Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 219 Who says I can’t do anything to you?

Everyone else on the plane also covered their eyes, as if they didn't want to see the eye-searing scene just now.

This kid is too embarrassed,

When I saw him deal with the robbers before, I thought he was a king, but now a bump in the clouds revealed his true form, and he was just a bronze!

Na Ayu glanced at Chen Xin'an with disdain, ignored him, looked at Li Zecheng beside him and said:

"President Li, we only have one request today, and you'd better agree.

Otherwise we will blow up the whole plane and everyone will die together! "

Li Zecheng looked at him calmly and said, "Tell me your request first!"

Na'ayu snorted coldly and said to him: "I agree to the aid and support plan that you rejected before!"

Li Zecheng was stunned for a moment, then looked at Naayu and Supache, smiled coldly, shook his head and said: "It is not my job to authenticate the agreement!

Each project has its own rules and procedures. I can’t just give you a nod on the plane and hundreds of billions of dollars will fall on you! "

Na'ayu frowned and asked him, "What do you mean?"

Chen Xin'an said with a smile: "President Li means that you are thinking nonsense!"

President Li was stunned for a moment. He wanted to say that I didn't say that. Although that was what I meant, I was not so vulgar.

Still too young! At this time, of course, we must first stabilize these two people and look for opportunities to subdue them!

Otherwise, once they get excited and press the detonator desperately, everyone will be dead!

Na'ayu glared at Chen Xin'an and shouted: "What did you say? Are you playing tricks on us?"

"Yeah, for idiots like you, why don't you keep it as a confession if you don't want to fool me?" Chen Xin'an pinched her nose with her fingers and said with disdain.

Gritting his teeth in anger, Ayu cursed at Chen Xin'an: "Asshole! Do you think I dare not detonate it?"

Everyone on the plane was frightened and cursed Chen Xin'an:

"Are you crazy? Are you still saying such things to them at this time?"

"Since they want to sit down and talk, it means that there is still a chance of improvement in this matter, and we still have a chance to survive! Now that you are irritating them, do you want us to die?"

"I thought you were a master, but I didn't expect you to be so impulsive and incompetent! I just saw the wrong person!"

But Bai Sanniang laughed and said: "Okay! Well done! Let's all die! It's already like this anyway. It's fun for everyone to finish playing together!"

Supacher also looked at Naayanu angrily and shouted: "Stop talking nonsense to them! I think they have no intention of negotiating with us at all. Let's all die together!"

Chen Xin'an smiled and said to him: "Come then, what are you waiting for?"

"No!" Someone in the cabin cried bitterly, some yelled at Chen Xin'an for deliberately irritating the robbers, and some scolded Li Zecheng for not seeing the formality clearly and not knowing whether to agree first!

In this noisy atmosphere, Chen Xin'an stood up and left.

Everyone's eyes widened as they watched him leisurely enter the first class cabin, and soon came out carrying two dead bodies and threw them on the aisle.

Then he picked up all the corpses in the cabin and piled them together. He also picked up the unconscious smiling man and threw them next to the corpses.

What is he doing?

Everyone was frightened, and they all shut their mouths honestly.

No matter what, they killed so many people, but under everyone's eyes, there was no trace of moisture in this one!

What makes everyone even more weird is that from beginning to end, no one stopped him from doing this.

The two robbers were sitting next to Li Zecheng, motionless.

Chen Xin'an looked at the two of them with a smile and said, "What's wrong? You don't dare anymore? What are you waiting for? Why don't you dare to detonate it?"

The cabin gradually became quiet, and everyone looked over in surprise.

Only then did everyone realize, yes, if those two people really wanted to die together, they should take action now, right?

Na'ayu's face was pale, he looked at Chen Xin'an sideways and said, "What did you do to me?"

Supacher also exclaimed in shock: "Why can't I move my body? I can't even twist my neck now! What's going on?"

Chen Xin'an smiled and said: "It's nothing. When the plane was bumpy just now, I inserted a few needles into several acupuncture points on your chest, neck and waist to bleed you.

Don't worry, you won't die. It will just damage some of your heart vessels, which will then affect the blood supply to your head and limbs.

You don't feel pain, you just feel numb, and you don't need any strength. "

The people in the cabin stared at Chen Xin'an. The ones who laughed at him the loudest just now were all red-faced and ashamed.

Still feel embarrassed?

Is there anyone who is not an expert?

Are you still making fun of others for being unstable and making a fool of yourself?

They just took advantage of that opportunity to attack the two robbers!

To prevent the other party from becoming suspicious and to resolve the crisis silently, this can only be described in two words: beautiful!

It's safe now!

Everyone cheered, the feeling of escaping from death was really touching!

Na'ayu's face turned pale, he looked at Chen Xin'an and asked, "Am I always going to be like this?"

"Of course not!" Chen Xin'an waved his hand and said, "You will be back to normal in no more than twenty minutes! But twenty minutes is a complete failure for you, right?"

Na Ayu sighed heavily, lowered his head and said, "You win, take the detonator, we will do whatever you want!"

Chen Xin'an stretched out his hand, as if he really wanted to take the detonator in Na Ayu's right hand, but in the end he just grabbed his wrist!

Na Ayu looked at Chen Xin'an in astonishment and asked him, "What are you waiting for?"

Chen Xin'an smiled at him and said lightly, "Do you really want me to take the detonator?"

The people in the cabin were stunned by this scene.

A man holds another man's wrist, and the two look at each other with affection. This scene is so beautiful that no one dares to look...

Chen Xin'an narrowed his eyes and said to Na Ayu: "When you asked me to take the detonator just now, your pupils shrank and your hands trembled slightly, as if you wanted to use force but couldn't.

Look at the way the tape on your hand is wrapped, which is different from ordinary bandages.

This should be the reverse wrapping method. Once I don't untie it in the correct way, it will get tighter and tighter.

The final result is that when I remove the bandage, the detonator will be triggered, causing an explosion, resulting in the destruction of the plane and the death of people, right?"

Na Ayu looked pale and looked at Chen Xin'an in surprise, as if he didn't expect him to see through this step!

The people in the cabin also broke out in cold sweats. Fortunately, this young man didn't act impulsively and was very careful, otherwise everyone would have been shattered by now!

"Hahaha!" Na Ayu laughed crazily, looking at Chen Xin'an with sarcasm and said:

"What can I do if I let you see through it? Can you do anything to me?

Isn't the detonator in my hand?

It's only 20 minutes later, I can still press the detonator.

You and the people on this plane are both going to die?"

Everyone was also shocked! Yes, the detonator cannot be obtained, and the crisis cannot be resolved!

Chen Xin'an grinned, looked at him and said: "Who said I can't do anything to you? Who said I can't get the detonator? Isn't this the end?"

While speaking, Chen Xin'an clasped Na Ayu's wrist with five fingers, pulled hard, and pulled his entire arm off!

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