Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2221 Chinese Kung Fu is the most invincible

After hearing Chen Xin'an's words, Roosevelt's expression was as if he had heard a big joke, and he burst out laughing!

He stared at Chen Xin'an crazily and said, "Did I hear you correctly?

You actually want to deal with the Golden Gloves?

Are you crazy?

You have no idea how scary those people are!

To use your Chinese words to describe it, you are simply arrogant and seeking death! "

Chen Xin'an pulled the trigger on his head and said with a sneer: "You will soon know if I am telling lies!"

There was a disgusting smell of blood in the air, and corpses were scattered everywhere.

Roosevelt fell to the ground with a bleeding bullet hole in the middle of his forehead.

His eyes were wide open, and he still had an unconfident expression on his face. He probably wouldn't believe it until his death that this Chinese man dared to actually kill him!

Angry shouts and curses came from outside. Roosevelt had a special status. With him inside, the killers would also have concerns.

But now, that Chinese guy actually shot the president to death!

Is he stupid or does he not take the entire assassin league seriously?

Without the hostages, the killers outside shot wildly into the office, but there was silence inside, as if there was no one alive.

A bearded man raised his arm and the gunfire stopped.

He waved his hand and asked a group of killers to rush in and search Chen Xin'an's body.

Several killers covered each other and rushed into the office cautiously.

Regardless of whether you see anyone or not, first fire a few shots at the back of the door and the bathroom.

But there was only Roosevelt's body lying on the floor in this room, and the Chinese man was missing!

It's like disappearing into thin air.

Everyone stood in the office looking at each other, and one person shouted to the door: "David, he is not here!"

"How is that possible!" The bearded man came in cursing.

There is no other exit here, how could a living person disappear?

At this moment, there was a rustling above his head, and the bearded man subconsciously raised his head and glanced, his face changed drastically, and he shouted: "The exhaust pipe above!"

As soon as he finished speaking, two round little things fell from the sky!

"Oh, Shete!" The bearded man cursed, and his pupils shrank instantly!

Before he could turn around and run away, explosions sounded one after another!

The strong air wave lifted him up and threw him violently out of the door!

The killers inside were even more unlucky. They didn't even have a chance to scream, and their flesh and blood flew everywhere!

Chen Xin'an fell from the ceiling in embarrassment. The moment he dropped the little pineapple, he began to crawl forward using his hands and feet.

However, he still underestimated the power of this gadget. The debris and air waves also penetrated the ventilation duct, squeezed and deformed, and almost strangled him inside!

Coughing, he ran out of the smoke-filled office, looked at the bloody bearded man lying in the corridor, showed a sneer, turned around and stepped over his body!

"Ta-ta-ta!" Fiery snakes spurted out from the muzzle of the gun. Before several killers could rush into the hall, they were killed by Li Qi and Zhang Jian who were ambushing on both sides!

The bullets have long been used up, but guns are everywhere. Pick one up and use it.

They didn't know how many people were killed, and they didn't count them anyway.

However, the entire hall has been cleared by the two people. Anyone with a gun is now lying on the ground and turned into a corpse.

The two made a gesture and continued to rush forward.

The boss hasn't given the order to retreat yet, so keep killing!

"Instructor Zhang!" Li Qi suddenly shouted.

Zhang Jian stopped and stood beside him.

Next to the two of them was a staircase extending downward. It was dark inside and nothing could be seen.

"Go, get down!" Zhang Jian said to Li Qi in a deep voice.

Li Didian nodded and walked down with him.

As soon as he turned the corner, there was a dull sound in his ears, like the sound of a heavy object hitting the flesh.

A clearing appeared in front of him.

In front of a large iron gate, under the dim light, two people were fighting hard to separate each other, and their faces were covered with blood before they stopped!

"Brother Man!" Li Qi recognized one of them and screamed.

Luo Xiaoman shouted: "Don't interfere! This is a battle between me and him, it has nothing to do with anyone else!

Bangchachai, what's up, you didn't expect it, right?

Do you think you are the only one who can use your inner energy?

I can too!

Weren't you quite arrogant just now?

Come on, let's fight, whoever is a coward is the turtle bastard! "

The face of the person fighting him was covered in blood, and he was unrecognizable!

Moreover, the whole person seems to have entered an unconscious state, and all actions are instinctive.

What's even more frightening is that his fists have been fractured and deformed.

The broken finger bones pierced the skin on the back of the hand and were exaggeratedly exposed, which looked shocking.

"I won't play with you anymore!" Luo Xiaoman snorted and punched Bonchachai in the chest.

The inner energy instantly broke the opponent's chest, the energy penetrated into the body, exploded the internal organs, and made a fist-sized knot appear on Bonchachai's back!


Bangchachai knelt heavily on the ground, blood flowing from his mouth like a faucet, and his eyes gradually lost their luster.

Luo Xiaoman raised his hands, pushed back, made a movement to gather his long hair, and then made a V-shaped gesture: "Victory! Yeah!"

Zhang Jian and Li Qi raised their thumbs at the same time and praised sincerely: "Brother Man is mighty!"

Even Li Qi had to admit that if he didn't use any weapons and just competed with fists and kicks, he might not be a match for Brother Man if he teamed up with Instructor Zhang!

Among these brothers, the one who is closest to the boss in kung fu strength is Luo Xiaoman!

The inner strength of ancient martial arts masters is simply terrifying. It completely breaks through the limits of human body and turns people into gods!

"Don't brag about your Tailan Kung Fu in the next life. Chinese Kung Fu is still the most invincible!" Luo Xiaoman pouted and said to Bangchachai who was kneeling on the ground.

Then he kicked him on the head and sent him to his death.

Turning his head, Luo Xiaoman said to Li Qi and Zhang Jian: "How is it up there?"

Li Qi shook his head and said, "They all ran away. I don't know where they are hiding! Instructor Zhang and I want to see what's down there!"

Luo Xiaoman waved his hand and said, "Let's go in then!"

The three of them stood in front of the big iron gate and pushed it for a long time, but the iron gate didn't move at all.

Li Qi stood aside and said to the two of them: "Instructor Zhang, Brother Man, look here!"

There is a coin hole next to it that is the same as when you entered the gate before. It seems to be used for coins.

Luo Xiaoman remembered that he had grabbed a lot of gold coins in the blonde's drawer, and immediately took them out of his pocket and stuffed one in.

He actually spit it out without even taking the coin!

Is it possible that everyone guessed wrong?

Zhang Jian looked at the gold coins in Luo Xiaoman's hand and said, "They all seem to be different.

Try a different pattern! "

Luo Xiaoman looked at the gold coins in his hand, took out one and put it into the coin hole.

This time the gold coins were put in, and there was a clicking sound inside, and then the iron door opened with a roar.

The moment he opened the door, Luo Xiaoman pushed Zhang Jian and Li Qi away with both hands and shouted: "Be careful!"

The gunman who was already ambushing at the door pulled the trigger, and bullets rained down on Luo Xiaoman's body!

"Brother Man!" Zhang Jian and Li Qi hid behind the iron gate, one on the left and the other on the right.

Looking at Luo Xiaoman who fell on his back, the two of them roared at the same time, and the guns in their hands also went off!

As soon as the gunman inside appeared, he was accurately shot in the head by a bullet.

These people are not killers, because their marksmanship is average, and they can hit the body more easily and with greater confidence.

In front of two special operations elites, they were simply vulnerable!



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