a little reluctant, they turned around and walked towards the door.

The man in the trench coat pointed to the corner next to him and said, "What I want to do has nothing to do with you.

You are just working as security guards to get paid, so you are not risking your life.

Stand over there and don't worry about anything, I won't hurt you! "

Several security guards hesitated for a moment, then decided to listen to what they were saying and stood aside honestly.



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