Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2059: You, the King of Qingxi, are no match for him

These are all from Qingxi, and they all came to Kyoto with Wang to work.

He also obeyed the king's orders.

Now as soon as they saw something happened to the leader, everyone nearby came over.

"Dove, take a rest!" Chen Xin'an turned his head and said to Luo Qianhe.

The belt has been severed, and the person on the ground has more air coming out and less air coming in. He is already in a half-dead state.

Luo Qianhe threw away the belt in his hand, turned around and walked in front of Guo Zhaodi. Seeing that her head was so swollen that she could no longer recognize her, he twitched with distress.

"I'm sorry, Zhaodi, Master didn't protect you! Tell me, who else attacked you? Master will avenge you!"

Those who were in the work shed just now subconsciously took a step back.

But when I saw the crowd of co-workers and fellow villagers surrounded by darkness, I became emboldened.

Wang Lai looked at his bloody brother, gritted his teeth and cursed at Luo Qianhe:

"That's my brother!

I can't bear to touch him, why did you beat him like this?

Today, none of you can even think of getting out from here standing upright!

Do you know who I am?

Do you know where my brothers come from?

Let me tell you, I am from Qingxi! "

In China, the impression given to others by Qingxi people is that they are brave enough to fight and refuse to admit defeat.

They like to fight even more than the people from Guanbei.

And he likes to cuddle up very much.

Therefore, when those who came out to work heard that the other party was from Qingxi, they immediately became three points shorter.

Because once you provoke them, you are not provoking a person, but a gang!

But the other party didn't seem to hear it, and several people still stood there with stern expressions.

Only the girl next to the little girl suddenly hugged her head and murmured:

"Qingxi... I seem to have heard of this place... Oops, my head hurts so much, I can't remember it!"

"Ye Zhen, don't think about it!" Now it was Guo Zhaodi who hugged her, rubbing Konoha's head with both hands and said:

"It has nothing to do with you, don't think about it, okay? Look at me, it's just as good as having me!"

Konoha was injured on his head and became like this because he encountered all this in Qingxi.

So subconsciously, I am still very sensitive to this place.

Chen Xin'an asked Wang Lai with a gloomy face: "Are you from Qingxi? Are you with Zhaodi or a fellow countryman?"

Wang Lai glanced at Guo Zhaodi and snorted coldly: "That little girl?

I heard that she came to our door by herself and asked us to take her back to Qingxi.

My brother likes her very much and wants her to be his girlfriend and then take her back.

She is disobedient and wants to take advantage of us without paying the price.

Do you think anything is so cheap in this world?

It's not too much to teach her a few lessons, right? "

Wang Lai had an expression on his face that said, "You can't help me."

There are so many people now, why are I afraid of you?

A little effort is enough?

How many can you hit?

Chen Xin'an said nothing, turned around and walked to Wang Xi's side, bent down and pulled up one of his legs.

"What are you doing? Let go of my brother!" Wang Lai looked at Chen Xin'an warily and cursed loudly:

"Do you really want to die?

Stay away from my brother, or I will kill him..."


Chen Xin'an didn't seem to hear what he said at all, dragging Wang Xi and throwing him in front of everyone.

Then he pulled his feet, aimed at his knees and stomped him!

With a crisp sound, Wang Xi's right leg twisted unnaturally, and the broken bone pierced the skin and trousers, exposing it!

Wang Xi, who was in a coma, screamed, his eyes turned white, and his body was trembling.

Everyone around them was so frightened that their expressions changed. Isn't this guy too cruel?

Even Konoha Zhen and Guo Zhaodi screamed and turned pale with fear.

Chen Xin'an turned around and said to the two of them: "Turn around, or go into the work shed!"

The two of them didn't want to enter that smelly place again, so they both turned around obediently.

Wang Lai seemed to see that Chen Xin'an hadn't stopped yet, stared at him and shouted:

"What do you want to do?

You fucking let my brother go!

Are you looking for death?

Brothers, give me a hand and kill them! "

A group of people rushed over with a roar. Li Qi and Dao Lei, who were standing nearby and had already been unable to restrain themselves, shouted and rushed forward.

Xiao Zhang took out a big wrench and hammer from nowhere, threw the hammer to Luo Qianhe, took the wrench himself, and rushed towards the workers screaming!

Chen Xin'an had no expression on his face, as if he couldn't see what was going on around him. He picked up Wang Xi's other leg and kicked it down hard.

He could kill such a little ant with one kick!

But why should he be spared?

Just torture him!

When he saw Guo Zhaodi, Chen Xin'an had already given the boy a verdict.

You can definitely live, but it will definitely be more uncomfortable than dying!

The leg that was broken by his kick could not be repaired even if it was sent to the best hospital in the country.

So this kid will spend his whole life in a wheelchair!

Moreover, Chen Xin'an's torture to him was far more than that!

Both legs were kicked off, Chen Xin'an raised his right foot and stomped on Wang Xi's chest hard!

Accompanied by the sound of bones breaking and cracking, Wang Xi let out a cry and spat out a mouthful of blood!

His face turned pale before his eyes. With this kick, Fu Shi had already lost more than half of his life!

"Happy son!" Wang Lai cried out sadly, looked at Chen Xin'an with hatred, and cursed:

"I want your life! Kill them!"

Chen Xin'an showed a disdainful sneer at the corner of her mouth, nodded and said, "Then come!"

A group of workers swarmed forward. Chen Xin'an stood behind Konoha and Guo Zhaodi with an expressionless face, looking coldly at the workers who rushed up.

The whole body exudes a frightening murderous aura!

At this moment, waves of car horns sounded, and a large convoy of cars entered the stadium!

When minibuses stop one after another, you will know who they are when you see the signs on them!

Stay safe!

There were also some vans following behind, and Zuo Meng led a group of people out of the van.

Zhang Wanwan followed closely with a group of workers wearing Anhao Real Estate uniforms.

There's no need to say hello, as long as it's someone without uniform, just go up and do it!

A group of Qingxi construction workers were stunned!

They are a ragtag group of people, who are no match for this group of people.

Not Zhang Wanwan's Dongshan brothers, but the security guards brought by Zuo Meng, all of them are good fighters!

People from Qingxi followed Wang Lai to do so many projects and traveled to so many places.

It was the first time today that I suffered such a big loss. I couldn't even lift my head after being beaten!

In less than two minutes, a group of construction workers dropped their weapons and squatted on the ground, holding their heads and wailing.

Wang Xiren was dumbfounded and looked around in disbelief. Finally, his eyes fell on Chen Xin'an and shouted in horror: "Who are you?"

Xiao Zhang kicked him to the ground and scolded him disdainfully: "A little brat like you, how dare you challenge him?

Why don't you let us leave here standing upright?

who do you think You Are?

A mere contractor from Qingxi has a few workers under him, so he thinks he has the qualifications to be arrogant?

Even the King of Qingxi had to bow his head obediently in front of him. He drove him out of Qingxi and even fled abroad without escaping!

Who do you think you are? "

Wang Lai's face turned pale, and when he looked at Chen Xin'an, a legendary name suddenly appeared in his mind!

"Are you Chen Xin'an?

You must be that Chen Xin'an!

Is that girl yours?

I do not know!

If I had known that you two were so close, I wouldn't have dared to provoke her if I had ten more courages! "

Wang Lai was so frightened that his pants got wet.

As a Qingxi person, how could he not know what happened in Qingxi last year?

King Qingxi was actually driven abroad by an outsider!

And he still didn't escape in the end and died under that man's pursuit!

And that person's name is Chen Xin'an!

It’s the Dragon Crossing the River from Kyoto to Qingxi!



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