Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2052 Nothing is more important than your safety

Everyone's expressions were a bit strange, especially the two girls Mu Caiying and He Lijuan, who looked a little guilty.

Chen Xin'an frowned and asked, "Did you say anything unpleasant to them?"

Everyone in the family is actually well aware of the relationship between Konoha and Guo Zhaodi.

Just to avoid hurting their self-esteem, everyone kept silent.

"How is that possible!" Mu Caiying shook her head vigorously and said, "It has nothing to do with me!"

Seeing Chen Xin'an's suspicious look, Mu Caiying quickly changed the topic:

"By the way, Uncle An, I'm going back tomorrow, school starts the day after tomorrow!"

Ning Xiruo said to her: "Aren't you in the thirty-fifth middle school?

Going from school to your home is almost the same as coming here.

You can live here from now on, it's more convenient.

You don’t need to live on campus anymore. Let’s study on campus instead! "

Being able to get together with her best friends every night, Mu Caiying certainly agreed with both hands.

She looked at Ning Xiruo and Chen Xin'an excitedly and said, "Is it really possible? Then Uncle An needs to tell my parents!"

Chen Xin'an nodded and said, "I'll pick you up when I'm in my second year of high school, and I'll take the subway by myself when I'm in my third year of high school.

Don't live on campus, I'll say hello to the school! "

He left food for Konoha Zhen and Guo Zhaodi, and Xiaojiu will deliver it later.

There was a little quarrel between the family members, but Chen Xin'an didn't take it seriously.

He usually solves the problem by himself. Only if there is a major conflict, he will intervene.

Fortunately, people at home have always loved each other and would not blush when they quarrel.

Like Konoha Makoto and Guo Zhaodi tonight, it should be a little awkward.

Get some sleep and you'll feel as good as alone tomorrow morning!

Lying on the bed, hugging my sweet-smelling daughter-in-law who had just come out of the bathroom.

Chen Xin'an closed her eyes, sniffed the fragrance of her body, and was intoxicated by it.

Ning Xiruo complained angrily: "Oh, what are you doing? I'm still drying my hair!"

Chen Xin'an held out her hand and said to her, "Let me help you blow!"

"Okay!" Ning Xiruo handed the hair dryer into his hand.

Chen Xin'an turned on the hair dryer and tested the temperature of the hot air with her hands.

Then, facing Ning Xiruo's hair, she gently combed it with her fingers.

"Husband, I'm fine!" Ning Xiruo said with her head lowered.

How could she not understand that Chen Xin'an was worried about her.

She was too excited today, but she was actually trying to hide her inner disappointment.

My best friend gave birth to a daughter, of course she was happy.

But no matter how happy you are, how can you compare to giving birth to a child yourself?

The two are not an old couple, but they have been married for five years.

I'm afraid even a ten-year-old couple wouldn't know each other as well as they do.

This is a tacit understanding that can only be achieved through full spiritual blending and complete frankness and trust in each other.

Chen Xin'an understood the loss in Ning Xiruo's heart, so how could Ning Xiruo not understand his worries?

"I know!" Chen Xinan gently rubbed Ning Xiruo's hair and said to her:

"In the afternoon, Pigeon told me that there is a plant in Eagle Flag Country called black mugwort, which has special effects on treating coldness in the body.

It's just very rare. When the foreigner apprentice was making a video, he found one growing in his office.

I wanted to ask Morton Owen to send some for you to use, but even Morton Owen doesn't have a second one.

I heard it is found in a place called Black Hawk Island. When we go to Eagle Flag Country in a few months, I will go to Black Hawk Island! "

Ning Xiruo was silent for a while and then said to Chen Xin'an: "Husband, the trip to the Eagle Flag Country is full of dangers. You can't run around just because of a trivial matter."

The headquarters of Pelosi is in the Eagle Flag Country, and I heard that the headquarters of the Killer Alliance is also there.

So going to the Eagle Flag Country this time is like a sheep entering a tiger’s mouth!

The position of GbSA secretary-general has already attracted two competitors, Abraham and Diesel.

And they all died in the hands of their own men.

They are all the external affairs people of the huge family.

Once the leader died, these two big families hated Chen Xin'an with all their heart.

Once you learn that Chen Xin'an left China and went to the Eagle Flag Country, you can imagine what kind of situation your man will face by then!

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly, shook his head and said: "This is not a trivial matter, this is a major matter that affects the two of us for the rest of our lives!

So it’s worth taking a little risk! "

Ning Xiruo straightened up, held Chen Xin'an's face with both hands, and said seriously: "Nothing is greater than your safety!"

"Yes!" Chen Xin'an put down the hair dryer, hugged her with both hands, kissed her lips, and said softly: "That's my wife's safety!"

Being pressed down on the bed by Chen Xin'an, Ning Xiruo shyly protested: "Oh, my hair hasn't been dried yet!"

"Then don't blow it, because you will be wet with sweat again later!"

"Damn it, why don't you look like you have enough to eat?"

"It's so fragrant, of course you won't be full after eating it! My little cantaloupe, tonight my husband will teach you some new acupuncture techniques..."

"You hate! Bad guy...ugh!

The clouds collect and the rain stops.

Chen Xin'an walked out of the bathroom holding Ning Xiruo, who was too tired to move.

He gently placed her on the bed and lay beside her.

Ning Xiruo hugged his body, her hot and pretty face pressed against his chest, and half of her body was pressed against him.

She just likes sleeping in this position lately, as if she has this man all the time.

The most perfect love is just like first love.

Even though they have been married for many years, the two of them are still as focused on each other as they were at the beginning, without getting tired of each other.

This is how she and Chen Xin'an feel now.

It's not a deliberate expression, but a feeling that comes only from the true depth of love.

Every time she hugged her man like this, Ning Xiruo would fall asleep quickly.

Chen Xin'an also closed her eyes.

The weight of his wife is nothing to him.

And he also liked holding her like this.

The warm and fragrant soft jade is very comfortable in my arms.

Not knowing how long he had slept, Chen Xin'an suddenly opened his eyes.

Ning Xiruo also sat up in a daze.

"Husband, is there someone knocking on the door?" Ning Xiruo rubbed her eyes.

Chen Xin'an had already put on her clothes, stood up and said, "Should I see who it is?"

I clicked my phone and it was already six o'clock in the morning.

Who is knocking on the door so early and out of boredom?

Family members usually call when they have something to do, but this is the first time they knock on the door in the middle of the night.

Chen Xin'an walked to the door with a sullen face and opened the door.

Just as he was about to curse, he saw Konoha Marika standing outside in the rain, wearing only a pair of thin pajamas.

"What's wrong?" Chen Xin'an quickly let her in.

Konoha sobbed and said: "Chen Xin'an, Zhaodi is missing! Please help me find her quickly!"

Chen Xin'an frowned and asked her, "Don't cry. Tell me when you found out she was missing? Where did you look for her?"

Ning Xiruo put on her pajamas and walked out of the bedroom, walked over quickly, hugged Konoha and said:

"Don't cry, tell us what happened?"

Konoha hugged Ning Xiruo, and the baby cried loudly and said: "She is angry with me! She doesn't want to pay attention to me!

I thought she had forgiven me last night, but I just woke up and found that she was missing.

I searched every room, but she wasn't there!

Xiruo, Zhaodi doesn’t want me anymore! she left! "

A large group of people came outside. Just now Konoha was really crazy looking for Zhaodi all over the building, which woke everyone up.

Chen Xin'an had a dark face and shouted to everyone: "What happened? Who knows?"

His eyes fell on the two girls, He Lijuan and Mu Caiying, who were huddled together.

Thinking of the sneakiness of these two girls during dinner last night, Chen Xin'an shouted with a straight face:

"Xiaojuan, Yingzi, tell me!"

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