Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2118 This is not magic but witchcraft

This guy really has two different attitudes towards his two apprentices.

To this foreign apprentice, he looked like a grandma who doesn't care for his uncle.

He just didn't want to teach others the pulse-cutting technique that Morton Owen called "Chinese Magic". Every time they asked, he looked impatient.

But for myself, a female apprentice, this master can't wait to teach her everything she has.

According to him, Zhaodi's understanding of ancient medicine was definitely at the genius level.

As for the foreign apprentice, he is simply a stick.

No amount of wasted words will teach you!

Despite this, it can't change Morton Owen's attentiveness to this Chinese master like a dog.

Of course, this is only true for Luo Qianhe, his master.

He looks like an expert to others.

Especially when he saw Guo Zhaodi, the junior sister who was said to be "competing" with him in front of his master, he looked down upon her even more.

But in front of the master, he did not dare to wink at Guo Zhaodi, but said coldly: "Hello, junior sister, if you need anything, just tell me!"

Konoha held Guo Zhaodi's hand, looked at Morton Owen with a wary look and said, "She will come to me when she needs it, not a bearded guy like you!"

"Huh?" Morton Owen was stunned for a moment. Did you misunderstand what I said?

He looked at the two girls in front of him with some doubts, and seemed to see something.

Luo Qianhe rubbed his eyebrows, waved his hand helplessly and said, "Go in first and see my friends!"

At the door of the examination room, a man in a white coat said to Morton Owen eagerly: "Doctor Owen, I..."

Morton Owen said to him excitedly: "Kemp, let me introduce you!

This is the one I mentioned to you, my master in China, Mr. Luo Qianhe!

Master, this is my colleague and my good friend Kemp.

He is also a surgical expert..."

Before he could finish speaking, Kemp said impatiently: "Owen, I have already said that I am not interested in those so-called ancient Chinese medicine!

I really don’t know what you are thinking, but you went all the way to China to find a so-called inheritor of ancient medicine and accept him as your master!

I don't have time to make friends here now, the patient is in serious condition!

After my preliminary inspection, I found that the wounded man who was shot was in critical condition and needed surgery immediately!

And the shrapnel may have injured the heart, so we must be prepared for the worst! "

Luo Qianhe didn't care about the contempt in his words, waved his hand and said: "The situation is not as serious as you think, so there is no need to prepare special medicine.

Now we just need to take out the warhead..."

Kemp interrupted him impatiently and said, "How do you know it's not serious?

Are your eyes x-rays?

Where did you come to this conclusion? "

Morton Owen looked at Luo Qianhe with a surprised look on his face and said, "Is this the conclusion that the master obtained it through the pulse cutting technique?"

Luo Qianhe nodded.

Morton Owen said to Kemp: "The Kemp I'm talking about, my master is so miraculous!"

Kemp cursed angrily: "Irving, are you crazy?

Do you believe everything he says?

This is simply nonsense!

I don't want to waste time here, the patient is still waiting for me inside!

Owen, let me remind you, you can win the Bedol Medical Award, the world's top surgical expert, and you are not a magician.

You look like a brainwashed believer now! "

After he finished speaking, he turned around and walked in.

Chen Xin'an and Ning Xiruo, who had just completed the formalities and paid the fees, came over and asked Luo Qianhe, "What's wrong?"

"Wow! Mr. Chen, you are here too!" Morton Owen looked overjoyed.

You must know that the first person he wanted to become his disciple was Chen Xin'an.

It's just that Chen Xin'an didn't want to cause trouble for herself, so she passed it on to her junior brother.

Luo Qianhe waved his hands impatiently and said, "You go in first to check up on my friend, and we can talk about old times after my friend is fine!"

Morton Owen also knew that now was not the time to chat, so he still said goodbye to everyone in a graceful manner, and then approached the examination room.

After all the examinations were completed, Kemp came over with a very troubled expression on his face.

Seemingly full of disbelief and unconcealed curiosity,

He said to Chen Xin'an and Luo Qianhe: "Are you Mr. Chen and Mr. Luo?

The injured person was lucky, the bullet passed through the side of the heart and did not damage the internal organs.

But the surgery will be very risky.

Because such a gap is so small, the probability of a bullet passing through without damaging the internal organs is almost one in a million!

However, removing the bullet is likely to cause accidental damage to body organs.

Even Irving and I are not completely sure.

Owen said, you two will definitely be able to find a solution, so please go in and cooperate with us in the operation. I don’t know what you two mean..."

Just waiting for your words.

I don't feel comfortable asking you to perform an operation on my brother!

Chen Xin'an glanced at her junior brother, raised her hand and said, "Let's go in together!"

He turned around and said to Ning Xiruo and the people around him: "Daughter-in-law, take everyone to see the red fox and the little white poplar.

Tell them to be treated with peace of mind and don’t have to worry about medical expenses! "

Ning Xiruo nodded and said to him: "Don't worry about things outside, Aqi and Aman are both here!"

She was afraid that Chen Xin'an would worry about the revenge of the Murphys, so he couldn't concentrate on operating on Dao Lei, so she said that.

Chen Xin'an certainly understood what she meant, nodded, turned around and walked towards the emergency room with Luo Qianhe.

Kemp followed behind, and finally couldn't help asking Luo Qianhe:

"Mr. Luo, I would like to ask, about the location of the bullet, did you really find out through pulse diagnosis?

What exactly is pulse diagnosis?

What is its principle?

Why is it as accurate as advanced instruments..."

Luo Qianhe did not answer his endless questions, but just smiled slightly and followed Chen Xin'an into the emergency room.

The operation lasted for an hour and a half, and the bullet was successfully removed.

Dao Lei was pushed into the ward, Chen Xin'an and Luo Qianhe changed their sterile clothes, followed by Morton Owen, who looked surprised, and Kemp, who was still in shock and stunned!

Patting his friend on the shoulder, Owen said jokingly: "Kamp, now you should know.

Why would I travel thousands of miles to China to worship a person with ancient medical heritage as my teacher?

Because they know Chinese magic and can do things that even top experts like us can't do!"

Kamp shook his head, looked at Chen Xin'an and Luo Qianhe, and murmured: "They don't use Chinese magic, they use Eastern witchcraft!

It's incredible!"

The only people who need hospitalization are Dao Lei and Xiao Baiyang.

Red Fox's injuries are not serious, and she will be fine after a simple treatment.

She has changed into a red denim outfit, which makes her look more energetic.

The two injured are in the same ward, so Red Fox also bowed to Ning Xiruo and others to express her gratitude.

Seeing Chen Xin'an and Luo Xiaoman come in, Red Fox bowed to them again to express her gratitude.

Chen Xinan asked Ning Xiruo to help her up, and said calmly: "We are all compatriots, no need to be polite!"

Guo Zhaodi said to Luo Qianhe: "Master, I just asked Sister Xiaodong to help me translate. These drugs have anesthetic effects and are not suitable!"

Luo Qianhe nodded and said: "Then change the medicine! Owen, after sending your prescription, give it to your junior sister first and let her take a look!"

"Her?" Owen frowned and looked at Guo Zhaodi with disdain.

Just when he was about to say something, Guo Zhaodi said to him: "Forget it, I'll go with you to get the medicine, so as to save trouble! By the way, take a look at your medicine list!"

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