Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2116 How many people will believe you?

Compared to a marksman like Li Qi, Chen Xin'an's marksmanship was certainly not top-notch.

But at such a close distance, with his superhuman perception and skill, it was not difficult to hit wherever he pointed.

Although the Eagle Flag Country has very loose management of firearms, and although the Murfis are the largest black organization in Jordan City, not everyone has a gun.

In order to facilitate management, things like guns are also controlled among them.

After all, they are all a group of desperadoes. Once they feel unhappy, unhappy with their boss or any of their companions, they will take out their guns and shoot them indiscriminately, which will make everyone live in fear.

What's more, you can buy a gun, which is not worth much, but the bullets are expensive!

So even if some mini-bosses are equipped with guns, they will not have full magazines.

Except for the bullets that are given when fighting with other gangs, at other times, there are usually three or four bullets in the gun, which is enough.

I just never expected that these Chinese people would be so ruthless and not even afraid of guns.

They originally wanted to drive these Chinese warriors into the underground passage, only there they could shoot unscrupulously.

So when this group of people fled to the subway entrance, they were all happy.

What a bunch of idiots!

I took the initiative to run into hell!

Are all Chinese people so stupid?

But now, they finally understand.

It turns out that they didn't drive each other underground, but the other party led them here!

The kung fu of these people is more terrifying than the devils in hell!

A gunman hid his body behind his companion, quietly raised his gun, pointed it at Chen Xin'an, and then pulled the trigger with a bang!

At this moment, Chen Xin'an drew an afterimage with his left hand, grabbed it in front of him, rushed forward, and swept the man in black in front of him to the ground with one kick.

The gunman hiding behind the man widened his eyes and subconsciously raised his gun to shoot. But at this moment, the gun in Chen Xin'an's hand was one step faster!

Bang bang bang!

Three gunshots were fired in succession, and the gunman's head was split open!

The red mixed white liquid splashes around, and headshots are unobstructed at close range, and the gun never misses!

The Murphy gunman fell to the ground and turned into a corpse.

It is true that the power of this gun is small, but it also depends on where it hits.

In this case, if no one can be killed, it can only prove that these Murphy people are all tough!

Fortunately, they were not. After Chen Xin'an beat this man to death, the surrounding Mofei people were completely frightened.

They have never seen such cruel and ruthless Chinese people!

Chen Xin'an squinted her eyes and looked at Mo Feiren, who was too frightened to move, and shouted in a low voice: "Xiaodong!"

Li Niandong's face turned pale, but he still stood beside him, trying not to let his eyes look at the body on the ground.

Chen Xin'an looked at the group of Mofei people in front of him coldly, and said in a deep voice: "Go back and tell your boss Hans that I will go back to find him!

Last night's explosion, today's siege, these two accounts, I want him to repay in front of him! "

Li Niandong translated Chen Xin'an's words to the Mofei people. The expressions on the faces of the Mofei people were full of shock and joking.

They probably didn't expect that this Chinese man would dare to challenge the boss of Mo Feiren.

To them, it was like a local dog stopping an elephant and clamoring to kill it!

Not to mention provoking the boss, just because you have killed a Mofei, you are already dead!

Knowing what these Mofei people were thinking, Chen Xinan didn't care.

But now that they have fought, he will not let these guys go completely.

Of course it's not realistic to kill them all, but it's okay to leave some memories and lessons.

Otherwise, if the Mofei people retaliate in the future and these people come back to fight with them, wouldn't it be a waste of energy!

With Chen Xin'an's wave, Li Qi, Luo Xiaoman, Xiao Zhang, and Dao Lei all rushed into the crowd!

Before a group of Mofei people could react, five or six of them were knocked over!

Just then, a sharp whistle sounded, and a group of policemen ran down from the entrance and shouted to the crowd: "Stop! Put your hands on your head!"

Now that the police are here, Chen Xin'an and others have stopped and cooperated with the police's actions.

About twenty police officers came over and separated Chen Xin'an and Mo Fei.

Everyone stood facing the wall with their hands on their heads.

A policeman and a Murphy looked at each other, nodded, and waved.

The group of Murphys began to leave along the wall.

Before leaving, a Mofei man looked at Chen Xin'an and others provocatively, gave a thumbs up, and then rotated his wrist with his thumbs down!

"Damn Chinese people, we will meet again! Then you will all..."

Before he could finish his words, Chen Xinan suddenly rushed over!

"Stop! Damn it! I'm going to shoot!" a policeman yelled.

But Chen Xin'an didn't seem to hear anything. She ran up to the Mo Feiren, grabbed his thumb that was pointing downward, and twisted it hard!

With a click, the guy's right hand turned into a twist!

The guy looked at his right hand in horror and howled loudly!

At this moment, several policemen opened fire at the same time, shooting at Chen Xin'an!

But Chen Xin'an was hiding her body behind Mo Feiren at this moment!

There are so many Mofei people here, for him they are all bunkers to avoid bullets!

Two Murphys were hit and fell to the ground screaming.

The remaining Mofei people fled in all directions, and the scene became a mess!

Luo Xiaoman and Li Qi also rushed over. Their target was not Mo Feiren, but the police!

"Call for backup!" a police sergeant shouted with a walkie-talkie.

But the next second, a cold gun was pressed against his forehead!

Ning Xiruo held the gun she picked up from the ground, held it against the chief's head, and shouted at him: "Tell your people to stop shooting!"

The police chief still wanted to quibble, but Ning Xiruo had already pressed the safety button and was about to shoot!

He was so frightened that he quickly shouted: "Stop shooting!"

Although the police around him hesitated, they still stopped.

The policeman who had just winked at Mo Feiren had just lowered his gun and Chen Xin'an rushed over and kicked him away!

A policeman was furious, raised his gun and pointed it at Chen Xin'an again, shouting: "Fake! I want you to..."

But the next second, his arm was raised involuntarily, and then Chen Xin'an came to him like a ghost!

One hand grabbed his arm, and the other strangled his neck!

Chen Xin'an looked at him coldly and asked, "Do you want to die?"

The policeman showed no fear, looked at Chen Xin'an and said, "I don't understand what you are talking about, but I can warn you.

If you dare to kill the police, you will have no hiding place in Jordan City! "

Chen Xin'an sneered and said to him: "How big a crime do you think I will bear for killing a group of corrupt police officers who colluded with black forces?"

Li Niandong, who was standing next to Ning Xiruo, quickly translated Chen Xin'an's words.

A group of policemen had mocking smiles on their faces.

The restrained policeman sneered and said to Chen Xin'an: "Chinese people, how many people do you think will believe what you say?"

Chen Xin'an snorted coldly, turned her wrist, and found a maple leaf-shaped brooch in her hand, and asked him: "What if we add this?"

The surrounding police officers were shocked. As Jordan City police officers, how could they not recognize the Cexire family’s tokens!

But they couldn't figure out how this thing could appear in the hands of this Chinese person?

Could he be from the Cexire family?

Or does it have a very close relationship with the Cexire family?

You know, this kind of thing is unique to the Cexire family.

If it wasn’t for a very close relationship, it would be impossible to give it away!

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