Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2217 Do you believe me when I say I went off the rails?

The killer is like a salesman who is dispatched abroad and comes back to take over the task.

The normal operation of the company depends on the clerks in the office.

They are responsible for taking orders and counting, so their job is no easier than that of the killers.

It also shows that none of them are innocent.

Every target killed by the killers was ordered by them.

Then enter the file and receive the employer's reward together with the killers!

Chen Xin'an found this place today and never thought of letting anyone go!

Just before a group of people could react, the guns of Chen Xin'an and the five men were already spitting out tongues of fire!

Bullets poured into every corner of the hall like a heavy rain.

All the men and women were stunned for a moment, and before they could react, they were knocked to the ground!

The screams were endless, and blood and sawdust and confetti were scattered in the air!

Five people stood in a row and fired wildly, without any mercy on their faces.

Some people were very smart and lay on the ground with their heads in their hands.

In this way, they can survive. As long as they don't resist, Chen Xin'an and the other five will not shoot again.

But if someone resists, no matter where he is hiding, Li Qi and Zhang Jian will immediately turn their guns and kill him!

"Spread out!" Li Qi shouted, and the five people threw themselves to the side.

Then there was an explosion, and where the five people were standing just now, two holes had been blown out of the ground!

The killers who stayed here started to fight back!

A large number of killers poured out from inside and fought back against Chen Xin'an and the other five!

Gunshots continued throughout the hall, and some people screamed and rushed inside with their heads in their hands.

It seems that the outlet is not just the clothing store.

Zhang Ji'an shouted to Chen Xin'an while shooting: "Boss, the other side has experts. Ah Qi and I will go and deal with them first!"

Luo Xiaoman hid behind a solid wood table and shouted loudly: "Damn! What do you mean by this, brother? You go and deal with the masters, and all you leave us is garbage?"

"Get away!" Chen Xin'an shouted from the side.

Without saying a word, Luo Xiaoman rolled around like a lazy ass and ran behind the marble workbench next to him.

And the table he was at just now had several bullet holes punched through it!

Depend on!

Luo Xiaoman was so frightened that he broke into a cold sweat. If he had been slower, these few shots would have hit him!

Chen Xin'an said while running: "Ji'an, Ah Qi, you can play freely!

Aman, Lao Xiao, take care of yourself and try not to expose your position!

Don't be careless, don't forget where this is! "

While he was speaking, he had already rushed in front of a killer, grabbed the opponent's arm that was raising a gun to shoot, and almost thrust the muzzle of his gun into the opponent's stomach!

With a burst of gunfire, the opponent's body trembled violently, took a few steps back, and fell to the ground dead!

Zhang Jian and Li Qi looked at each other, nodded, and then a series of tactical gestures appeared in their hands.

At the same time, the two men rushed forward quickly, one on the left and the other on the right, with crossfire and cover for each other. A burst of intense screams continued to sound under the cover of fire!

"Damn! They are really not human!" Luo Xiaoman was convinced when he saw how fierce the two of them were!

These specially trained fighting machines are not comparable to warriors like him.

Even if he fights alone, he has no fear of either of the two, but once he fights with a gun, he will definitely not kill as many people as either of them!

They were born specifically for the battlefield!

Suddenly, all the hair on his body stood up!

Instinctively, without any hesitation, the body rolled forward on the ground!

Behind him, the marble worktop splashed with stone chips.

The bullets were like terrifying carnivorous flying insects, chasing his movements!

Finally, the opponent's bullets were emptied. At the same time, Luo Xiaoman raised the muzzle of his gun, and tongues of fire spurted out!

It's me now, right?

A man in a black robe moved quickly, his body changing positions quickly between desks.

He failed to hit Luo Xiaoman, but Luo Xiaoman's bullet also missed him!

When Luo Xiaoman also emptied the bullets from the magazine, the two of them almost immediately made the same move.

He threw the rifle in his hand to the ground and rushed towards the opponent with his bare hands!

It was too late to reload, and there was no time to draw the sword.

The first thing to do now is to kill the opponent before he can catch his breath!

Bang bang!

The two finally met each other and exchanged punches as soon as they came up!


Luo Xiaoman wiped the corner of his mouth and spit out a mouthful of blood.

The man in front of him had short hair and was covered in a black robe.

He slowly raised his head, lifted up the black robe on his body, and let it fall to the ground.

This guy has short hair, an oriental face, and a bit dark skin. He has a hemp rope tied on his forehead and wears an armless vest similar to Chinese short game clothing.

This is the costume of an ancient Tailan warrior.

This guy is not weak!

He was also punched in the face by Luo Xiaoman, but was not injured.

Of course, he just didn't vomit blood. As for whether it hurt or not, only he knew.

He looked at Luo Xiaoman with a ferocious smile, raised his fingers and said, "Chinese warrior?

This is the first time I have seen a Chinese warrior dare to come to such a place!

Come, let me, Bangchachai, learn your Chinese Kung Fu! "

This guy can actually speak Chinese. Although it is not standard, it can at least be understood.

How could Luo Xiaoman allow anyone to be more pretentious than him!

He also took off his windbreaker, carefully placed it next to him, hooked his fingers and said to the Tailan man:

"Tailan Kung Fu? How dare you dance in front of me even if you are a weak child?

Come on, come on, I'll give you three moves!

Let me show you the terrifying aspects of ancient Chinese martial arts! "

Bangchachai was furious.

He is a master of Tailan Ancient Martial Arts, and the most intolerable thing is for others to insult Tailan Ancient Martial Arts!

He gritted his teeth and cursed: "Damn you..."

Before he could finish speaking, he suddenly squatted down and a row of bullets swept over him, almost hitting him!

Luo Xiaoman mocked with disdain: "Is this the so-called Tailan warrior?

Are you so afraid of death that you dare to tell me about learning Chinese Kung Fu?

Did you see me hiding? "

Boncha guessed that he was very angry.

How shameless are you? The stray bullet was not directed at you. Do you need to hide?

He stood up with a dark face and pointed to Luo Xiaoman to the side: "There is an open space there, so you don't have to worry about being hit by stray bullets.

Do you dare to go over there with me and have a fight? "

Luo Xiaoman sneered coldly and said with disdain: "Lead the way! I dare to break into the dragon's pond and the tiger's den!"

Bonchachai snorted, turned around and ran to the next room.

At this moment, there was a sudden click from behind.

Bang Chachai was startled, and his body suddenly twisted to the side.

The bullet grazed the side of his waist and hit the computer next to him, sending debris flying.

Behind him, Luo Xiaoman held a windbreaker in one hand and a pistol in the other. He said to him awkwardly: "If I said it was a misfire, you wouldn't believe it, would you?"

Bonchachai yelled angrily: "You are so angry! You are aiming at me!"

Despicable and shameless Chinese people, dare to attack me!

go to hell! "

I originally wanted to have a fair fight with this guy, but I didn't expect him to be so mean and shoot him from behind with a pistol!

If it hadn't been for his many years of career as a killer and the instinctive reaction he had learned between life and death to save him, this shot would have probably killed him!

The furious Bangchachai also took out his pistol and shot Luo Xiaoman indiscriminately!

Luo Xiaoman shouted while fighting back: "I'm just testing your reaction to see if you have the strength to fight with me. Don't be impatient, right?"

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