Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2050 A firm opponent of ancient medicine

There was no shortage of towels in the hospital, and soon a nurse brought one to Chen Xin'an.

In front of everyone, Chen Xin'an asked Ning Xiruo to help him tie a white towel on his head and cover his eyes.

Ning Xiruo took his hand and led him into the delivery room.

After a series of disinfections, he was helped to put on disinfectant clothing.

Arriving next to the delivery bed, Qu Guanyin said to Chen Xin'an with a livid face: "Mr. Chen, Ms. Ning, finally, I will reiterate the promise I just made at the door.

If anything happens to the mother or fetus, it has nothing to do with me, Qu Guanyin.

It has nothing to do with the Women's and Children's Hospital.

If you agree, we'll start now.

If you don't agree, it's still too late to withdraw! "

Chen Xin'an said expressionlessly: "I can bear the responsibility, but if any of you deliberately cause trouble or slack off, don't blame me for being rude!"

Qu Guanyin snorted to the doctor and said, "Don't worry, we still have medical ethics."

To be honest, Chen Xin'an's kick at the door just now really scared her.

When a scholar encounters a soldier, he cannot explain why.

Even Chen Xin'an, who is famous in the medical field, never expected to be such a lackluster guy!

So Qu Guanyin's impression of him was extremely bad!

But she didn't want that kick to happen to her, so she agreed to his request against her will.

Glancing at the nurse next to him, Qu Guanyin ordered: "Take off the mother's clothes and take off her naked body!"

A nurse asked: "Director Qu, do you want a caesarean section? Do you need to call an anesthesiologist?"

"No! Take off your shirt first!" Qu Guanyin waved his hand.

She glanced at the blindfolded Chen Xin'an, curled her lips and said, "Chen Xin'an, don't you think this is just a cover-up?

Since you have come in, you are the doctor.

I know that the acupuncture you are going to do is also very dangerous.

It's safer to keep your eyes open.

For the sake of the hypocritical distinction between men and women, you have actually increased the risk to patients. Isn't this a small gain at a loss? "

Chen Xin'an said calmly: "With my wife's help, it doesn't make much difference whether I watch it or not!

But for my brother, the difference is huge.

Even if he doesn't mind, he can't help but feel uncomfortable.

It will be awkward for us to get along.

So I'm going to do a blind stitch. "

Qu Guanyin looked at Chen Xin'an and said nothing.

As a doctor, she was of course disdainful of Chen Xin'an's behavior.

But as a normal person, she had to admit that Chen Xin'an was very thoughtful.

All preparations had been made, Chen Xin'an said to Luo Qianxue, who was already in pain and in a semi-conscious state:

"Qianxue, I feel at ease.

I know you can hear me.

Now I am going to give you an injection, which may be a little uncomfortable.

But you must hold back and follow the doctor's lead.

As long as you cooperate well, both you and your child will be fine! "

Ning Xiruo took a tissue, wiped the sweat from Luo Qianxue's forehead, and said to her softly: "Qianxue, come on! I'll always be by your side!"

Chen Xin'an took a deep breath and said to Ning Xiruo: "Daughter-in-law, remember!

There are one hundred and eight needles for Bu Tian Que, thirty-six death points, and two vital points are needed for each point to promote blood circulation!

So you have to help me pinpoint the location of every critical point.

I can judge the rest of the blood by myself without making any mistakes!

Others, when I need to help the mother sit up, help me hold her.

The interval between each stitch cannot exceed three seconds, so thank you for your hard work! "

Everyone nodded and said, "Okay!"

Qu Guanyin looked at Chen Xin'an and curled his lips.

From the beginning to now, she does not think that the so-called ancient medical acupuncture is of any help to obstetrics and gynecology!

So she felt that Chen Xin'an was messing around, a pure waste of time, and even a waste of human life!

As a doctor's professional ethics, she really wanted to stop everything now.

If she was allowed to take the lead in the treatment, she might even be able to save this poor woman's life.

But let Chen Xin'an, the so-called inheritor of ancient medicine, take the trouble, it seems that medical accidents are inevitable.

Ancient doctors harmed people, and another murderous case was about to happen!

But she didn't dare to stop.

You can't risk your own life just to save others.

Anyway, both she and the hospital have abdicated responsibility, and there are so many witnesses, so if anything happens, she will not be implicated.

And deep down in her heart, there was a question.

Maybe a blind cat meets a dead mouse?

This Chen Xin'an is well-known in the medical community. It is said that he is the apprentice of the medical fairy.

If you didn't have some real skills, you wouldn't be sought after by so many people.

The current condition of the mother can be said to be very serious.

She wasn't even sure that mother and child would be safe, and it would be a miracle if she could even save one of them.

Maybe there is something truly unique about ancient medical techniques!

Ning Xiruo looked at Chen Xin'an and asked, "Honey, can we start? Qianxue is almost dying!"

Chen Xin'an spread out the cloth bag and placed it on the tool table prepared next to him. He nodded and said, "Okay, let's start!"

Ning Xiruo took Chen Xin'an's hand and said, "The first shot, Baihui point!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Chen Xin'an had already stabbed Luo Qianxue's head with a needle.

With almost no pause, another needle was placed on the left and right sides of Baihui point.

"The second shot, Shenting point!"

"The third shot, Qingming point!"

"...The eighteenth needle, Shenque point!"

"...The twenty-sixth needle, Shenshu point!"

There was silence all around, and the only voice in the delivery room was Ning Xiruo's.

There is also the rescue order given by Qu Guanyin to his assistant immediately after seeing the change in the mother's condition.

Seeing Luo Qianxue sweating profusely and convulsing, the assistants tried to stop Chen Xinan several times.

In their opinion, the mother can no longer bear it, and sometimes she even stops breathing!

But Qu Guanyin never stopped acupuncture because she could see that acupuncture was effective!

Luo Qianxue's condition seems to be getting worse, but her contractions are normal and the amniotic fluid has begun to drain smoothly, so her situation is improving!

After the last injection was given, Chen Xin'an let out a long sigh of relief. Ning Xiruo also grabbed his arm, too weak to let herself fall!

Although it is Chen Xin'an who is really doing the work, the pressure she has to bear is no less than Chen Xin'an.

If there is even a millimeter deviation in any acupuncture point, the best friend on the delivery bed will now be dead!

Now her eyes were crying, not from excitement, but from exhaustion.

The cry of the baby could be heard from the delivery bed separated by the curtain.

In the huge delivery room, a total of six women were giving birth at the same time.

But only Luo Qianxue's side had the most doctors and nurses, because the situation was the most dangerous.

Ning Xiruo held Chen Xin'an's arm and said with a tearful voice: "Husband, why hasn't Qianxue given birth to the child yet? Doesn't acupuncture work?"

Chen Xin'an held her hand and said with a smile: "Bu Tianque is not used to induce birth, it is used to save lives!

Now that Qianxue's condition has stabilized, it shows that acupuncture is working.

As for the issue of childbirth, it is still up to Dr. Qu to handle it.

We have no use here anymore, we can go out!

Doctor Qu, I leave this to you! "

"Okay!" Qu Guanyin nodded and looked at Chen Xin'an with complicated eyes.

Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine that I, a staunch opponent of ancient medicine, would one day be so impressed by the ancient medical techniques I saw with my own eyes that I would be convinced!

It was obviously a doomed situation, but now it has turned around and things have turned around!

But now is not the time to discuss it.

The mother is not completely out of danger yet, and the fetus has not yet been born.

Let’s find a way to let the fetus be born smoothly first!

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