Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2054 I don’t want to leave with you

Apart from these family members, there is no one Zhaodi knows in Kyoto!

So who are those young people?

Everyone's expressions became tense.

Chen Xin'an's face was even more gloomy. If anything happened to Guo Zhaodi, he would never forgive himself in his life!

He called Jiang Yu and said in a deep voice: "Sister-in-law, someone saw Zhao Di being taken away by a group of young people.

Why can't such a big target be detected by surveillance? "

Jiang Yu thought for a while and said to Chen Xin'an, "Did he drive a car?"

Chen Xin'an nodded and said, "Help me check the cars parked around the Red Heart Square from five o'clock to six o'clock."

Jiang Yu responded: "Okay, I'll go to the office now!"

The offices of Huang Hexiang and Jiang Yu are in Anhao Building.

If he just wanted to check the surveillance video, Jiang Yu could just call an acquaintance in the traffic police department.

But if you want to conduct a large-scale investigation, you need to go to the office to use equipment and apply for road monitoring permissions.

Chen Xin'an knew that this was a waste of time, but there was nothing she could do about it.

After hanging up the phone, Chen Xin'an looked gloomy and said to Ning Xiruo: "Take everyone home, it's time to go to work, it's time to go to school.

Don't worry, I will find Zhaodi! "

Ning Xiruo nodded and said to him: "Don't worry, this is Kyoto City, there are cameras everywhere, it's okay."

Chen Xin'an hummed and smiled at her.

Ning Xiruo took everyone home, and only Chen Xin'an, Li Qi, Xiao Zhang, Dao Lei and Ge Ge were left in the square.

Konoha didn't want to go back at first, but after being coaxed by Ning Xiruo for a few words, she left crying.

"Boss!" Li Qi, who was chatting with a sanitation worker, turned around and shouted.

Chen Xin'an walked over.

Li Qi said: "This is Uncle Hao. This is my boss, Chen Xin'an!"

Uncle Hao quickly bowed to Chen Xin'an and said, "Thank you, Mr. Chen, for the red envelope and dumplings!"

It turned out that this person was one of the sanitation workers who cleaned up garbage in the square on New Year's Day.

Chen Xin'an waved his hand and said, "Uncle Hao, you're welcome, it's us who are troubling you!"

Li Qi turned his head and said to Chen Xin'an: "Boss, Uncle Hao has seen those people!"

Chen Xin'an's eyes widened instantly and she said to Uncle Hao: "Uncle Hao, who are those people? Did you see a little girl next to them?"

Uncle Hao nodded, pointed to the big steps not far from the fountain and said, "The little girl is sitting on the steps over there crying.

At first I thought it was a young man, but a group of young men came behind me. After comparing it, I could see that it was a little girl.

The group of young guys all had Qingxi accents, and there were about five or six of them.

He drove over in a van, chatted with the little girl for a while, then took her into the van and headed east! "

"Uncle Hao, thank you!" Chen Xin'an quickly thanked him. Of course he knew how important this news was.

Uncle Hao waved his hand and said, "Don't worry, Mr. Chen. I'll ask the guys who work together to see if anyone has seen that car!"

"Thank you so much!" Chen Xin'an nodded quickly and said.

The phone rang, Chen Xinan took out his phone and saw that it was Du Yunyan calling.

"Boss, I'm on my way over there, and I just received a call from Xiaojiu.

The first sister’s train is about to arrive in Kyoto, but she has already posted the missing person notice online.

There are photos of Zhaodi on her phone. "

Xiao Zhang on the side asked: "Will it make too much noise?"

Luo Qianhe snorted and said, "As long as we can find someone, no amount of noise is considered big!"

Chen Xin'an nodded and said to Du Yunyan: "Okay, you and Sister Yi should keep an eye on the Internet and notify me of any news as soon as possible!"

After hanging up the phone, Uncle Hao said to Chen Xin'an: "I have already said hello to the brothers and sisters who are in the same class as me. Anyone who sees the van will tell me immediately."

"Thank you!" Chen Xin'an handed over to Uncle Hao, turned to Li Qi and said, "Ah Qi, go to the breakfast stall in front to buy some soy milk and fried dough sticks and treat them to the chefs to warm up your body."

"Okay!" Li nodded and turned to leave.

Uncle Hao smiled and said, "Mr. Chen is so polite!"

Kyoto Red Rock Stadium is still closed due to expansion.

At the intersection, a van came quickly and almost hit the students on the sidewalk who were crossing the road while looking at their mobile phones!

"Are you so damn blind?" The driver poked his head out and cursed at several students: "You can't see the red light on the other side!"

A boy pointed at him and cursed: "Who are you scolding? What's wrong with the red light? I'm going to pass! Are you going to kill me if you dare?"

The driver got angry, pointed at him and cursed: "You stand in front of me, do you think I dare to hit you to death?"

Several boys who were looking at their mobile phones shouted to the boy who was arguing: "Duan Zimo, what are you doing?"

Duan Zimo pointed at the van and said, "This grandson wants to hit me to death! I'll just stand here and let him hit me!"

They were originally a group of bad students in the school, all of them were troublemakers.

Now when they see someone provoking them, they can still bear it, so they all gather around!

"So awesome? Come on, come on, I'm standing here, come and hit me if you can!"

"Why the hell do you feel like you're driving a Mercedes-Benz when you're driving a car? No one cares about people who run rampant?"

"Dare to compete with us? Don't even think about leaving today! Why are you dissatisfied? Come down and challenge us!"

More and more students gathered around, and the driver panicked a little when he saw this scene.

With a crash, the side door was opened.

A young man with yellow hair jumped out of the car.

Behind him, a girl with short hair and neutral clothing also leaned out, but was pulled in again by the person inside, and the car door was closed with a crash.

Huang Mao took out a pack of cigarettes, with a smile on his face, and apologized to everyone in Duan Zimo while smoking:

"I'm sorry, brothers. My brother is in a bad mood and spoke a little irritably, which offended you all.

Don't be the same as him.

Come, have a cigarette and leave it to your friends! "

Duan Zimo scolded: "Don't be so cowardly! Weren't you quite strong just now?

Come on, there are so many people here, not enough for you to hit? "

But no matter how provocative he was, the driver stayed in the car and didn't show his face. Huang Mao kept laughing and saying nice things while holding a cigarette.

Don’t reach out to hit the smiling person.

Duan Zimo lost his temper, pushed Huang Mao away and cursed: "I'm a student, I'm smoking cigarettes! Don't speak so rudely in the future, this is Kyoto, not your home!"

"Hey, I got it!" Huang Mao smiled and nodded.

A group of students said hello and walked away.

Huang Mao also returned to the car.

The driver punched the steering wheel and cursed angrily: "If we were in Qingxi, like this little brat, I would deal with ten of them by myself!"

Huang Mao scolded angrily: "But now you are in Kyoto! Don't cause trouble. After this work is done, we will go back!"

I don’t like this shitty place either.

Everyone looks at people like they are begging for food.

People in Kyoto are so arrogant! "

The girl in the back seat said quietly: "So, you won't take me back at all, will you?

Let me get off the car, I won’t leave with you! "

Huang Mao curled his lips and said with a smile: "Sister, we're all here. Isn't it too late to say no now?

What are you afraid of? We are all fellow villagers. We will definitely keep our word when we take you away!

You stay at the construction site for two days and tell the outside world that you are my girlfriend.

When the work is finished, I will send you back to Qingxi! "

The girl frowned and said, "I don't want to leave now. Just let me go. I'm not your girlfriend! I don't even know you!"

Huang Mao laughed, looked at her with frivolous eyes and said, "You will get to know me soon!

Be my girlfriend for two days and then have fun with my brothers

Once you've taken care of yourself, we'll take you back to Qingxi! "

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