Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 214 You all deserve to die

The killing happened in an instant, and by the time everyone reacted, the man was already leaning on top of his seatmate!

His eyes were still wide, and the expression on his face was full of indignation, as if he was angry.

He once went through life and death on the battlefield. He did not die under the enemy's gunfire, but died at the hands of a group of robbers on the plane returning home!

"Ah!" Everyone exclaimed, with a look of horror on their faces.

Only then did I realize that if these people in front of me dared to rob on the plane, they were already crazy robbers.

Instead of being such a polite and nice gentleman like before!

The smile on Chen Xin'an's face disappeared, and her eyes began to look sharp as she looked at the corpse that fell on someone else's body.

The person holding the loudspeaker said loudly: "I repeat it again! We just want money, but if everyone doesn't cooperate, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

Several girls were so frightened that they started crying. When they saw the bag coming in front of them, they threw all the jewelry they had just hidden into it.

The smiling man pointed his crossbow at Chen Xin'an and said, "If you dare to play tricks on me again, I can guarantee that your end will be worse than that person just now!"

Chen Xin'an looked at the man's body thrown on the ground and said in a deep voice:

"That man was once a soldier of our Chinese nation. He defended our country and fought for our people through life and death!"

The smiling man looked at him with a smile and said, "So? What do you want to say?"

Chen Xin'an looked at him and said expressionlessly: "I mean, you all deserve to die!"

The smiling man was stunned for a moment, turned to look at his companions and laughed: "Did you hear what he said? He said we all deserve to die!

Hahaha! I have never felt so funny!

This kid is really crazy!

At this time, he still dares to say such things! "

"Pah!" The smiling man pressed Chen Xin'an on the shoulder and shouted at him coldly: "Do you think I am a kind person and reluctant to touch you?"

While talking, the smiling man pointed the plastic crossbow at Chen Xin'an's leg and pulled the trigger!

In the blink of an eye, Chen Xin'an flicked his right hand, and between his index and middle fingers, there was a small white arrow!

"What!" The smiling man's face changed drastically, and he looked at Chen Xin'an in disbelief.

Such a close distance, such a thin and smooth arrow, the guy in front of me actually caught it with two fingers!

At the same time, Chen Xin'an flicked his wrist, and the small white arrow came out of his hand. With a pop, it inserted into the head of the robber in front and protruded from the other side!

Without saying a word, the robber fell heavily to the ground, not far from the veteran. His death was exactly the same as him!

Chen Xin'an had already taken out the things from his trouser pockets, handed them to Ning Gen, and said to him: "Give it back to whoever has it!"

As he spoke, he stretched out his right hand and grabbed the smiling man's throat. With his left hand, he grabbed the smiling man's plastic crossbow!

"Everyone get down!" As Chen Xin'an shouted, everyone in the cabin bent down and hid under the seats.

White light danced throughout the cabin, and all the robbers fired crossbows at Chen Xin'an!

Chen Xin'an just lifted the smiling man up, used him as a shield, and rushed forward quickly!

"Puff!" The two robbers covered their throats, their eyes widened in disbelief, and they fell to the ground.

Blood flowed from the gaps between their fingers, and their bodies twitched on the ground.

"Click!" The plastic crossbow in his hand made a muffled sound, and Chen Xin'an knew that the crossbow had run out of arrows!

Throwing away the plastic crossbow, Chen Xin'an came to a robber again, and hit him hard with the smiling man in his hand!

The two men fell to the ground one after another with a bang. The robber's arm should have been broken. The plastic crossbow in his hand fell to his feet. He wanted to pick it up but couldn't!

Chen Xin'an walked up to him and kicked him on the chin. With a click, the cervical vertebrae broke and the robber was killed instantly!

Only the robber with the loudspeaker was left standing. Watching his companions fall one by one, he no longer had the calmness he had before, and his whole face turned pale!

He looked at Chen Xin'an and shouted: "Don't come over! Otherwise... I will kill him!"

He pointed the plastic crossbow at the head of the air police officer next to him, staring at Chen Xin'an.

However, Chen Xin'an didn't seem to be in a hurry. She squatted in front of the smiling man, looked at him coldly and said, "Don't you love to laugh? Now show me a silly smile!"

The smiling man's back has almost been pierced with little white arrows like a hedgehog. He tried hard to put on a smile, but it turned out to be uglier than crying!

Chen Xin'an sneered and said to him: "It doesn't matter, you can't laugh, I'll help you!" Then he took out a cloth bag from his body, took out a silver needle, and stuck it into the armpit of the smiling man!

"Hahaha!" The smiling man laughed loudly, rolling on the floor with laughter.

Chen Xin'an stood up and said to the robber with the loudspeaker: "I only give you one chance. If you want to live, throw away what you have in your hands. Otherwise, I count to three and you will become a corpse!"

Before he could start counting, the guy suddenly dropped what he was holding and knelt straight on the ground!

Chen Xin'an held a small white arrow in his hand. Before he could send it out, he saw the other person kneeling, and he was a little stunned.

"What's that? It didn't count just now. I haven't counted yet. Let's start over!" Chen Xin'an went over and wanted to pick up the robber.

The robber's legs were so weak that he couldn't stand up. He looked at Chen Xin'an and begged:

"I don't want to die! You are a master of Chinese Kung Fu. I have seen people like you, they are terrible! I don't want to die in the hands of you people!"

Chen Xin'an really had no intention of keeping him alive, after all, these people just killed a respectable veteran!

He asked the robber with a gloomy face: "Then who do you want to die in the hands of? There are more than 300 kinds here, pick one yourself!"

Robber: "..."

Can you still speak properly?

Am I picking on someone? I don’t want to die, okay?

He felt a strong murderous intention from this kung fu master, and wailed, "I want to atone for my sins with my kung fu master!"

Chen Xin'an was a little amused. She looked at him and cursed: "I'm not a policeman. What do I need you to atone for?"

The robber was about to cry. He pointed behind him and said, "There are still accomplices inside. I can take you in and subdue them!"

There is a lunatic inside. If he takes control of the cockpit, none of us will survive! "

The air marshal endured the pain and said to Chen Xin'an: "Sir, thank you for your help! Can you help me up? I want to go to the cockpit..."

Chen Xin'an walked up to him, looked at the long white arrow on his body, and said to him: "Be patient!"

"Ah?" The air marshal was stunned for a moment. Before he could react, Chen Xin'an had already slapped him on the chest!

The air marshal leaned his upper body upright on the back of the chair. Chen Xin'an held the two white arrows with both hands, flicked his wrist, and pulled them out at the same time!

"Yeah!" The air marshal groaned, and his whole body jumped up. Chen Xin'an took out the silver needle and said to him: "Don't move!" He quickly injected the needle into his shoulders, and soon his wounds stopped bleeding.

But at this moment, the stewardess on the side screamed, and the robber took advantage of this moment, suddenly rushed into the first class cabin, and then locked the door!

"It's over!" An old man slumped on the seat and murmured: "There are five more inside. If we control the cockpit, all of us will fall from the height of 10,000 meters!"

A woman wearing a big gold chain cursed Chen Xin'an angrily:

"At this time, why do you still care about what that person is doing?

He has piercings on both shoulders, so what's the use?

You should control the robber first!

How confusing!

Everyone on our plane was killed by you! "

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