Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2073 I’ll help you find the person

Are there any simple and sincere people in this world?

How come everyone is an actor and they act so alike?

Xu Qing's face was dark, unable to complain.

Chen Xin'an is still adding fuel to the fire.

"Officer Qiao wants to protect you two, but you don't appreciate it.

If he was taken away by Officer Qiao, he wouldn't have alerted the enemy.

After all, the identity of the instructor is here, and the people in the detention center can rest assured, knowing that Officer Qiao will not catch him by himself.

But now he was fired directly, and he was taken away by me.

Then the retreat must take some remedial measures.

It is much more difficult for the police to investigate.

Fortunately, Officer Qiao should have collected a lot of evidence and brought this one out! "

Chen Xin'an glanced at the foreign girl.

Xu Qing said angrily: "Her name is Eve, and she once saw something with her own eyes.

Qiao Yanhui, I'm warning you, I'm investigating this case, so you have to let me join! "

"Do you think it's possible?" Qiao Yanhui looked at Xu Qing helplessly and said:

"Whether you are suspended or resigned, this is a case of the Kyoto City Bureau, why do you interfere?

But don’t worry, I will take charge of this case and get to the bottom of it!

Never let any criminal go unpunished!

Are you relieved now? Don't you believe me yet? "

"I believe you, you idiot!" Xu Qing scolded angrily: "I used to think you were an honest person with a rigid personality and didn't know how to adapt.

Only now do I realize that you are an old fool, shrewd as hell, and good at acting!

I don’t even know which of your sentences is true and which of you is false! "

"Xu Qing, have you wronged me?" Qiao Yanhui was anxious. He seemed to care about Xu Qing's opinion of him, and said with a blushing neck:

“I did it as a last resort for work.

This is also a basic skill for people like us, right?

Otherwise, how can you deceive criminals?

Besides, what lies have I told you?

I've never lied to you, okay? "

Chen Xin'an glanced at the two of them, and without waiting for Xu Qing to speak, said to Li Qi:

"Go to the city bureau, take her to make a statement, and tell the police everything she knows.

Leave this case to Officer Qiao for investigation. Xu Qing comes home with me! "

"Okay!" Qiao Yanhui and Li Qi nodded at the same time.

Xu Qinggang wanted to object, but Chen Xin'an ignored her, activated his sword and sped away.

In the Zhuoli Preceptation Center, Hou Youming leaned in Zhao Nianbo's ear and whispered a few words to him.

Zhao Nianbo's face was frighteningly gloomy, and he remained silent for a long time.

Hou Youming said anxiously: "Deputy Zhao, think of a solution quickly, otherwise we will be doomed!"

Zhao Nianbo glanced at Zeng Heng, who was talking to someone in the distance. He seemed to want to say something, but he saw 0945 in the crowd from the corner of his eye.

Then a sharp light flashed in his eyes, and he said to Hou Youming: "If you want to save the day, there is only one way!"

Hou Youming said in surprise: "I knew nothing would be difficult for Deputy Zhao! Please tell me and I will do it right away!"

Zhao Nianbo raised his chin, pointed in the direction of 0945, squinted his eyes and said to him: "Let her block it. Do you know what to do?"

Frowning, Hou Youming didn't seem to understand what Zhao Nianbo meant.

But then, a look of realization dawned on his face.

He shook his head and said to Zhao Nianbo: "Deputy Zhao, that is your woman.

Although he usually obeys your orders, she probably won't agree to this easily! "

Zhao Nianbo had a cold expression on his face and said coldly: "Last time I asked you to deliver something to her house, you should still remember the location, right?

Do you think she still dares not to agree? "

Hou Youming's expression changed. Zhao Nianbo was asking him to use 0945's family to blackmail her!

How could he do such a thing?

Hou Youming looked at Zhao Nianbo with a bitter face and a pleading look on his face and said: "Deputy Zhao, please let someone else do this kind of thing. I can't..."

"You're such a waste!" Zhao Nianbo gritted his teeth and cursed in a low voice: "Don't forget that you are the one who caused this.

I'm fucking wiping your ass!

If you don't do it, why don't you let me do it? "

Hou Youming's face turned pale, he glanced at Zhao Nianbo and said: "Deputy Zhao, your butt is not in vain, I gave you two hundred thousand!

And have you forgotten how I wiped your ass?

You have done so many things, but there has never been a time when I didn’t help you.

Now that something has happened, you just want to throw away your mistress, and you want to throw me away too.

After the incident happened, you put all the blame on me and that woman.

You pulled away cleanly, is that too much?

Deputy Zhao, don't push me too hard.

If something happens to me, you won't get well either.

We are grasshoppers on a rope, no one can get rid of the other! "

Zhao Nianbo's eyes widened and he glared at Hou Youming.

Unexpectedly, this usually obedient little follower would dare to threaten him!

But what he said is right. If this guy jumps over the wall in a hurry, he will never be spared.

He suppressed his anger and said to Hou Youming: "Lao Hou, what are you doing!

We've been working together for so long, don't you still know who I am? "

Hou Youming sneered coldly.

I am on guard against you just because I know who you are!

Zhao Nianbo took a deep breath and said to him: "I will spend 100,000, and you can find someone to do this.

If that woman doesn't obey, you'll have someone do it, and I'll give you another 100,000!

Hou Youming, I have already taken out all the 200,000 you gave me.

I've done you a big favor for free.

If you still don't know how to praise me, then I won't care about it. The worst is that the fish will die and the net will be broken! "

Hou Youming quickly put on a smiling face, nodded and said to Zhao Nianbo: "Deputy Zhao's words like this are out of line!

When has Lao Hou ever disappointed you in his work?

Leave this matter to me! "

When he turned around and left, Zhao Nianbo's face quickly darkened, and his eyes looking at his back were filled with a hint of chill.

Chen Xin'an led Xu Qing out of the city bureau, followed by Li Qi and Eve.

Chen Xin'an's face was still filled with shock that could not be concealed.

He really didn't expect that Eve was Lyle's daughter!

Xu Qing looked at Chen Xin'an and asked, "Should we send her back now?"

Chen Xin'an thought for a moment, shook her head and said, "No, Ah Qi, take her home!"

Eve said angrily: "I'm going to find Phillips."

Chen Xin'an frowned.

Xu Qing waved to him, turned around and walked to Eve and said:

“Eve, where are you going to find him?

Still going to the nightclub?

Do you still want to live that kind of life?

The police also said just now that they may look for you at any time.

The guys in the retreat won’t let you go either!

Eve, I can't leave you outside alone.

Either I send you back to your father, or I take you away! "

Eve wiped her eyes, looked at Xu Qing and said: "1085... I'm sorry, Sister Qing, but now I just want to find Phillips!

I want to ask him why he sent me to a rehabilitation center!

Why did you leave me there alone again? "

Xu Qing wanted to say something, but Chen Xin'an said to Eve: "Eve, do you have photos of your boyfriend on your phone?

Send him to me.

I will send someone to find him and bring him to you when the time comes, okay? "

Eve looked at Chen Xin'an with a strange expression.

Xu Qing on the side said: "This is my younger brother.

I think you have already seen that he is a very powerful person in Kyoto!

You can trust him as much as you trust me! "

"Okay!" Eve nodded and took out her mobile phone.

When everyone returned home, Chen Xin'an arranged a room for Xu Qing and Eve to live together.

I just thought that his boyfriend would be easy to find, but I didn't expect that the guy seemed to disappear out of thin air!

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