Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2035 Do you think you are the only one looking for an angle?

Mu Wenda and Mu Wenhui were sent out first. Now, only Chen Xinan, Yao Xinggang and the other three were left in the room. Of course, Chen Xinan did not dare to be careless. After all, he was standing on a gunpowder barrel! Even if these three guys were afraid of death and did not dare to shoot. Once the movement was too big, the vibration frequency was too high. Or if there was a flame, it could still cause a big explosion of these barrels! However, Chen Xinan acted indifferent, as if he did not take these three people seriously at all. He walked to the middle of the room, and the three people opposite subconsciously took a step back. Their goal in coming to Kyoto was Chen Xinan, so it was impossible that they had not even investigated this person's information. This is not a good guy. The three of them joined forces, but they were not his opponent. Fortunately, there are killers in this room now, so I don't think this guy dare to act rashly! Chen Xinan sat down by the bed, looked at the two barrels at his feet, and asked the three people: "Where is your target?" The three people looked gloomy, and no one answered him. Yao Xinggang snorted coldly and said, "Chen Xin'an, there's no need to pretend to be relaxed.

If you weren't afraid, you wouldn't be so persistent!

Maybe I'll tell you a few truths.

Do you think there are only these things?

In fact, there are still some, we have already placed them.

As long as the Cannon King presses the button, the entire film and television city will become a ruin!

How many people will die in Pang Xingzhuang by then is beyond our control!"

Chen Xin'an nodded, looked at them and asked, "So, your target is me, right?"

The three people on the opposite side didn't speak.

Chen Xinan smiled and said, "It has come to this, why not talk about it!

Maybe I will have some reservations and discuss the terms with you!"

"30 million!" The scarred man stared at Chen Xinan and said with gritted teeth:

"I know you are rich.

As long as you give us 30 million each, we will not do this again.

And we will leave China, go abroad, and never come back!"

The short and strong man shouted to Chen Xinan, "Chen Xinan, I know 30 million is affordable for you!

Just think of it as a loss to avoid disaster.

We will leave after taking the money, and all these things will be left to you!

Otherwise, everyone Let's go our separate ways. At worst, we'll both perish together!

But I guarantee that your loss will be much greater than our three lives!"

Chen Xin'an smiled, without commenting, just looked at the three people and asked:

"Did Zhang Jiayu ask you to do this?

What benefits did he give you?

Immigrate abroad?

Is the water seepage accident case going to be overturned?

Do you think that hiding abroad will be fine?

Then you really don't take our Chinese police and Dragon Shield agents seriously!

As long as you commit a crime, even if you hide at the ends of the earth, you can be caught and brought back to China!

Of course, you know that I have a long relationship with the police and Dragon Shield.

If I tell them not to pursue the matter, you can really feel at ease.

Do you understand what I mean now? "

The three looked at each other, Yao Xinggang snorted and said, "Chen Xin'an, who are you? Do you really think we don't know?

When have you ever been so kind?"

Chen Xin'an pouted and said, "So I'm talking to you!

If you cooperate, there's nothing that can't be solved.

Tell me, where are the remaining things?"

Niu Zhenshan was about to speak, Yao Xinggang snorted, "Chen Xin'an, don't waste your time, we won't tell you!"

Chen Xinan nodded and said, "Then let's ask it another way. Apart from the film and television city, where else do you want to move?"

Feng Xianzu said coldly, "Anhao Building, there was originally Dahongmen, but because of the increased patrols during the holidays, it was changed to Four Seasons Flower City!"

Chen Xinan widened his eyes and cursed angrily and amusedly:

"I really don't know whether to say that you are ignorant and fearless, or stupid people are stupid to the extreme?

You dare to attack Dahongmen?

Do you know what the consequences are?

By then, let alone going abroad, you can't even leave Kyoto City!"

Chen Xinan shook his head and looked at the three people in front of him with contempt.

Yao Xinggang kept pointing the pistol at him, but he didn't dare to pull the trigger at all.

Chen Xinan looked at the three coldly and asked, "When will Zhang Jiayu tell you to start?"

"New Year's Eve!" Yao Xinggang snorted and said, "Even if I can't kill you, I won't let you have a good New Year!"

Chen Xinan narrowed his eyes and nodded, and said coldly, "It's cruel enough! You three don't need to move, you can't get out!"

While talking, the three people on the opposite side have been moving carefully.

It seems that they want to take advantage of Chen Xinan's inattention and escape.

Yao Xinggang showed a sneer at the corner of his mouth, looking at Chen Xinan and said:

"Idiot! Do you really think we want to escape from the door?

We are just looking for an angle to shoot!

You go first, I'll take care of him!"

With a roar from Yao Xinggang, he suddenly raised the muzzle of the gun and pointed it at Chen Xinan's head.

With a bang, he pulled the trigger!

"I am the gun king, and I never miss a shot!

You dare to let me point a gun at your head, you're dead!"

But as soon as he finished speaking, he was stunned!

Chen Xinan was still sitting on the bed less than two meters away, but he was completely unharmed!

At the moment of firing the gun, he seemed to see Chen Xinan twist his body and tilt his head to one side.

It's just that the movement was too fast, as if there was only an afterimage.

So he didn't even see whether Chen Xin'an moved or not!

But now I can be sure that the shot I just fired did not hurt the opponent at all!

That guy actually dodged a bullet!

Chen Xin'an sneered and said to Yao Xinggang: "Do you think you are the only one looking for an angle?

Gun King?

hehe! "

Yao Xinggang was shocked and shouted to his two companions: "Jump!"

Niu Zhenshan and Mr. Feng immediately climbed up the window without saying a word!

Yao Xinggang raised his gun again and pointed it at Chen Xin'an.

Only this time, he didn't have a chance to shoot!

When he raised his arm, Chen Xin'an also raised his left arm!

With a bang, a large ball of steel needles flew out and covered the three people outside the window!

Amidst the screams, Chen Xin'an rushed to Yao Xinggang.

I grabbed his gun-holding hand and broke it with a click!

Then he raised his feet one after another and kicked Niu Zhenshan and Xianzu Feng out of the window with two bangs!


Yao Xinggang had a broken arm and several steel needles stuck in his face and upper body, but he still covered his ears with his left hand immediately!

Niu Zhenshan also had a remote control device in his pocket!

But Chen Xinan was not afraid at all.

Although he is a wild artillery king, you can see from the two barrels on the ground that this wild artillery king still has a few tricks up his sleeve.

If the thing made can't resist even this little impact, then the nickname of the King of Artillery will be in vain!

Of course, the more important consideration is the distance issue.

Chen Xin'an knew that these three guys wanted to destroy the film and television city, so they would never put their things here on the old street.

It wouldn't even be placed in Pangxingzhuang, it should be right next to the main city building of the Film and Television City. The lakeside is the most dangerous place.

It is more than 500 meters away from the lake.

This kind of explosion-inducing device cannot be effective beyond 100 meters.

It definitely won't work at such a long distance.

Sure enough, everything was calm.

Yao Xinggang let go of his arms and raised his head.

Looking at Chen Xin'an standing in front of him, sneering at him, his eyes were full of horror!

Without the pistol, he was just an ordinary middle-aged man.

In front of Chen Xin'an, who is at the fourth level of internal strength, the advantage over an ant is that he is a little bigger!

Chen Xin'an didn't waste any time. She raised her foot and kicked him out of the window with a bang!

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