Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2076 How could I fall in love with a scum like you?

The room was really eye-catching, but luckily the people who could get in were not ordinary people.

For Chen Xin'an, all he saw was a pile of white meat.

Like a skinned pig in a slaughterhouse.

Nothing but nausea.

For Xu Qing and Sun Galuo, as police officers, they have seen too many such scenes.

So at the moment there is no turmoil in my heart.

Eve, who should have been shy, was filled with anger at the moment, and her attention was entirely on Phillips.

Only Li Qi kept his head down, as if he had done something wrong.

Those eyes that have no place to rest, don't know where to look at at all.

If he hadn't been with the boss, he would have run out long ago!

Xu Qing subconsciously wanted to shout to everyone, asking everyone to get dressed and squat down.

This is also the basic operation of the police to deal with such scenes.

Sun Gallo shook his head at her.

Chen Xin'an said, don't let these people know that they are from the police!

Xu Qing shut his mouth abruptly.

Beside her, Eve cried and beat her boyfriend: "Why did you do this? Why did you cheat on me?"

A young man with curly hair quickly put on a pair of jeans, walked over barefoot, and shouted to Chen Xin'an, "Fake! Who are you? How did you get in?"

Although everyone was a little confused, they could see that these people were not police, otherwise they would have been policed!

The curly-haired foreigner came over and pushed towards Chen Xin'an.

I was woken up after only a few hours of sleep. There were some unknown Chinese people in the room. Of course, they were not good-tempered.

Li Qi finally had something to do. He stepped forward and kicked Curly Mao in the stomach.

As he screamed, Curly covered his stomach and fell to the ground!

"What are you doing!" The expressions of several foreign youths changed and they quickly put on their pants.

Someone took out a dagger, someone grabbed a wine bottle, and looked at Chen Xin'an and the others nervously.

"That's enough!" Austin slapped Eve on the face and pushed her away.

He had already put on his pants and scolded Eve with a gloomy face: "They are willing to do this to me, what can I do? You can't refuse people's kindness, right?

We are just having fun, we are not marrying them, why do you mind so much! "

Xu Qing hugged Eve to prevent her from being impulsive.

Eve cried and cursed at Austin: "You bastard!

You make me feel sick!

Why are you deceiving me?

why treat me like this? "

"Honey, is she your girlfriend?" A blond woman stood up and hugged Austin.

She was wearing nothing, but she felt no shame at all.

Instead, he twisted his body, his whole body hanging on Austin's body like a snake.

Glancing at Eve, the blonde woman had a mocking sneer on her face.

The ex-girlfriend brought a group of people to catch someone raping her?

This kind of drama can only happen in China, who abroad would care about this!

The blonde provocatively kissed Austin on the face and said to Eve:

"We're just playing, he's still yours.

Anyway, you are in the rehabilitation center, we are just taking care of him for you.

Now that you are back, just give him back to you!

If you don't mind, we can play together! "

Eve was so angry that she trembled all over and cursed at her: "Shameless!"

She covered her face, looked at Austin and said: "Phillips, you are an asshole!

I don’t know how I could be so stupid to fall in love with a scum like you!

Remember, you hit me today.

You left me in the monastery and came out to live happily.

I will never forgive you! "

There was a trace of panic on Austin's face, but it only passed away briefly.

He gritted his teeth, glared at Eve and said, "The only thing to blame is your damn dad!

It's him who keeps causing trouble for me!

Why do you think we got caught?

It was your father who told you the secret!

And he wants to kill me!

That damn old guy not only didn't help me, but also excluded me and dealt with me everywhere!

If I take you away, he will never let me go! "

Eve's face turned cold, and she calmed down instantly.

She looked at Austin with cold eyes and said: "It turns out that you just want to get close to my father through me to please me.

Phillips, was it someone from Pyrosus who asked you to do this?

How many things are you hiding from me? "

Hearing this name, Chen Xin'an felt moved, but his face remained calm.

Austin snorted and said, “You’re right.

Since you are of no use to me anymore, let’s break up!

Eve, I've had enough of your pettiness.

Do you know how many opportunities I gave up in order to please you?

I can be any kind of woman I want, just like them! "

He stretched out his hand, and two hot blondes leaned on him on the left and right.

She twisted her body without any regard for shame, teasing him to her heart's content.

Eve shed tears and was hugged tightly by Xu Qing.

She shook her head, looked at Chen Xin'an and said, "Forget it, I don't want to argue with such a scumbag, let's go!"

Chen Xin'an winked at Sun Galuo.

Sun Galo understood, walked to the coffee table, and sat on it.

He pinched the bag with two fingers, a look of disdain on his face.

"It's just a group of people using c-products, I thought they were some big shot!

Eve, for such a small role, your father inviting us here is overqualified! "

He picked up the bag, spilled all the contents on the ground, and then crushed it with his feet!

Everyone else in the room changed their expressions and looked at Sun Galo nervously.

A young man with a tall nose scolded Sungalo: “Damn it, what are you doing!

Do you know how hard it is to get these?

This is already the best product in Kyoto. "

"The best goods?" Sun Gallo laughed loudly, shook his head and cursed:

"A bunch of idiots who have never seen the market!

This kind of garbage is simply thrown into the garbage in Kyoto.

Only little bastards like you would treat me like a baby! "

He took out a small paper bag from his body, threw it at the feet of the tall-nosed man, and said coldly: "This is a good thing to show you the world!"

A group of foreigners looked at each other.

Gao Nozhi bent down, picked up the small paper bag, and slowly opened it. When he saw the contents inside, his expression changed instantly.

Others gathered around, and Austin stretched out his hand, dipped a little with his finger, put it in his mouth, and said to the people next to him with a shocked look on his face: "A+!"

Everyone exclaimed in unison!

The tall nose pulled out the big knife from under the sofa and cursed nervously: "You are the police!"

Everyone in the room became nervous. Both men and women were looking for weapons to use and prepared to go to war.

Damn, exposed?

Li Qi's whole body tensed up, ready to take action at any moment.

Chen Xin'an held his shoulders and asked him to relax.

Sun Gallo sneered coldly, looked at the people in front of him with disdain and cursed: "A bunch of useless cowards!

Boss, these foreigners are totally unreliable.

Let’s find someone else to do it, shall we? "

Chen Xin'an nodded and said: "I wasn't optimistic about this group of people at first. If I hadn't taken a fancy to the territory here, I wouldn't have looked for them!

Okay, Miss Eve, if you want to see someone, I’ve already brought you to meet them.

The rest has nothing to do with you.

I'll send you back!

You guys, don’t tell anyone about today’s events, otherwise I will…”

Chen Xin'an put her hand under her neck and made a cutting motion.

Then he spat on the ground and turned around to leave.

"Wait a minute!" Just as he reached the door, a high-nosed voice came from behind.

Chen Xin'an turned around and looked at him coldly.

Gao Noi held the small paper bag and asked Chen Xin'an: "How many of these do you have?"

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