Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2030 Return to Pangxingzhuang

Ten minutes later, Li Qi walked out of the on-site kitchen and stood beside Chen Xin'an with a solemn expression.

Sun Galo shook his head and said: "The scene has been destroyed due to fire fighting, and no useful clues can be found.

But what is certain is that homicide has been ruled out.

It was already five o'clock in the morning. It is estimated that the deceased got up to make breakfast. Due to an operation error, the gas tank exploded..."

Before he could finish speaking, Li Qi stretched out his finger and said to him, "I found this on the wall of the kitchen!"

Looking at his black fingers, Sun Galo was stunned for a moment, then said with a smile: "What is it? Ash? It's all over the house, what the hell is this!"

Li Qi shook his head, raised his hand in the direction of the sun, and said to Sun Galo: "Take a closer look!"

Sun Galuo frowned and looked at Li Qi's fingers. Only then did he realize that there were some sparkling silver crystals on the originally dark fingers!

Each crystal grain is so small that it can only be seen clearly when facing the sun.

So when the police checked in the dim kitchen just now, they didn't find this.

"What is this?" Sun Galo asked, looking at Li Qi's fingers strangely.

Burnt salt particles?

This is impossible!

At that high temperature, the salt melts.

Li Qi said with a solemn expression: "It's the black gold residue!"

The expressions of Chen Xin'an and Sun Galuo changed.

Xiao Zhang asked with a puzzled look on his face: "What is it? Gold? Why is it white? Platinum?"

Sun Galo took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "Non-civilian explosives, do you understand what I said?"

Non-civilian use, that is...

Xiao Zhang's face also changed. He looked at the house in front of him and said with disbelief:

"Why does this thing appear here?

Are the people in this family mentally retarded?

What's the difference between hiding this thing at home and sitting on a barrel of explosives?

He really deserved to be blown up! "

Li Qi looked at Sun Galo and said, "This is an explosives expert in the wild.

Using very unprofessional techniques, he suppressed the intensity of Hei Suo Jin.

However, with the help of the power of the gas tank, the explosion occurred within the range where the police would not be suspicious.

But this fire was a bit strange, as it only burned three floors.

According to the floor structure I just saw, this fire should be able to sweep through the entire building. "

Sun Galo swallowed his saliva and said to Li Qi: "Do you suspect that the deceased was a homicide and that someone controlled the explosion?"

Li Diding nodded and said: "And it's probably not the same person! Officer Sun, I need more detailed information from Yao Xinggang!"

Sun Galo did not dare to neglect, and immediately nodded and said: "I will ask the Archives Department to retrieve all his information now!"

Soon all the information about Yao Xinggang was sent to Li Qi's mobile phone.

At the same time, these information were also sent to Huang Hexiang and Jiang Yu's mobile phones by Chen Xin'an.

Feedback came back quickly!

It turned out that Yao Xinggang had worked in a private coal mine in Guanbei before entering the steelmaking plant.

He also served as a gunner's apprentice.

There were twelve people in his team at that time.

In a water leakage accident, more than half of them died.

Since then, Yao Xinggang left Guanbei and came to Kyoto.

Through family connections, I entered the Kyoto Steelworks.

Although Yao Xinggang left Guanbei, he still had frequent contact with Guanbei.

That is, three days ago, Yao Xinggang's mobile phone call records also showed that he had calls with Guanbei.

Jiang Yu inquired about two people that Yao Xinggang often contacted.

One is named Niu Zhenshan, nicknamed the Gun King.

The other one is called Xianzu Feng, nicknamed Fire King.

"King of Guns, King of Artillery, King of Fire!" Chen Xin'an muttered these three nicknames, and suddenly picked up his cell phone and dialed Jiang Yu's number: "Check who Yao Xinggang has contacted in the past two days!"

Half an hour later, Jiang Yu called back: "Boss, you guessed it right.

Niu Zhenshan and Xianzu Feng have arrived in Kyoto.

I came here three days ago and changed my local mobile phone number.

Yesterday, someone saw them on Xingfu Street! "

It’s your uncle’s Pangxingzhuang Film and Television City project!

Chen Xin'an hung up the phone and said to Sun Galuo: "Brother Luo, I'll leave this matter to you.

Lao Xiao, Ah Qi, let’s go to Pang Xingzhuang! "

Master Long ran all the way outside the Fifth Ring Road and saw Caiyun Lake in the distance.

There are also various antique buildings that have been erected.

With blue sky, clear water and ancient buildings and old streets, the scenery here is truly magnificent.

Of course, it is also because the work here has basically been suspended for the New Year. If it was still under construction, there would not be such a beautiful scenery.

"It's so beautiful!" Even a thick man like Xiao Zhang shook his head and sighed.

Chen Xin'an smiled and said: "Come back when everything is completed, it will be even more beautiful!"

The car stopped at the door of Mu Jinrong's house.

Xiao Zhang was about to knock on the door when something suddenly sounded and he immediately stopped.

He jumped aside alertly and glanced upward, as if he was looking for something.

Li Qi asked with a puzzled look on his face: "Boss, what is he doing?"

Chen Xin'an said angrily with a dark face: "The last time I came here, Yun Yan had gasoline poured all over her body.

This guy was bitten by a snake once and has been afraid of well ropes for ten years!

You idiot, you did that last time when the people from Pang Xingzhuang fought against the demolition team!

Now the entire project belongs to us, and Pangxingzhuang is the biggest beneficiary. There is no need for such a thing! "

It seemed that nothing strange was found. Xiao Zhang finally felt relieved and knocked on the door.

Soon the door was opened, and a head popped out from inside, glaring at Xiao Zhang and shouting: "Knock, knock! What are you doing?"

Xiao Zhang smiled and said: "I'm here to find someone, please..."

"Not here!" the young man yelled and slammed the door.

Xiao Zhang was stunned.

I didn't even say who I was looking for, and it's already gone?

He banged on the door again, and the boy who just came out stuck his head out again and cursed at Xiao Zhang:

"Are you really sick? Why are you knocking? Didn't I tell you that I'm not here?"

Xiao Zhang asked him with a dark face: "Who are you talking about who is not here?"

The young man scolded: "There is no one you are looking for!"

Xiao Zhang pointed at his nose and said, "I'll look for you!"

The young man was stunned for a moment, snorted and cursed: "I'm not here either, what you see is a holographic projection!"

Go to hell!

Xiao Zhang pushed open the door.

The young man was angry, clenched his fists and cursed: "How dare you forcefully break into a house in broad daylight? Do you believe I will deal with you now?"

Xiao Zhang didn't say anything, he just punched the door!

There was a loud bang, and the solid wooden door was unscathed, but the sound startled the young man.

Feeling that he might not be able to punch so loudly, the young man had a hint of fear on his face and immediately put on a smile.

"Boss, it's a holiday on the street, and there's no business in the village. Why don't you go to another place to check it out?"

Xiao Zhang looked confused, what do you mean?

Chen Xin'an said to the young man: "Little brother, we are here to see the second master."

"It's no use looking for anyone!" The young man curled his lips and said, "My grandfather can't be seen just by anyone.

He usually doesn't care about business matters!

Uncle Guang and I just have to make the decision, the main thing is me! "

Chen Xin'an smiled and said to the young man: "Then ask Mu Guang to come over!"

"Do you know my uncle?" The young man was stunned for a moment.

Chen Xin'an nodded and said, "Just say that a man named Chen from the city is looking for him and ask him to come out!"

"What's so great about coming from the city!" The young man muttered, looked at Chen Xin'an and the others, and said with a dark face:

"Then wait here and don't run around!

Be prepared, Uncle Guang may not be willing to come out! "

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