Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2189 He is much more cunning than foreigners


Looking at the guy's back, Chen Xin'an was speechless.

The boss had left, so how could a group of workers stay here?

The bodyguards all helped each other to get up and left in a mess.

Avella lowered her head, unable to see her expression, and wanted to leave, but Windsor grabbed her.

"Miss Avella, no matter what the reason is for you to be with that bastard, I believe it is not your will.

I will always be your fan!

So, can you take a photo with me?"

Avella raised her head and glanced at Windsor. Seeing the sincerity in her eyes, without a trace of ridicule, she was a little moved and nodded and said, "Okay!"

Windsor excitedly took out his mobile phone and took a photo with Avella.

Delia also joined in with great interest.

The mother and daughter are really carefree. They were bullied just now, and in the blink of an eye, they happily took photos with their idols!

Stilwell walked up to Chen Xinan, bowed his head and said sincerely: "Mr. Chen, thank you!"

Quinn came over with a bruised face and shouted at Chen Xinan angrily: "You are so good at kung fu, why didn't you stand up and teach them a lesson at the beginning?

You have to wait until we suffer a loss before pretending to be a savior!

The boss still treats you as a friend, and this is how you treat your friends?"

"Quinn!" Stilwell shouted at his bodyguard.

Quinn said with lingering anger: "Boss, I know he saved us.

But all this should have been avoided, he acted too late!"

Chen Xinan smiled slightly and said nothing.

Li Niandong said angrily: "If you want to blame someone, blame your boss. He wanted to use Mr. Chen to deal with Eugene from the beginning! If he hadn't been so smart, Mr. Chen might really help you. If Delia and Windsor were not in danger, Mr. Chen would not care even if you and your boss were beaten to death! Because it has nothing to do with us!" Stilwell's face flushed with shame, and Quinn was dumbfounded, with no anger at all, and even felt very guilty and ashamed! If you want to treat others as fools and use them as guns, it's no wonder that they will sit back and do nothing! Stilwell stood in front of Chen Xinan and said to him sincerely: "Mr. Chen, I apologize for my rudeness just now. You saved my family and you are my true friend Stilwell! I want to give you a gift as my apology to you, please be sure to accept it!" Even Chen Xinan didn't expect that the gift Stilwell mentioned was actually a bulletproof commercial vehicle! He specifically called and asked someone to drive it from Reggie Villa, and it was a new car. Stilwell stood beside the business car and said to Chen Xinan: "This Reggie business car was developed and produced by the family business itself, and it has not yet been put on the market in large quantities.

I have reinforced and upgraded it myself.

It is still a new car, and the documents can be delivered to the hotel where Mr. Chen is staying tomorrow morning.

Mr. Chen, please accept it!"

Chen Xinan frowned, and Ning Xiruo beside him nodded and said: "Okay, then I will thank Mr. Stilwell on behalf of my husband!"

Hearing that his wife said this, Chen Xinan no longer refused, nodded and said to Stilwell:

"I accept the gift, and friends can be friends. I hope we can cooperate sincerely in the future and make a fortune together!"

"Okay!" Stilwell stretched out his hand and shook it with Chen Xinan, and the two laughed.

Driving the newly received Reggie business car back to the hotel, the Kailai business car was left in the Chinatown parking lot.

Stilwell will send someone to drive it and return it to Boorman.

Chen Xinan is going to Black Hawk Island, so it is naturally not suitable to drive a car that can track and locate.

Ning Xiruo chose this new business car because of its bulletproof performance.

It would be strange if she didn't worry about her husband going to Black Hawk Island.

It is inevitable to encounter danger if you have to protect yourself in all aspects.

But the more protection, the more peace of mind.

Back to the hotel, Luo Xiaoman and Li Qi left the presidential suite and went back to their rooms to sleep.

They didn't sleep all the time, just in case there was any emergency, so they could leave directly.

After taking a shower and changing into pajamas, Chen Xinan held Ning Xiruo in his arms and said to her:

"I'll take you there tomorrow.

Stilwell will discuss the contract with you in the next two days.

The terms will be signed according to what we agreed with him before.

We must bring Golden in.

With our joining, Stilwell may kick the Cecily family out. We can't let him succeed!"

Ning Xiruo thought about it, nodded and said, "I'll pay attention. Is my husband afraid of angering Burman?"

"Not exactly!" Chen Xinan took a deep breath and said to her:

"If there is no Cecily family in front, the pressure will be on We are in the Anhao Group!

Stilwell agreed to my joining just to use me as a gun.

Don't look at his beautiful words tonight, such as true friends, good brothers, etc.

Such words are just for listening, but not for taking seriously. "

Ning Xiruo said seriously: "Husband, I think what Stilwell said tonight may be the truth!"

Chen Xinan was stunned for a moment, then smiled slightly and said to her: "It depends on the result of your discussion.

If his shares will not exceed ours, even if they are equal, then it is the truth.

If he wants to monopolize the majority, then he has other intentions!

No matter which one it is, we must be on guard.

The Rasesire family came in, which was an important step.

We can't look at Boorman's present, but his future.

Or, just treat him as the leader of the Eagle Flag Nation! "

Ning Xiruo held Chen Xin'an's arm, buried her face in his arms and said, "People say I am a genius in business, but in fact I have never met you!

Husband, whether you are in business or politics, your achievements will be unmatched..."

"Pull her down!" Chen Xin'an wrapped his arms around her, hugged her, let her lie on his chest, kissed her forehead and said:

"I just want our family to live well.

To quietly be a door-to-door son-in-law who eats and waits for death is my lifelong ideal! "

"Oh, you're annoying!" Ning Xiruo was so angry that she didn't know whether to laugh or cry. She opened her small mouth coquettishly and bit the tip of his nose.

Chen Xin'an didn't struggle, and her daughter-in-law wasn't willing to exert force anyway.

A pair of hands began to be dishonest.

Ning Xiruo blushed and grabbed his hand, frowned and said, "Husband, over there at the Chinese Chamber of Commerce..."

Chen Xin'an was stunned for a moment, and said jokingly: "President Peng is very aggressive today!"

"I think he is quite sincere!" Ning Xiruo said, biting her lip.

Chen Xin'an laughed and said to her: "This President Peng is much more cunning than Stilwell!

Sincerity is based on our abilities.

Mr. Li must have had a detailed discussion with him, and he also understood my details.

Coupled with the fermentation of things in Block 11 in the past two days, his attitude towards me now changed from soliciting to wooing me. "

Ning Xiruo thought about it and realized that this was really the case.

Although these two words have similar meanings, they are very different.

One acts as a boss, while the other acts as an accomplice.

Ning Xiruo said with some confusion: "Then what does it mean that my husband left his three-story street building? Do you really want to open a restaurant in China Street?"

Chen Xin'an shook his head and said to her: "I just want to leave a few more hiding places for the Red Hood or the Dragon Shield brothers who come to the Eagle Flag Country for missions!

It's just that I haven't decided what business to do yet.

When you have time, go take a look with Mr. Li and get the place first! "

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