At the Xingfu Street Youth Hostel, Mu Wenda and his two younger brothers stood by the counter, smoking leisurely.

The boss is also from Pang Xingzhuang, named Feng Xiangui.

Because he has a foreign surname, he seems to be a bit polite in Pangxingzhuang, and talks to everyone with a smile.

"Wenda, your brother is still worried about this!

Your brother will pay every penny of the money he needs to pay, and he won’t delay it for a day.

Now that it's the end of the year, there are only these few customers left, so don't bother.

I was told to stay for two days and then leave. I don’t think he is a criminal, so why don’t we just forget about it? "

While talking, Feng Xiangui took out a cigarette and stuffed two boxes into everyone's hands.

Mwenda moved his hand and said with a smile: "Brother, if you want to put it aside in peacetime, forget it if you say so.

If it doesn't work out today, I have to go up and have a look.

The big boss assigned me a job for the first time. If I fooled him, it would be unreasonable!

Don't worry, Brother Gui, I'm just taking a quick look and make sure not to disturb them!

Brothers, go up and ask! "

Feng Xiangui's expression changed and he grabbed Mu Wenda's arm.

Muwenda was stunned for a moment, turned to look at him and said, "Brother Gui, what are you..."

Feng Xiangui also knew that he had lost his composure, so he forced a smile and said: "Wenda, give your brother some face.

You also know that it is not easy for me to open this hotel. The village has borrowed more than 20,000 yuan.

If you make such a fuss, this hotel will have a bad reputation. Who will come?

Give me a break and I'll give you a big red envelope during the Chinese New Year! "

Mu Wenda looked at Feng Xiangui, smiled and said, "Okay, Brother Gui, this is what you said!"

Feng Xiangui smiled and patted Mu Wenda on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry, it will definitely be no less than five!"

Muwenda's eyes lit up, he nodded and smiled: "Okay, I'll wait!"

He turned around, waved his arms, and said to the two brothers beside him: "Let's go and have a look in front!"

The three of them walked out of the door together, and Feng Xiangui breathed a long sigh of relief.

He picked up the phone on the counter and was about to press the number when a young man ran in from outside and shouted to him: "Brother, your car has a puncture!"

"What?" Feng Xiangui's expression changed. The car was a new one!

He pulled out a machete from the counter and walked out, cursing:

"Who is so mean-spirited that you dare to stab me in the fetus!

Don't let me catch you, I have to chop off your dog's paws! "

Not long after he went out, Mwenda sneaked in with two brothers.

When he got to the counter, he took out a ring of keys hanging on the wooden board and tiptoed upstairs.

"Wen Hui, you go to the third floor, Wen Liang, you go to the fourth floor, I'm on the second floor, touching each room one by one!"

Mu Wenhui whispered to him: "Brother Da, there are only a few people here, don't they all live on the third floor? Why go to other floors?"

Mu Wenda snorted coldly and said: "This guy Feng Xiangui is usually timid.

I don’t know what happened today, but it prevented us from going up!

Did you see the look in his eyes just now?

If we had just had sex, he would have taken action!

So there must be something weird up here, and there might be someone hiding there!

Be careful! "

Mu Wenhui and Mu Wenliang both nodded.

The three of them dispersed, took the keys to their respective floors and went upstairs.

Mwenda was on the second floor, walking forward lightly.

Passing by a door, he stood at the door, listened for a while, and then took out his wallet and opened the door.

It was empty, nothing.

After exiting the room, Mwenda continued to walk forward, and suddenly felt the ground in front of him shake.

It was already past ten o'clock in the morning, and the sun had already risen.

The shadow of the crack in the door of the room was cast in the corridor.

The place where it shook just now was room 208, and it seemed like someone was walking by the door.

But in the registration book below, 208 belongs to no one.

Mwenda stood on tiptoes and carefully walked to the door of 208. He put his ear on the door and listened for a while.

He lowered his head to find the key to 208, inserted it gently into the lock, then twisted it fiercely and pushed the door open!

There is indeed someone inside!

Three middle-aged men were sitting on the bed, with barrels at their feet. There were also many white barrels stacked in the room.

Seeing Mwenda standing at the door, the expressions of the three of them changed.

One of the men shouted: "Get him!"

Muwenda turned around and ran away without saying a word!

As soon as he ran to the stairs, there was a rush of footsteps below, and Feng Xiangui rushed up with a machete in hand and his eyes red!

Mu Wenda didn't even hesitate at all. He turned around and went upstairs, shouting loudly as he ran: "Wen Hui, Wen Liang, run! Run up!"

There was also the sound of running feet overhead. Mwenda, who had just climbed up to the third floor, staggered and almost fell.

Feng Xiangui, who rushed behind him, raised his machete towards Mu Wenda and chopped it down without saying a word!

Mwenda leaned forward, trying to avoid the knife, but was still slashed on his back, screaming in pain.

Feng Xiangui raised the machete again. At this moment, Mu Wenhui rushed over, kicked him in the chest, then pulled Mu Wenda up and rushed upstairs.

"What's wrong with Brother Da?" Mu Wenliang, who was standing at the corner of the fourth floor, saw Mu Wenda stumbling and shouted worriedly.

Mu Wenhui turned his head and glanced at Mu Wenda's back. His clothes were torn and soaked red with blood. His heart trembled and he said to him: "Brother Da is injured!"

Muwenda gritted his teeth and said: "Stop nagging, run to the top of the building quickly! Don't let the people below catch up!

That bitch Feng Xiangui has gone crazy and wants to kill us! "

The look in Feng Xiangui's eyes just now, as well as the knife he struck, were enough to prove that this guy not only wanted to teach them a lesson, but also wanted their lives!

This also means that the three people in the room are the people they are looking for!

The small hotel only had four floors, and the three of them quickly climbed to the top.

But the nearest building here is more than two meters away.

There is also a wall more than half a meter high, which is difficult to jump over directly.

Feng Xiangui rushed up with three middle-aged men and blocked the way downstairs.

Looking at the children of the Mu family in front of him, Feng Xiangui gritted his teeth and cursed:

"You said you guys don't stay at home honestly, why did you come to my place?

Didn't I tell you not to come up to me? Why don't you just listen? "

His eyes were red, and he walked over step by step with a machete in hand!

Mwenda and the other three swallowed their saliva and retreated step by step.

Feng Xiangui raised his machete, looked at the three people in front of him and said, "Don't blame me when you get down there, you brought it on yourself!"

At this moment, Mwenda and the other three suddenly turned around and shouted: "Killing people! Feng Xiangui is going to kill people!"

"Shut up! Shut up for the hell! Shoute whatever you want, and I'll chop you to death if you shout again!" Feng Xiangui panicked. Unexpectedly, these guys started shouting.

Although most of the businesses on the old street are closed, his hotel is only open because someone is staying there, while the ones next to it are closed.

But it’s not far from the village, and if we don’t have enough security, we’ll recruit people here, and then we’ll be in big trouble!

But almost at the same time, the three guys shut their mouths.

what happened?

Feng Xiangui looked at the three boys strangely, but saw them looking behind him in horror.

He turned around and took a look, only to realize that it was a tenant who had pulled out a pistol and pointed it at the three boys!

Got a gun!

Feng Xiangui's mind buzzed.

Of course he knows that in Kyoto, if a gun appears, no matter how small a case is, it will become a major case!

With a grimace on his face, he shouted to the person behind him: "Uncle Four..."

The man had a terrifying scar on his face and the corners of his mouth were crooked. He glanced at him and said:

“Agui, don’t worry, you’ll be rich once you finish this!

When the time comes to return to my hometown, we will have a meeting.

This matter has nothing to do with you, from now on, just leave it to the three of us! "



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