Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2203 They dare not resist


Chen Xin'an knocked open the glass door of a store, pulled Konoha Zhen and Guo Zhaodi and ran in.

Behind him, the brothers protected Red Fox and Little Baiyang and ran in.

“Hey! You broke my store door!

You damn people, get out of here! "

This is a small supermarket. The owner is a bald old man in his fifties. He is wearing a denim suit and holds a shotgun in his hand, aiming it at Chen Xin'an and the others!

Before Chen Xin'an could explain, a group of men in black rushed in from outside, holding guns in their hands, aiming at Chen Xin'an and shooting randomly!

Without saying a word, the old man shot a man in black standing at the door!

The powerful impact caused the guy's feet to lift off the ground, and his body flew backwards!

When he fell heavily to the ground, a group of companions saw that his entire chest was smashed!

You can see the internal organs directly!

"Fake!" A group of men in black yelled and pointed their guns at the old man.

Unexpectedly, the old man was not afraid at all. While shouting and cursing, he continued to reload and prepare to shoot!

Chen Xin'an rushed forward and threw the old man to the ground.

There was a loud crash overhead, the shelves were messed up, and debris flew everywhere.

If he had just taken one step slower, the old man would have been beaten into a hornet's nest!

Nowadays, body armor and pistols are always available, so the moment the man in black rushed in, the people in the supermarket started to fight back!

Two of the men in black fell down instantly, and the rest immediately retreated!

Chen Xin'an shouted to Red Fox: "Red Fox, ask him if there is a back door here!"

Red Fox immediately asked the old man lying on the ground.

The old man cursed and said loudly: "Damn it, why should I tell you!

Don’t think that just because you saved me…”

Chen Xin'an didn't bother to talk to him and took out a wad of bills from her wallet.

When he saw the money, the old man's eyes lit up, he grabbed it and stuffed it into his pocket, grinning and saying:

"Fred, a veteran of the 3rd Marine Corps, is happy to serve you! I like Chinese people, you are all very generous!"

This old cannon is a Marine Corps veteran, no wonder he has such a bad temper!

Chen Xin'an glanced at Red Fox helplessly.

The red fox understood what he meant and said to the old man: "Mr. Fred, please take us out of the back door!"

"Okay, come with me!" The old man collected the money, his face squeezed into a chrysanthemum, and he led everyone aside diligently.

"You can take whatever you want here and eat whatever you want, you're welcome!"

The amount of money Chen Xin'an gave him was at least three to four thousand, which was enough for him to repair the door and replenish the goods inside!

No one cares about these things of his, but Li Qi picked up a few bottles on the shelf.

But it's not food to eat or drink, but something like a pesticide.

At this moment, there were several muffled bangs at the door, and then some small things were thrown in.

Then a large yellow-green smoke smell quickly spread in the supermarket!

"These damn people! They actually put these things on my property!" Fred yelled angrily and shot him at the door!

However, everyone had avoided the supermarket hall and came to the back door.

Fred opened the back door and smiled at everyone: "You can go! Welcome again!"

This old guy is not stupid.

It's much easier to make money this way, and he can earn more than he did after just half a year of hard work opening the store!

I'm afraid you'll have to spend your life to spend it!

If you offend those men in black, aren't you afraid of their revenge?

"Hi!" Just when Chen Xin'an was about to leave, Fred suddenly said to him: "Che Menei! Che Menei!"

Chen Xin'an was stunned for a moment, not understanding what he meant.

He turned to look at Red Fox, only to find that she also had a confused look on her face.

Leave him alone!

Chen Xin'an waved her hands to everyone, and everyone left quickly.

Not far ahead is the Champs Hotel.

Konoha held Red Fox's hand and said, "Sister Red Fox, otherwise you and Little Baiyang will go to our place tonight!

It's not safe here! "

Just when Red Fox was about to refuse, Chen Xin'an said to the two of them: "Ye Zhen is right!

You two go up, clean up, and follow us.

It’s relatively safe over there! "

Only then did he discover that next to the Champs Elysees Hotel's signature light, there was a circular badge with an eagle pattern on it.

Tonight Stilwell said that this is the symbol of the Blackhawks League.

I didn't expect that this hotel is a property of Pairose.

Seeing that Chen Xin'an was speaking more firmly, Red Fox stopped insisting and nodded to Xiao Baiyang.

Then he said to Chen Xin'an: "Let's go up and clean up first, vacate the room, and then follow you!"

Konoha and Guo Zhaodi said: "Let's go up and help you clean up!"

Chen Xin'an nodded and motioned for them to go up now, while he and his brothers were waiting below.

Ten minutes later, Honghu and the others came down, and Chen Xin'an took three taxis with everyone back to the Four Seasons Hotel.

Along the way, police lights flashed and sirens roared.

There was a shooting on the pedestrian street and someone died. The police will definitely not sit idly by.

The taxi arrived downstairs at the Four Seasons Hotel. As soon as everyone got out of the car, a group of people suddenly rushed out from the lobby and surrounded everyone!

These people were all wearing clothes similar to police uniforms, but without any police insignia.

Everyone has seen people dressed like this on the pedestrian street. They are the security guards of the Blackhawks League!

A blond man who looked like a captain said to Chen Xin'an: "You guys came back from the pedestrian street, right?

There was a shooting over there just now, and someone saw you shooting.

Now please come with us and help with the investigation! "

Several security guards rushed up, took out handcuffs, and wanted to cuff Chen Xin'an.

But before they could get close, a group of brothers next to Chen Xin'an took out their pistols at the same time!

Li Qi pointed the gun at the blond man's head and looked at him expressionlessly.

The remaining people all froze and did not dare to move.

The blond man shouted angrily: "What do you want to do? How dare you point a pistol at me?"

Chen Xin'an sneered coldly, looked at him with disdain and said, "Who do you think you are?

What qualifications do you have to let me cooperate with your investigation?

Get out of here right now. If you want to investigate the case, let Andre come to me! "

The blond man couldn't understand him, so the red fox acted as a temporary translator.

After listening to Red Fox’s translation, the blond man cursed angrily: “I am Drew, the captain of the Black Hawk Island Tourist Security Guard!

If you foreign tourists have any illegal behavior on Black Hawk Island, it will be under my control!

If you don't cooperate with my investigation, don't blame me for taking coercive measures! "

Li Qi opened the safety directly and aimed at Drew's head.

Chen Xin'an looked at the blond man with disdain and said, "I don't care what you are!

If anyone dares to be rude to me, I will deal with it as a personal threat and bear the consequences! "

Drew's lungs were about to explode!

When had he been treated like this?

No matter which country they are from, tourists are always polite and honest when meeting them.

If you let them go east, they will never dare to go west!

An obedient dog is like a well-trained dog.

How have you ever encountered such a thorn in your side, how dare you confront them head-on!

Drew's face turned livid and he shouted angrily: "Handcuff them all! They don't dare to resist! Anyone who resists will be shot on the spot!"

The corner of Chen Xin'an's mouth curled up and she sneered coldly: "Try it!"

Li Qi rushed over, grabbed Drew's neck, and then pointed the pistol at his left ear.


With the sound of a gunshot, Drew felt his left ear feel hot. He subconsciously reached out and touched it. His hand was full of blood!

This guy actually shot his ear off!



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