Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2078 The opportunity is now

After leaving the small bar, everyone returned to the car.

Chen Xin'an whispered to Sun Galuo: "You must plan your actions at night carefully.

Are you going back to the city bureau now, or are you going to my place? "

Sun Galo said to him: "I will go back first to write an application and receive supplies.

I'll find you in the afternoon! "

"Okay!" Chen Xin'an nodded and said, "Then you go first!"

Sun Galo turned around and wanted to leave, but thought of something. He turned around and asked Li Qi: "Brother, that gun..."

Li Qi smiled, nodded to him and said, "Brother Luo, don't worry, even if the gun is pointed at your head, you won't be hurt at all!

I had tampered with the gun and wouldn't have noticed the problem unless he actually fired it! "

Sungalo breathed a sigh of relief.

If there is another shooting incident in Kyoto, no one in the entire city bureau from top to bottom will be able to bear it!

After Sun Galuo left, Chen Xin'an turned to Eve, who was still crying beside her and said:

"You should stay with Xu Qing these days!"

No discussion, just house arrest.

If the news leaks from her mouth, all the preparations will be in vain.

Xu Qing said to Eve: "Now that you have seen clearly what kind of person he is, don't have any illusions about him anymore!

That kind of scum will not end well!

I said Chen Xin'an, you're not done yet, are you?

Have you had enough hugs?

Quickly let go! "

Chen Xin'an snorted and said helplessly: "Do you think I want it? Look at the second floor window behind!

Go, get out of here first! "

Xu Qing turned around and took a look. On the second floor of the small bar he just entered, there were several figures shaking in the windows.

She said nothing more, and she and Eve hugged Chen Xin'an's arm and walked forward.

Riding the sword motorcycle, this time Eve sat behind Chen Xin'an.

She carefully grabbed Chen Xin'an's clothes and said to him: "Mr. Chen, thank you for helping me.

But I don’t like you, and you are already married. I don’t want to destroy your family, so I tell you..."

Chen Xin'an said dumbfounded: "Where did you think you were going? I just said that to let you give up on that person.

Don't worry, after these people are dealt with, I will send you to your father's place! "

Eve breathed a sigh of relief.

Chen Xin'an asked strangely: "You don't look like someone who likes taking those medicines, why were you sent to a rehabilitation center?"

Eve lowered her head and said sadly: "I met Phillips in Mansion No. 3.

At that time he sang one of my favorite songs and it touched me instantly.

On the way to the bathroom, he accidentally bumped into me.

Then he invited me to drink, and we got to know each other..."

Such an old plot...

Chen Xin'an shook his head. This trick to pick up girls was obviously deliberate and could only be used on little girls like this.

He rode not very fast, listening to Eve talk about her acquaintance with Phillips.

Not only did it give her a chance to talk, but it also gave her a chance to learn more about that scumbag.

Eve continued: “He is very good at making girls happy, he has a sweet mouth, he is also very attentive, and he is very gentleman.

Within a month, I fell in love with him.

I couldn't believe that I would be so bold.

Things that I had never dared to try before were all tried under his leadership.

With him, every day is novel and exciting! "

Chen Xin'an sighed, this is the scumbag's magic weapon.

The better-behaved your girlfriends are, the more outrageous they will be, because they have never been in contact with each other before!

This method is very easy to deal with good girls, and it works every time!

From now on, we must educate our goddaughters from an early age. If they encounter such a scumbag, they will either be beaten to death on the spot or hide as far away as possible!

Eve sighed and said: "Those things are severely punished in China.

But in the Eagle Flag Country, it is actually very common.

Even in our school, many students are smoking.

I didn't like to touch those before. One time when I was with him, I saw him smoking and wanted to persuade him to quit.

He said he would do anything for me, but this was the only thing he was too dependent on and couldn't get rid of.

I don’t believe it, they say that as long as we have love and perseverance, we can definitely quit.

I'll use this with you, and when I get addicted, you see how I quit!

I just didn't expect it, I underestimated the power of that thing.

After using it twice, I became addicted and couldn't control myself. "

Now Chen Xin'an doesn't know whether to call her innocent or stupid!

If that thing is easy to practice, is it necessary for a retreat to exist?

Eve wiped away tears and said: “When he saw that I was addicted, he started to control me.

He even wanted to ask my father to help him do things through me!

It was then that I realized that the so-called love was just a situation he had laid out from the beginning.

The purpose was to reach my father.

It's just that I still don't want to face this fact.

I thought he had feelings for me.

Until one time, he actually allowed his friend to do something like that to me..."

Eve lay on Chen Xin'an's back and started crying.

Soon, Chen Xin'an felt that the clothes on her back were wet, and she was speechless.

Xu Qing sat on the back of a motorcycle running next to him and said to Eve: "It's not a loss if you see a scumbag clearly and learn a lesson.

When looking for a boyfriend in the future, don’t look for someone who looks handsome.

He's good-looking and hangs out in nightclubs all day long. How could you possibly think he's clean?

When this matter is settled, I will help you find a Chinese boyfriend.

Honest and reliable! "

Eve shook her head and sighed: "In a few days, I will return to the Eagle Flag Country.

I don't want to stay in this sad place.

Sister Qing, thank you for your help and protection.

If you have a chance to go to the Eagle Flag Country in the future, you must come find me! "

Xu Qing's eyes widened, he looked at Chen Xin'an and said: "Don't let us have the chance in the future, we have it now!

Chen Xin'an, are you going to Eagle Flag Country in a while?

Take me with you!

I haven’t been abroad yet! "

Before Chen Xin'an agreed, Li Qi said from the side: "Boss, someone is following you!"

Behind him, a Huaining cargo truck was driving thirty meters away.

It was obviously not a very crowded road, but the car never accelerated and just followed closely behind.

Chen Xin'an didn't need to see who was in the car, she could guess that it was the guys with Big Nose.

These foreigners are really careful!

The purpose of following them is not only to confirm their identities, but also to find out their whereabouts!

Of course Chen Xin'an would not let them find out his true identity and said to Li Qi: "Hongyan Stadium!"

The two motorcycles accelerated at the same time and turned from the intersection.

The Huaining car behind really accelerated and followed it, as if it was afraid of losing its target.

Li Qi shook his head. Such tracking was really unprofessional.

So this group of people is a real ragtag group with no professional training.

This is not far from the Hongyan Stadium, and two motorcycles drove into the construction site one after the other.

All the Qingxi people were driven out of Kyoto, and Zhang Wanwan led the construction team to take over the place.

Mo Ronghao lost a lot of money, and after changing the engineering team, the engineering team had to be responsible for the materials, and they only had to reimburse them.

But this alone made Mo Ronghao miserable.

But there was no other way. If they didn't agree, Zhang Wanwan would take the people away immediately, leaving a big mess for Creative Culture and Sports Company to clean up.

What made Mo Ronghao even more speechless was that the financial manager of the new engineering team was Xiao Cuihua!

As a dignified former visiting professor at Kyoto University, being a financial advisor is not an easy task.

And how could Xiao Cuihua not understand Chen Xin'an's purpose of doing this?

Just give her a chance to take revenge!

So we directly squeezed the project profits of Innovation Culture and Sports Company to the minimum!

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