Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2121 Catherine’s ex-boyfriend

The Colo Restaurant is on the banks of the Colo River and is a very famous place in London.

Set up some simple tables and chairs on the riverside viewing platform and serve some drinks and food.

Chatting with relatives and friends while admiring the scenery of the Colo River is a favorite way of leisure for Londoners.

Li Niandong, who came with him, explained to Chen Xin'an: "This is also an internet celebrity attraction and has a high reputation online.

It is one of the must-visit attractions when coming to London. "

Chen Xin'an looked at the few guests around and said with a teasing smile: "This is the least popular Internet celebrity attraction I have ever seen!"

Li Niandong shrugged and said: "Actually, there was a time when I was checked in by short video enthusiasts from all over the world.

There were people filming everywhere.

It was only later that the officials saw that the people who came were causing serious damage to local health, so they banned it.

So although this place is famous online, photography is not allowed. "

Chen Xin'an nodded in realization.

Li Niandong turned to look at Dao Lei and asked: "I remember chatting with Catherine before and heard her say that she lived in the North District of London.

This is already the Southern District, and you have to pass through almost the entire city of London.

Why come here so far away?

The subway ride takes nearly an hour and a half. "

Dao Lei kept looking at the people on the viewing platform and said in a deep voice: "Her ex-boyfriend is the owner of Kolo Restaurant!"

Hey, he’s still a little rich second generation!

Chen Xin'an glanced at Dao Lei and followed his eyes. Sure enough, she saw a man and woman sitting at a table beside the railing of the observation deck, drinking juice and talking and laughing.

That woman is Catherine.

The man sitting opposite her had blond curly hair, very white skin, dark blue eyes, a high nose, and three-dimensional facial features. He was probably around 27 or 28 years old.

Li Niandong also saw the two people, patted Dao Lei on the shoulder with deep sympathy and said, "Brother Lei, your competitors are in very good condition!"

Dao Lei sneered coldly and said: "What kind of competitor! I have nothing to do with Ocean Girl, we are just having fun!"

Li Niandong rolled his eyes, looking at your face, you look so stinky, are you just having fun?

Chen Xin'an pulled Dao Lei's arm and said, "Let's go over and sit down too!"

Dao Lei shook his head with a straight face and said, "What are we going to do!

It's like I came here specially to supervise her!

I was just making sure she was actually dating this guy.

Now that you've seen it, it's okay.

From now on, I will break up with her! "

Li Niandong curled his lips and said, "That's right, it's good to be a little self-aware.

Her ex-boyfriend is handsome and rich, so looking at the two of them, they still have an old relationship.

Isn't that a hotel over there?

Maybe after they finish chatting, they go to a hotel to book a room, or they may renew their old relationship. "

Dao Lei's face almost turned into the color of pig liver.

His eyes looked at the two people sitting at the table, looking like they were about to breathe out fire.

Chen Xin'an glared at Li Niandong and said to Dao Lei: "We're here, let's figure things out first.

Maybe Catherine came to break up with him.

Don’t get me wrong, sit down and take a look at the situation. "

Dao Lei didn't say a word, so Chen Xin'an took him and Li Niandong, and the three of them found a table and sat down.

A waiter came over and Li Niandong casually ordered three glasses of juice.

Catherine turned her head when she heard the voice, glanced at the table next to her, and was stunned.

It seemed that she had not expected to meet these three people, and she looked a little embarrassed.

Li Niandong waved and greeted her with a smile.

Catherine waved back.

The man opposite turned around, glanced at Li Niandong, smiled and nodded.

Then his eyes swept over Chen Xin'an and Dao Lei, turned his head, and asked Catherine in a low voice.

After a while, he turned his head again and just stared at Dao Lei.

Then he stood up and came over.

"Daniel, listen to me!" Catherine wanted to grab the man, but failed to catch him. She quickly stood up and followed him.

Regardless of whether Chen Xin'an and the three of them agreed, he directly pulled up a chair, sat next to Dao Lei, looked at him and said:

"Are you Mr. Dao Lei?

My name is Daniel Reggie.

Thank you for taking care of my girlfriend during her trip to China.

You can do whatever you want, I'll give it to you!

In addition, I originally wanted to take some time to find you today to express my special thanks.

Since you are already here, I don’t need to go out of my way to find you!

This is a little gift I prepared for you, please accept it. "

He took out a jewelry box from his pocket.

This is the box where the ring is obviously placed.

Chen Xin'an and Li Niandong were both dumbfounded and looked at this guy in disbelief.

What's the meaning?

Do you want to propose to Dao Lei?

"Sorry, I got the wrong one!" Daniel quickly said to everyone.

He took out an envelope from the other pocket and pushed it in front of Dao Lei.

Dao Lei, who was not good at talking at all, blushed even more at this time and didn't say a word.

This Daniel sounded polite, but he didn't seem to be polite.

Dao Lei didn't know how to retort at all, so he just glanced at Catherine who was standing aside.

Catherine seemed afraid to look into his eyes and didn't know what to say, so she just stood a little awkwardly.

Daniel smiled slightly and said to Dao Lei, "Don't you see what gift I have prepared for you?"

Dao Lei frowned, held in his voice for a long time and said, "I don't care!"

Daniel curled his lips and said: "Mr. Dao Lei, don't speak too early!

There are five thousand eagle flag yuan in it.

I know you may not appreciate the money, but there is something in it that you definitely appreciate! "

Daniel took the envelope, took out the wad of money, and placed it on the table.

Then he took out another black card and placed it on the pile of money.

"Do you know what this is?

Don’t underestimate this card, it is Green Tree Group’s VIP discount card.

With this card, you can enjoy big discounts and the best services in any industry under the Green Tree Group. "

Li Niandong turned his face aside and said to Daniel: "Green Tree Group? Is Mr. Stilwell yours?"

Daniel looked at Li Niandong in surprise and said, "I didn't expect this beautiful Chinese lady to know my father?"

"I've heard of it!" Li Niandong nodded and explained to Chen Xin'an in Chinese:

"Eagle Flag Country's catering industry tycoon, the Four Seasons Hotel is also under its umbrella!

The president's name is Stilwell Reggie.

Very close to the Cexire family!

Brother Lei, you are really in danger this time! "

I originally thought that this ex-boyfriend was the owner of a small restaurant, but I didn't expect that he was the young boss of Green Tree Group, the leader in the catering industry in Eagle Flag Country!

With Dao Lei's conditions, there is no way to compare with others!

The most important thing was that Catherine was talking and laughing with him, and it was clear that the old relationship was still there.

Actually it's not surprising.

After all, Dao Lei used force against Catherine from the beginning.

Later, when Catherine became dependent on Dao Lei, she was just addicted to the physical feeling.

Maybe she never had love for Dao Lei.

If they stay in China, they may fall in love over time and the two of them will really be together.

But now that I have returned to the Eagle Flag Country, I have had a relationship with this ex-boyfriend for several years.

Dao Lei really has no advantage!

Seeing Dao Lei lowering his head and saying nothing, the corner of Daniel's mouth curled up.

He took out the jewelry box from his pocket, turned around in front of everyone, and knelt on the ground with one knee!

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