The package was opened, and inside were bulletproof vests and various weapons.

Chen Xinan handed a set of bulletproof vests to Xu Qing and said, "This is for you. Go into the house and put it on later, and don't take it off unless it's absolutely necessary!"

Qiao Yanhui picked up the package and asked, "Why is there no gun? Can't you buy guns here casually?"

Chen Xinan shook his head and said, "Who said that? You need a license!

But if you want to use a gun, you can use it.

It's just that I don't want to give you a gun.

I'll take you two to see someone in the afternoon and ask him for a gun, so that you can use it openly."

Qiao Yanhui looked at Xu Qing and nodded.

Chen Xinan suddenly reached out and grabbed Xu Qing's chin.

Xu Qing subconsciously wanted to dodge, and Chen Xinan shouted, "Look at me!"

Xu Qing had no choice but to look at Chen Xinan.

Looking at the red dots in her eyes, Chen Xin'an asked gloomily, "How long has the attack lasted?"

Xu Qing lowered her head and whispered, "On the plane last night!"

Chen Xin'an spread his hands and asked her, "Where did you hide?"

Xu Qing seemed a little reluctant, but under Chen Xin'an's stern gaze, he took out a small bag from the sole of his shoe and handed it to him.

Qiao Yanhui next to him was stunned!

He had been with Xu Qing all the time, but he didn't know that she was carrying such a thing!

It's hard to imagine what will happen to him if he is checked by security at the airport!

But what shocked him even more was that Xu Qing had obviously been out of the rehabilitation center, and everything was normal in the physical examination. Why was she still using this thing?

But on second thought, it's not surprising.

After so many years in the rehabilitation center, what kind of people have you not seen?

For those who are sent there, physical dependence is actually very easy to quit.

What really can't be gotten rid of is the psychological dependence!

How can someone like Xu Qing, who was forcibly injected and deeply poisoned, be able to completely quit in just a few months of rehabilitation?

Chen Xinan said to Xu Qing: "I know you feel bad, but you must persevere!

Coming to Eagle Flag Country, it's easier for you to get this thing.

But I hope you don't touch it again.

Because I didn't protect you well, my second grandfather has scolded me.

Now that I'm in Eagle Flag Country, I will never let your addiction get worse.

When necessary, I will hit you hard.

I hope you'd better not let me do that!"

Xu Qing said angrily: "Okay, okay, I know! So nagging!"

Although she said so, her eyes were red.

She also hated that she couldn't control the desire in her heart, but it was really uncomfortable when the taste came up!

Ning Xiruo and Li Qi came back, and the restaurant staff followed and brought the food over.

Du Yunyan said to everyone: "I'll call everyone over and have dinner together!"

Chen Xinan nodded.

Han Xiaolei looked at the people around and asked Ning Xiruo, "Aren't all the people who came here together already here? Who else is here?"

Li Niandong said beside him, "Two friends I met at Century Plaza. They are also big internet celebrities!"

"Really?" Han Xiaolei also became interested.

Du Yunyan came back soon, followed by a man and a woman.

Honghu said to Chen Xinan, "Mr. Chen, I actually wanted to say goodbye to you today!

Xiao Baiyang can move around now, and we are going to Manhattan."

Chen Xinan said to her, "You have to finish your meal before you leave!

A few friends just came from China, let's have a meal together!

Let me introduce you, this is Mr. Li Zecheng, the president of our Huaxia Junhao Group!

This is..."

Before he finished speaking, Honghu suddenly widened his eyes, stared at Li Zecheng without blinking, and said in a trembling voice, "Uncle Cheng?"

Li Zecheng also stared at her and said excitedly, "Are you Xiaohu?"

Chen Xinan and Ning Xiruo were both stunned, looking at each other with puzzled faces.

Li Niandong looked at the two strangely and asked, "Do you know each other?"

Red Fox suddenly burst into tears and threw herself into Li Zecheng's arms!

"Uncle Cheng, I can't find him! I've been looking for him for so many years, and I've been to all the places we've been to, but I can't find him! Where did he go?"

Li Zecheng didn't say anything, but just patted her shoulder gently, tears streaming down his face.

Although everyone was full of greetings, they didn't say anything, just watched quietly.

Ning Xiruo was the first to react and said to everyone, "Let's eat first! Come sit down and talk while eating!"

Everyone walked to the dining table and sat down, and Red Fox sat next to Li Zecheng.

As if she had thought of something, she looked at Li Zecheng strangely and said, "Uncle Cheng, didn't Brother Heilong say that you are just an ordinary farmer in the suburbs of Beijing?

Why did I hear Mr. Chen say that you are the...president of Junhao Group?"

Li Zecheng sighed and said, "He said that to protect me!

My a bit special!"

"I know!" Red Fox nodded and said calmly, "You are..."

She put her right fist on her chest, with the palm facing inward, and gently punched three times.

Chen Xin'an and Gongsun Feiyang's eyes shrank at the same time, the dragon shield gesture!

Li Zecheng also stood up and said excitedly, "How did you know?

Yinuo told you, right?

He also went in, right?

Why didn't I know?

Why has no one ever told me?"

Red Fox glanced at Chen Xin'an and the others with some concern.

Li Zecheng knew what she was worried about, and sighed and said, "Don't worry, we are all our own!"

Red Fox then put aside his worries and said to Li Zecheng: "Because it was specially requested by Brother Heilong!

He knew that you were firmly opposed to him joining you, so he joined in secret without telling everyone.

There are no more than three people in the entire base who know his true identity! "

Li Zecheng shed tears and sighed: "Maybe, this is life!"

Chen Xin'an frowned and asked, "Mr. Li, what's going on? Could it be that the son you asked me to find is Red Fox's former lover, Black Dragon?"

Li Zecheng sighed, nodded and said, "Yes, that's my son Li Yinuo!

I just didn't expect that he would become...

It was because of my status that I divorced his mother and sent them abroad.

I originally thought this was the best protection for them, but I didn't expect that my son would end up following my old path!

Xiaohu had met me before when he and Yinuo were together.

In order to protect me, Yinuo made up a random identity for me.

I once had a project in Eagle Flag Country, and both Yinuo and Xiaohu helped me at that time.

But later, Pyroses used the two of them to blackmail me.

As a last resort, I chose to quit.

Yinuo took Xiaohu to hide somewhere else. "

Red Fox wiped his tears and said: "We went to many places, but Brother Heilong never stayed there for too long.

Later on Black Eagle Island, Brother Heilong told me that he was going to do something. If it was done, we wouldn’t have to hide around in the future.

He will take me back to China and get married!

However, he only said how it was done, but he did not say what would happen if it failed!

I waited for him on Black Hawk Island for a whole year without seeing him!

I searched for him like crazy, and until now, I still believe that he is still alive, I can still find him, and we can still be together! "

Chen Xin'an and everyone suddenly realized, and finally understood the whole story.

At this moment, Xiao Baiyang suddenly stood up unsteadily and said to everyone with a pale face:

"I'm sorry, I suddenly felt a little uncomfortable and wanted to go back and take a rest! You guys can eat first!"

He stood up and walked slowly towards the door.

The red fox bit his lip, as if he wanted to stop him, but his outstretched hand froze in mid-air and did not touch his clothes.

Chen Xin'an and others didn't know how to deal with this situation, so Ning Xiruo sighed softly and said to Red Fox:

"Don't worry, I'll get him a separate meal and deliver it to his room!"


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