Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2009 It’s not easy for everyone

The floor of the room has been dug up and floor heating pipes have been laid.

Chen Xin'an's request was for the safest and most comfortable floor heating, so the workers installed electric floor heating.

The wiring and pipes have been laid, and now it's time to lay the wooden floors.

The construction team was introduced by Dao Feng. Xiao Daozi supervised the work for a few days and didn't talk about the work.

As soon as I asked for a quote for the materials, I discovered the problem.

"Boss, this is all being plotted against you. This is intolerable! Do you want me to teach them a lesson now?"

Xiaodaozi took his mobile phone, pointed at the unit price of materials found on it, and said angrily to Chen Xin'an.

Chen Xin'an waved her hand and said to him: "Call the person in charge over first and ask about the situation."

"Okay!" Xiao Daozi nodded and made a call with his mobile phone.

"Where have you been? Come to the orphanage. I have something to ask you. Okay, I'll wait for you!"

After hanging up the phone, Xiaodaozi nodded to Chen Xin'an and said, "I'm here already!"

Ten minutes later, a black Honda parked at the gate of the orphanage.

This car looked familiar to Chen Xin'an, and sure enough, someone got out of the car and came over, it was Liu Jianhong.

Unexpectedly, the person Daofeng introduced was him.

Dao Feng is a real person, and this left a good impression on Liu Jianhong and Chen Xin'an.

How come you do one thing overtly and another secretly?

"Boss! Are you looking for me?" Liu Jianhong walked to the knife with a smile on his face.

He didn't recognize Chen Xin'an, after all, his attention was on Mr. An at that time.

The knife pointed at Chen Xin'an and said, "Don't call me boss, he..."

Seeing Chen Xin'an shaking his head at him, Xiaodaozi immediately shut up and asked Liu Jianhong:

"Liu Tou, you are a bit unreasonable! Let me ask you, what is going on with this project?"

Liu Jianhong was stunned for a moment, glanced at the ground under construction next to him, and said to Xiaodaozi: "Boss, wait a moment, I will check it again!"

He squatted on the ground and examined it carefully bit by bit.

Two floors of the three-story building have been paved, leaving only the top floor.

Liu Jianhong checked it again, came back with a puzzled expression, and said to Xiao Daozi:

"Boss, is there any problem with the work? I checked everything and there is nothing wrong!"

Xiao Daozi scolded him angrily: "I didn't talk about the quality of your work, I talked about your quotation for these materials!

Liu Tou, you are a bit uninteresting!

My uncle introduced you here, and I trust you, so I asked you to help me select materials and quote prices.

I know you earn this kind of hard-earned money from your work.

If the price is pretty much the same, I'll just forget it.

But you have such a dark heart. You give me two hundred and fifty for every square foot of eighty-nine floors?

Do you think I look like 250? "

Liu Jianhong's face turned red and he said to Xiao Daozi: "Boss, listen to me..."

"You're talking nonsense to me!" Xiao Daozi scolded angrily: "If I didn't have friends who understand this, I would have been tricked by you!

You are so unreliable in what you do, I don’t need you anymore!

Also, I can't give you a quote like yours.

Now you can either give me the paved work and redo it.

Or just complete the settlement for me based on the actual quotation.

It's up to you! "

Liu Jianhong's face turned pale, and he said to Xiaodaozi with a smile: "Boss, I really don't want much!

This material is at this price, I really don’t earn more from you.

What you are looking at is our Chinese national standard quotation. I use international standard materials.

They look similar in appearance, but the materials are different!

Boss, at worst I don't want the material fee, just pay me 230 per square meter, otherwise I'll really have to pay to death! "

"Stop doing this to me!" Xiao Daozi pushed him unceremoniously and cursed angrily:

"Do you really think I'm a fool?

You come to me to repay the materials that are so falsely inflated. Do you think my money just fell from the sky?

International standard, right?

I don’t want it, right?

I want the national standard!

You can either start it for me or give me a quotation according to the national standard!

have you understood? "

"Boss..." Liu Jianhong was so anxious that his eyes were red, but he was helpless.

He looked at the ground anxiously and muttered:

"Once it starts again, the materials will be invalid!

I asked when I was laying it out, and I used whatever you said was safest.

Now if you don’t pay for it because it’s too expensive, how can I afford to pay for it?

Why are you people so bullying?

I took my brothers out to work and earn money.

I'm not lazy or acting against my conscience.

How come I didn't make a penny at the end of the year and still lost more than 800,000 yuan!

You people in Kyoto are so bad, you don’t leave a way for others to survive! "

Xiaodaozi was so angry that he pointed at Liu Jianhong and cursed: "Why are you still here? The evil one will file a complaint first..."

Li Niandong came over, took his mobile phone and said to Chen Xin'an: "Chen Xin'an, I might not be lying.

This is the floor being laid now. It is really of international standard. The quoted price is 238 per square meter! "

Chen Xin'an took a look at the pictures on her phone, compared them with the real objects on the ground, and said to Liu Jianhong: "Did you use the white elephant tree?"

Liu Jianhong nodded and said: "Yes, this is the brand! There are two types of national standards and international standards.

Because it is for children, the smell of the national standard is still a bit stronger, so I used the international standard, which is much more expensive.

I really didn’t cheat you. If you think it’s expensive, at worst I’ll make it for you without making any money. Don’t let me lose money! "

Chen Xin'an waved her hand and said, "Okay, you can continue working. It's up to you how much you pay. Once you figure it out, you'll be fine!"

Liu Jianhong was overjoyed. He kept bowing to Chen Xin'an and said, "Thank you, boss! The boss is a good person!"

"Boss..." Xiao Daozi looked puzzled and whispered to Chen Xin'an: "You don't really believe this guy's lies, do you?

People like them who do this will not do this project without at least double the profit!

You have to give them a hard squeeze to make them be honest..."

"Okay!" Chen Xin'an smiled and scolded him: "Be patient and compare yourself, don't be reckless.

Things are not easy for everyone, so don’t target them intentionally! "

Xiao Daozi stopped talking.

Chen Xin'an and Li Niandong went downstairs to spend the night with the children.

After a while, I saw Liu Jianhong standing aside and watching, looking like he was hesitant to speak.

Chen Xin'an walked over to him with a smile and asked, "Liu Tou, what's the matter?"

Liu Jianhong blushed and asked Chen Xin'an: "Boss, do you want a car?

Is the Longqi at the door yours?

Not worthy of your status!

Although my Honda is a bit old, after a wash and a wipe, it's almost like a new car.

There is no shame in you driving out! "

Chen Xin'an suppressed her laughter, shook her head and said to him, "I don't need it!"

Liu Jianhong quickly said: "Boss, it's not expensive. Just give me 50,000 yuan and you can drive the car away. How about it?"

Although that Honda is old, it should be well maintained, and 50,000 yuan is indeed not expensive.

It's just that Chen Xin'an doesn't like this kind of car, and there's no need to spend 50,000 to buy a car that she won't drive at all.

So I shook my head.

Liu Jianhong looked disappointed, apologized to Chen Xin'an, turned around and drove away.

He doesn't need to watch here personally, the brothers know what to do, and he can go about his own business.

The gifts have been distributed, and the little ones are smiling sweeter than the other.

Chen Xin'an played with them for a while, then took Li Niandong and Li Qi out and walked to Jilong Lane.

The three of them didn't drive, so they walked to a fast food restaurant not far away.

As soon as I arrived at the door, I heard a bang inside, and someone kicked the table and chairs in front of me to the ground!

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