Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2084 We will not compromise with criminals

"Don't come here! If you take one step forward, I'll beat her to death!"

Phillips held the woman hostage and shouted frantically at Sungalo: "Back off, I told you to back off!"

Sun Gallo raised his hands expressionlessly, indicating that he had no weapons, and took two steps back!

"Don't move! If you don't want her to die, don't play tricks on me!" Phillips was still alert and knew that there were many plainclothes people in the hall.

When he saw someone approaching him quietly, he immediately yelled at everyone.

Sun Galo waved his hand and motioned for everyone to go out.

A group of plainclothes men immediately asked the customers in the store to leave and cleared the entire store.

"Asshole! You people have to compensate me for my losses..." A Da Ying boss shouted angrily to the plainclothes people around him: "I am a legitimate business, I..."


A plainclothesman held handcuffs and hit him hard on the mouth, smashing two of his teeth on the spot.

The two men rushed up, pushed Boss Daying to the ground, clasped his arms behind his back, and put handcuffs on him!

"Last summer, two female students from Dachao came to your store for internship, and you led them to forcibly humiliate them for two days and two nights!

At that time, the two girls did not dare to report the crime and accuse you, allowing you to escape the law.

Let me tell you, those two girls have now reported the crime with the encouragement of their classmates!

Just clean your ass for me and get ready to go to jail! "

Boss Daying had a look of horror on his face, and he didn't dare to say anything more.

Only Sungaro and Phillips across from him were left in the hall, as well as the girl who was taken as a hostage.

"Don't kill me! You can do whatever you want me to do! I'll listen to you in everything!"

The girl turned pale and begged Phillips in a foreign language.

Phillips scolded angrily with a black face: "Shut up! If you keep making noise, I will kill you now!"

As he spoke, he hit the girl in the face with the handle of his gun.

The girl screamed in pain and started crying.

Sungalo put the muzzle of his gun to her head and shouted: "I tell you to shut up!"

The girl was so frightened that she trembled all over and bit her lips tightly, trying not to make a sound.

Sun Galo said with a gloomy face: "Let her go, otherwise you will not be able to fly!"

Phillips looked at him, his face changed drastically, and he cursed angrily: "It turns out it's you!

So you are a policeman? !

Damn it, this is all a conspiracy!

You framed me! "

"Conspiracy?" Sungalo looked at Phillips with a joking face, shook his head and said:

"If you foreigners come to lead China, and all of you are good people who abide by the law, I won't be able to deal with you in any conspiracy!"

"Stop telling me these useless nonsense!" Phillips gritted his teeth and looked at Sungalo and said:

"I don't care who you are, I just want to get out of here!

I am a member of the Eagle Banner. You despicable Chinese people have no right to arrest me, let alone restrict my freedom!

Listen, don't push me!

You know what it means once I shoot and kill this woman!

You may not be promoted for the rest of your life, and you may have to bear the responsibility for serious negligence!

I think you won't be willing to bear the consequences, right? "

The girl in his arms cried in fear: "I don't want to die! Don't kill me!"

If you hate the people here, why not take one of their own hostage?

I'm just an international student, I'm not Chinese!

Please let me go, no matter what you ask me to do!


I know you!

Oh my god, you're Mr. Austin!

I like to listen to your songs, I am your fan! "


Sun Galo cursed with a dark face, "If you recognize him at this time, it will be like lifting the coffin for yourself!"

He originally didn't want to kill you, but now he has the intention to kill you!

Sure enough, Phillips squinted at the woman he was holding hostage and said coldly:

“Now that you know me, don’t talk nonsense.

As long as you are obedient, I will not hurt you!

You know, I just want to get out of here.

It was this policeman who stopped me and wanted to arrest me.

That's why I held you hostage. If he didn't leave, I would even hurt you!

If you get hurt, don't blame me.

If you want to blame, blame the policeman! "

The girl angrily said to Sungalo: "Do you hear clearly now?

It's all because of you!

If there is any harm done to me, I will definitely complain to you!

Get out of here quickly and let him go!

Don’t involve me, an innocent person, in the matters between you! "

Sun Galo also felt that he was really drunk.

There is such a weird woman!

But now is not the time to argue with such a fool. Sun Gallo looked around.

All irrelevant personnel have evacuated. From where you are standing, if you shoot, even if you miss the opponent, there is a high probability that it will not cause harm to the crowd outside.

Sungalo, who was completely relieved, did not retreat, but took out a pistol with his backhand and pointed it at Phillips!

"Put down the gun or I will shoot!" Sungalo shouted to Phillips: "I'm warning you again, put the gun down!"

Phillips didn't expect the police officer to be so indifferent.

Don’t the Chinese police put the safety of the hostages first?

So he took a hostage, and he was a foreigner!

According to his understanding of the Chinese people, the police at this time should be obedient to his orders!

But this guy in front of me actually dared to draw a gun and confront him!

Phillips, who had not killed the hostage, was anxious.

Possessing firearms privately is a serious crime in China!

What's more, there is also the sale of those things!

Once caught, he may be locked up in a Chinese prison for the rest of his life!

He didn't want to die in this place!

"Don't force me!" Phillips' eyes turned red, and he gritted his teeth and cursed at Sun Jialuo:

"Damn it! Do you think I dare not shoot?

You forced me!"

The girl also cried and cursed at Sun Jialuo: "I want to complain to you!

You should listen to him, and you should protect me at all costs!

You can't..."

"Shut up!" Sun Jialuo pointed the gun at Phillips' head and shouted:

"I am a Chinese policeman!

I will not compromise with any criminals!

One last warning, let go of the hostages!

Otherwise I will shoot!"

Phillips was already crazy, staring at Sun Jialuo and shouting: "Go to hell, you bastard!"

He half-squatted, hid himself behind the girl, pulled the trigger with his right hand, and with a click, he fired!

"Ah!" The girl screamed in fear. Her pants became warm and then slowly soaked.

Phillips was dumbfounded!

Why didn't the bullet come out?

He pointed the gun at Sun Jialuo again and pulled the trigger!

There were two clicks, the gun was pulled, but no bullet came out!

At this time, he suddenly realized that he had been fooled!

That's right, even the person who gave him these drugs was a policeman.

How could the person who sold him the gun not do something?

From beginning to end, this matter was just a trap!

Phillips, who understood, was sweating profusely. He suddenly raised his hands and shouted, "I vote..."


With a gunshot, a wisp of green smoke came out of Sun Jialuo's pistol.

Phillips was as stiff as a piece of wood.

There was only a blood hole the size of a peanut between his eyebrows.

"Ah!" The girl who was held hostage shouted loudly.

As Phillips died, his body fell forward.

The arm that had locked her neck also slid down powerlessly!

With a thud, Phillips fell heavily to the ground, and a mixture of red and white liquid flowed out of the wound on his forehead.

The girl who was held hostage realized that she had been rescued.

But she did not show any gratitude, but stood in front of Sun Jialuo, pointing at him and cursing:

"You actually shot in such a situation?

Aren't you afraid of hitting me?"

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