Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2003 She is going to bring the Zhang family into eternal doom

Seeing the police rushing in, Lin Yuansen and Miao Guangxu breathed a sigh of relief.

Miao Guangxu pointed at Yu Chaoran who had died on the sofa and shouted to the police:

"Mr. Police, arrest this madman quickly, he just killed someone!"

As soon as they heard that a life had occurred, two policemen pointed their pistols at the man in the trench coat and shouted a warning:

"Say it again, stand up! Raise your hands! Move slowly, let me see your hands!"

The man in the trench coat sighed and murmured: "Why do you have to force me to do it?

I just want revenge!

They are scum to begin with! "

While speaking, he had raised his hands and slowly stood up.

A policeman held a pistol in his right hand and took out handcuffs from his waist with his left hand. He came over and wanted to cuff the man in the trench coat.

The other policeman kept his gun pointed at the man in the trench coat. If he dared to mess around, he would shoot without hesitation!

Lin Yuansen had a sneer on his face, looked at the man in the trench coat and said, "Young man, don't be too greedy!

Just now you asked for money, now it's okay.

But you have to deal with the ones that are there and those that are not.

Now I haven’t gotten any money, and I got myself into it.

Why are you doing this?

An old man who has lived for almost a hundred years will die when he dies. Do you use her as an excuse?


Before he finished speaking, the man in the trench coat suddenly grabbed the policeman's left hand with one hand and snatched his gun with the other hand!

The gunshot hit Lin Yuansen first in the abdomen, then turned the gun and pointed it at the policeman's head!

The policeman in front of him was stunned. The other party's movements were so fast that he couldn't react at all!

Moreover, the gun was tied to his body with a gun rope, so how could it fall into the hands of a local?

"Don't mess around!" Another policeman yelled, but did not fire.

Because the man in the trench coat used his colleague as a shield, there was no shooting angle at all!

As soon as he finished speaking, the man in the trench coat had already pulled his hostage companion in front of him.

Before he could react, his eyes blurred and the gun in his hand was taken away!

But the next second, the other party put the gun back into his hand, but the magazine had been removed!

This action was so fast, there was no time to react!

Lin Yuansen lowered his head and looked at the blood pouring out of his abdomen, and then realized that he had been shot!

However, this shot passed through all the internal slits in his abdomen, only piercing his identity, but it did not cause him too serious injuries.

He is the president of the Pharmaceutical Association, so he naturally understands medical skills and can sense his own injuries.

But it also made him even more frightened!

How come there is such a terrible marksmanship? It is too accurate, right?

He breathed heavily, knowing that he couldn't panic now, otherwise the injury would not be fatal, and the bleeding would kill him.

The man in the trench coat also unloaded the magazine from the gun in his hand and handed it back to the policeman in front of him. He pushed him, shook his head and said:

"Don't force me, you are not my enemy! I just want the evildoers to receive the punishment they deserve!"

The two policemen knew that the other had shown mercy, and even now they were free and uninjured.

But they still didn't step back, looking at the man in the trench coat helplessly.

"Sorry, we can't leave! Because we are the police!"

"No matter what mistakes he has made, you have no right to punish him. Everything must be done in accordance with the law!"

The man in the trench coat said in a deep voice: "If you dare to stop me again, you will die!"

The two policemen looked at each other, then took a step forward without hesitation, looked at him and said:

"I'm sorry, it's my duty to die!"

At this moment, two people appeared at the door and said to the two policemen: "Leave and leave it to us!

Otherwise you will really die! "

"Don't say it's just you. Even if the entire criminal investigation team comes, if he wants to go on a killing spree, all of you will be wiped out and no one can escape!"

Chen Xin'an and Li Qi walked in and waved to the two policemen.

The two policemen still wanted to persist, but they saw Sungalo and several others standing in the corridor outside, waving to them.

The two were stunned for a moment and had no choice but to walk out.

Sungalo looked at a colleague next to him, shrugged and asked: "Now do you believe what I said before?

They are indeed protecting us!

The strength of some people is indeed beyond our imagination.

Even if you have a gun in your hand, it will be of no use in front of others! "

The police officer who was quite dissatisfied with Chen Xin'an before was now blushing and speechless with shame.

A group of security guards and waitresses were kicked out, and the box door was closed again.

The police officer asked Sun Galo uneasily: "Boss, are Mr. Chen and the others... okay?"

Sun Galuo shook his head and curled his lips and said: "He will be fine. I have never met anyone who can't even deal with Chen Xin'an!"

In the box, Miao Guangxu shouted to Chen Xin'an in silence: "Chen, do you know this person?

Was it because of your instigation that this happened?

You surnamed Chen are so despicable!

Seeing that our medicine was selling like hotcakes, we came up with such a harmful trick! "

Li raised his toes and kicked a wine bottle into the air, smashing it on Miao Guangxu's head!

"Shut up! Otherwise I will let you die here now!"

Miao Guangxu screamed, covered his bleeding head, and closed his mouth angrily.

Chen Xin'an ignored them, just turned her head and looked at the man in the trench coat, and said softly: "Ji'an, stop it!"

The man in the trench coat shook his body, seemed to look at Chen Xin'an, and said in a deep voice: "Boss, are you here to arrest me? You already knew it was me, right?"

Chen Xin'an shook his head and said: "I'm not here to catch you, I'm here to save you.

From the moment Zhang Sui'an died, I guessed that you might be back.

Because the guy's death was so normal that it seemed abnormal.

Only professionals can make such a perfect game.

When the three foreigners were burned alive, the other party used hidden fire.

I knew it was you who was coming back.

Ji'an, come with me, such a scumbag shouldn't lose everything you have! "

The man in the windbreaker lowered his head and said nothing. Chen Xin'an walked up to him and put her hand on his shoulder.

The body of the man in the trench coat began to shake slightly, and he said in a trembling voice: "Boss, grandma is dead!

We agreed that when she turns 100, I would take her on a trip to the Long March.

It’s only one month left, boss, only one month left!

The Zhang family is finished. That stinky girl Ayu wants to wipe out the Zhang family!

She surrendered to the enemy and betrayed the country, putting the entire Zhang family into a state of despair!

I refused to listen and simply cleaned up the house for the Zhang family.

Boss, I don't want to worry about this.

I am willing to hide in the Black Mountain Tiger for the rest of my life, even if I am the only one left in the Zhang family.

But I can't ignore grandma!

In this world, the person who loves me the most is my grandma!

But these bastards killed grandma! "

Lin Yuansen and Miao Guangxu breathed a sigh of relief at the same time when they saw someone came to rescue them and seemed to have a good relationship with this madman.

Lin Yuansen covered his lower abdomen with his hands, endured the pain, and gritted his teeth and said:

"The doctor has said that your grandma died of myocardial infarction. What does it have to do with our medicine? What does it have to do with me?"

Miao Guangxu waited for the bodyguards to curse: "What the hell are you doing? You are all a bunch of trash!

Hurry up and take this opportunity to control this madman!

Send him to the police station!

He was the one who killed Lao Yu, and he will never think of it again in this life! "

A group of bodyguards walked over with gloomy expressions. Before they could get closer, the man with the knife on the ground suddenly got up, pounced on Miao Guangxu, and put the knife on his neck!

"Don't come here! Otherwise I will let him die!"

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