Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2181 Brotherhood is the most priceless

Ning Xiruo cooked and made some hangover soup.

This is a good thing developed by masters and apprentices Luo Qianhe and Guo Zhaodi. It is very useful for drunken headaches.

Li Yinuo sat on the sofa holding a bowl and drank it in big gulps.

Chen Xin'an handed him a note.

“Keep this number in your head!

This is my phone number. No matter when or where you are, just call this place and I will give you whatever you want.

If you want me as a person, leave a place for me.

From all corners of the world, I will come to you as quickly as possible! "

Li Qi and Luo Xiaoman also walked over, looked at him and said, "We are the same!

The boss is here, and we will definitely be there too! "

Li Yinuo looked at everyone, said nothing, and just stood up.

He clenched his right fist tightly, turned his fist inward, and punched his heart three times, then bowed his head to everyone and said:

"I'm honored to have you friends!"

Chen Xin'an hugged his shoulders and said, "It's our honor too!"

Li Yinuo said to Chen Xin'an and everyone: "I'm going back, and I may not stay in Jordan City for the next few days.

Peace of mind, those people used the tactic of fishing for fish from the haystack against me.

When they determine the city I am in, they will converge all mobile call messages there.

Use the device to perform piece-by-piece analysis to determine my location.

This seems to be a very cumbersome project, but in fact, with the technology of the Eagle Flag Country, the analysis time is not long.

So I'm not sure if the calls between us will be traced by them.

Once confirmed, you are in danger! "

Chen Xin'an nodded and said with a smile: "You also said that I have the ability to protect the people around me!

And maybe the person chasing you is also an old friend of mine! "

Upon hearing this, Li Yinuo burst out laughing and said to him: "I know, you are the top pick of the Bounty Gang during this period!

The most I can do is be a prostitute, but you can reach the top directly!

That's why I'm here to ask for your help. "

Chen Xin'an also shook her head helplessly and said to him: "Wait a moment before leaving! Aman, did you get your things back?"

Luo Xiaoman nodded, walked to the side, took out two large black bags from under the sofa, and raised them in front of Li Yinuo.

"Bring this with you!" Chen Xin'an said to Li Yinuo with a smile.

Li Yinuo asked with a strange look on his face: "What is this?"

Everyone laughed, and Li Qi said to him: "Brother Nuo, you will know after you open it and take a look!"

Li Yinuo walked over inexplicably, unzipped the big bag, and was stunned.

Li Qi held a list next to him and said: "Ten sets of BA liquid body armor, ten sets of wolf spider climbing suits, ten sets of predator communication equipment, ten sets of soldier integrated combat uniforms..."

As Li Qi kept reading out the list of items, Li Yinuo was stunned.

The other bag was full of firearms and ammunition, and most of them were lightweight and detachable.

After Li Qi finished reporting, Li Yinuo picked up a body armor and said to Chen Xin'an with red eyes:

“I don’t know anything else, but I’ve seen this liquid body armor.

Even the military of the Eagle Flag country has not popularized it because of the high cost, with an Eagle Flag costing millions of dollars!

Now, you gave me ten sets!

Peace of mind, how much are these two packages worth?

You tell me clearly, otherwise I don't want it! "

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly and said to him: "This is the only thing I can give you!

So if you say it is valuable, then it is valuable; if you say it is not valuable, then it is worthless.

Because in my heart, life is priceless, and these things are just used to protect your lives.

Our friendship as friends and brothers is also priceless.

Nothing that money can buy is worth anything!

Also, remember one place, Huilan Clinic on the eighth floor of Building 171, Grand Avenue.

The boss, Yan Huilan, is my senior sister, and I have already explained this to her.

Whether you need to heal or need to hide, you can go here! "

Li Yinuo nodded vigorously, looked at Chen Xin'an and everyone, and kept saying: "Thank you! Thank you so much!"

Dao Lei punched him on the shoulder and said with a smile: "You don't think of us as brothers anymore!"

Everyone laughed.

There is no never-ending feast.

Although it was only the first time we met, we all had a feeling of inseparability.

And no one can guarantee whether there will be a chance to meet in the future!

Zhang Jian said to Chen Xin'an: "I will give you a promise!"

Chen Xin'an nodded and watched the two of them pick up their big bags and walk out of the room.

Standing at the door of the room, Li Yinuo turned around and looked at Chen Xin'an and the brothers beside him.

Chen Xin'an raised his right fist, punched his heart gently, and said in a deep voice: "Brother, take care!"

Li Qi, Luo Xiaoman and other brothers also imitated his example, beating their hearts with their fists and saying to Li Yinuo: "Take care!"

Li Yinuo punched his fist heavily and nodded resolutely, "Take care!"

Then he turned around and strode away.

Li Qi said to Chen Xin'an with some worry: "Boss, it seems that Instructor Zhang..."

Chen Xin'an waved his hand, sighed and said to him: "No matter what Ji'an chooses, I will not interfere or stop him."

Li Dian nodded and said nothing.

Dinner was actually at a Chinese restaurant in Chinatown.

It seems that Stilwell has put down his posture and is ready to please Chen Xin'an and Ning Xiruo.

However, entering the Huaxia Restaurant in this foreign country did not make Chen Xin'an feel like he was home.

Because most of the guests are foreigners.

Chen Xin'an took Ning Xiruo and Li Niandong out of the car and walked into the restaurant called Liuxiangju.

The waiter standing at the door was dressed in ancient waiter's clothing, with a white towel on his shoulders, and shouted loudly: "We have a guest! Come on, three of you! Waiter, serve tea!"

Chen Xin'an and the two girls looked at each other and laughed dumbly.

If this restaurant were in China, people would probably laugh to death.

Isn't this making a fool of myself by following these useless rules of the previous dynasty and still being half-hearted?

But these foreigners just like this!

Just look at the packed hall and you can already see it!

Ning Xiruo said to the waiter: "We have an appointment, Mr. Stilwell..."

Before he could finish speaking, a flattering smile appeared on the waiter's originally business-like face, and he said to Chen Xin'an and the others: "It turns out that we are Mr. Stilwell's distinguished guests. Please come with me!"

It seems that guy Stilwell often comes here to eat, so he is a VIP customer, right?

After going to a private room on the second floor, there seemed to be a quarrel coming from inside.

The waiter knocked on the door, and the sounds inside stopped. Someone opened the door, and without waiting for the waiter to introduce him, he smiled at Chen Xin'an and the other three and said:

"Mr. Chen, Mrs. Ning, Miss Li, thank you for attending the appointment. Please come in!"

He turned around and said to the waiter: "Bring the ordered wine and food as soon as possible!"

"Okay!" The waiter nodded, turned around and went downstairs.

Stilwell took Chen Xin'an and the three of them into the box. There was already a woman sitting at the round table inside, as well as a young man and woman, both thirteen or fourteen years old.

Stilwell smiled and said: "This is my wife Delia, my son Wolf, and my daughter Windsor.

Dear, this is Mr. Chen Xin'an I mentioned to you, and his wife Miss Ning Xiruo, and this is their friend Miss Li Niandong..."

Delia glanced at the three of them and said impatiently:

"Okay, I already know!

No one can keep me waiting this long!

These Chinese people have no sense of time at all!

I don't like such people!

I don’t like this kind of place either!

I’m taking the kids to Michilla for dinner now! "



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