Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2173 I just don’t like poor people

The piercing screams echoed in the hall, and everyone looked at this scene in horror!

Jack Wu never imagined that he would follow the cashier out to ask for a bill and even lose part of his tongue!

Chen Xin'an held the sword in her right hand and held a piece of minced meat in her left hand. She threw it on the ground and stepped on it. She looked at Jack Wu expressionlessly and said:

"This time it's just the tip of your tongue. If you dare to speak Chinese again, I will cut off your entire tongue!"

There was a noise from the elevator. Ning Xiruo walked over with Catherine and Li Niandong, followed by Luo Xiaoman.

Seeing this scene in the hall, Ning Xiruo shook her head helplessly. She was used to it and no longer felt any psychological discomfort!

Chen Xin'an sat down on the sofa next to her and said to Ning Xiruo: "Daughter-in-law, tell them.

What I want is the ownership of the entire eighth floor, and I don’t need to rent it anymore.

Senior sister, contact that Doug and sell this clinic to you!

I will redecorate this place and you will be the boss here from now on. "

"Junior brother!" Yan Huilan's eyes turned red.

She didn't expect that Chen Xin'an actually bought the entire clinic for her!

Jack Wu covered his mouth and wanted to run away, but Li Qi stopped him.

Chen Xin'an sat on the sofa and said expressionlessly: "There is no need to go elsewhere for treatment, this is the clinic.

Senior sister, help them stop the bleeding and sign the contract as soon as possible.

If they can't make the decision, let the top management of Black Flag Bank come over! "

Jack Wu was delighted.

If you want to call the higher-ups up, you're dead!

Who do you think you are, trying to buy this place?

The senior management will definitely not sell it, and if they see us being injured, they will never let you off lightly!

Now Jack Wu really hates Chen Xin'an in his heart.

He has never seen such arrogant Chinese people!

Just wait and see how the police in the Eagle Flag country treat these foreign suspects!

Ning Xiruo said to Li Niandong: "Forget it, let's make it simple and let Golden help with this!

Xiaodong, help me call Golden! "

"Okay!" Li Niandong took out his mobile phone and was about to dial a number when he suddenly stopped and asked Ning Xiruo: "How about asking Boorman to come forward directly? It will save trouble!"

Ning Xiruo shook her head and said, "I am the leader of Jordan City, and I am very busy these days!

The most important thing I need to see is Golden's strength.

If he can't even become a bank president, there is no need for us to waste time and energy on such a person! "

Li Niandong nodded and dialed the phone.

Jack Wu, who was standing nearby receiving treatment from Yan Huilan, was dumbfounded.

The names they said were so familiar!

Is it the same name?

Or do they really know people from the Cexire family?

What are the identities of these Chinese people?

I originally thought that the higher-ups would help them out.

Now it seems that even if my senior management comes, it may be of no use!

Half an hour later, Golden and a fat man went up to the eighth floor.

"Mr. Foster!" When Jack Wu saw the fat man, it was like seeing a savior, his face was full of surprise.

Unexpectedly, it was the president who came here in person. It seemed that the injury he suffered this time was not in vain.

Everyone knows that Foster, the president of Black Flag Bank, has a very bad temper and is a vengeful master.

This time the people in the bank have suffered such a big loss, and the president will definitely not let it go!

Moreover, the president has a wide network of contacts. Even the boss of the police station will be polite when meeting the president.

If you want the police to take action, it's just a phone call away!

These Chinese bastards dared to attack me, even asked me to change my name, and even cut off the tip of my tongue!

Wait a moment and see how you die one by one!

But as soon as the president came in, before he could complain and complain, Foster turned a blind eye and left!

As if he didn't see the wounded on the ground or the blood all over the ground, he walked straight over, stood next to the Chinese man next to the sofa, put on a smile and said:

"Mr. Chen, it was our people's work mistakes that caused losses and unhappiness to everyone.

On behalf of Black Flag Bank, I apologize to you!

Regarding your acquisition proposal, I have brought the contract. Can you take a look? "

Jack Wu’s eyes almost popped out!


Are you dreaming?

This was the first time he had seen such a manager who was like a licking dog.

And the target is a Chinese!

When did the Chinese people have such a high status in the eyes of the president?

Chen Xin'an pointed at Yuli on the ground expressionlessly and said: "Take care of your people first and clean up the place.

My wife will talk to you about the contract! "

"Okay!" After listening to Li Niandong's translation, Foster turned around with a smile.

The faces of his men who looked at him suddenly became gloomy, as if by magic.

“Take that idiot to the hospital!

You should be more polite to our distinguished guests from now on!

Especially Mr. Chen and his friends.

If I find anyone causing trouble for me again, get out of Black Flag Bank! "

Jack Wu felt that he must have been confused by the pain!

He couldn't understand why the president became like this?

Doesn’t he hate Chinese people the most?

The reason why I have not been reused for so many years is because I am a descendant of the Chinese people, and I also have a Chinese face!

Seeing his incomprehensible look, Foster lowered his face and glared at him fiercely.


All day long, I thought that I hated Chinese people and turned myself into a native of the Eagle Flag Country. I even heard that I wanted to have plastic surgery and change my appearance.

I hate poor people!

As long as you have money, you are my brother!

For example, Mr. Chen in front of me paid three times the price to acquire the ownership of this floor. Let alone a real brother, I am willing to call him daddy!

Golden sat next to Chen Xin'an and whispered to him: "Mr. Chen, I really admire you more and more now!

one night!

In just one night, the entire 11th block was turned upside down by you! "

Chen Xin'an curled her lips and said with an indifferent expression: "Your family has too many worries, and there are some things you can't do.

I don't have to worry about anything, as long as it provokes me, it will definitely let it know the pain! "

Golden understood the meaning of these words, smiled awkwardly, nodded and said, "Father said so too."

Chen Xin'an turned to look at him and asked: "What is the official attitude towards last night's auction?

Is there any progress on your brother's end? "

Golden rubbed his face with a headache, shook his head and said: "No! Those people seemed to be invisible, they all hid!

My brother doesn't even go home now, and he leads people from the security bureau around the streets all day long.

Now prepare to join forces with the police to conduct a large-scale search of the entire Jordan City!

My brother said they must still be in Jordan City!

This time Haimande Company suffered too much loss, and we have already applied for insurance compensation.

Mr. Chen, you were at the scene last night. Do you have any clues? "

Chen Xin'an glanced at him and said, "What clues can I have? Besides, even if I have clues, I can't hide it from you. Didn't you install a tracker on the car?"

Golden's face suddenly turned red, and he looked at Chen Xin'an nervously and said, "What are you talking about, Mr. Chen..."

Li Niandong, who was translating on the side, said: "Mr. Golden, don't treat Mr. Chen as a fool. This is not conducive to our cooperation!"

Hearing Li Niandong's words, Golden was even more ashamed.

He lowered his head, took a deep breath and said, "Mr. Chen, I'm sorry!

I'll send someone to tear it down right now! "



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