Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2227 In fact, I have fallen in love with you a long time ago

Thousand Island Beach is a famous tourist attraction on Black Hawk Island.

In fact, it is the beach. During the peak season, it can be said to be a sea of ​​people!

Because the temperature is still relatively cold now, it is not suitable for playing in the sea, so there are not many people.

However, the weather today is good, the wind is sunny, and there is plenty of sunshine on the beach. Some tourists can't wait to put on their swimsuits.

Konoha Zhen and Guo Zhaodi had already put on their wedding dresses and attire, posing non-stop.

Konoha, who was wearing a wedding dress, nestled in Guo Zhaodi's arms, with a happy face.

Guo Zhaodi has an androgynous appearance, and she was raised as a boy since she was a child.

As a girl, the only time my heart moved was for my uncle.

But when she found out that Chen Xin'an already had a wife, and her feelings were deep and unshakable, she gave up and was no longer interested in any man!

At first, being teased by Konoha was a little awkward, but slowly, she discovered the fun and indulged in it, and even really fell in love with him.

After arriving in the Eagle Flag Country, she and Konoha met many similar people and went to their parties.

This also completely allowed the two of them to let go of their burdens and accept each other openly.

I have to say that the Eagle Flag Country is very tolerant of this kind of love.

The two have never been discriminated against.

Even the photography team invited this time treated them like ordinary lovers, allowing them to relax and cooperate naturally.

This kind of top-notch shooting team has to design every look, so the shooting is not fast.

It’s quick to finish the shoot in one day. Many people take three to five days to shoot.

"Take a break!" the photographer shouted to the crowd.

Konoha suddenly fell into Guo Zhaodi's arms, pouted and said, "Honey, I'm really exhausted!"

Guo Zhaodi sat on the rock, hugged her with both hands, lowered his head and kissed her forehead gently, and said softly: "Hold on, the filming will be finished soon!"

Konoha nodded, looked around and asked, "Where are Sister Red Fox and the others?"

Guo Zhaodi pointed to the crowd playing in the sea not far away and said: "They put on their swimsuits and went into the water to play, and Nancy followed them!"

Konoha snorted and said dissatisfied: "That's too much! You came prepared and didn't even warn us!"

Guo Zhaodi smiled and said: "So what if I remind you? We don't have time to play!"

This is true, Konoha looked over there angrily, with envy on his face, and said to her:

"Let's go ask Quinn to remind them not to run too far.

I heard that there are sharks in this area at this time, so be careful! "

Guo Zhaodi nodded and said: "Don't worry, as long as you don't run too far, it'll be fine! They have children from time to time, so we don't need to warn them. Others in the province will think we are verbose..."

Just then, a gust of sea breeze blew.

Konoha sat up straight and asked Guo Zhaodi: "Dear, did you hear anything just now?"

"What sound? No! What did you hear?" Guo Zhaodi asked with a puzzled look.

Konoha turned his head towards the distance to the sea and murmured: "I thought I heard a gunshot just now, it seemed to come from a very far away place.

No way? Didn’t Sister Honghu really go to the Reef Cave? "

Guo Zhaodi also stood up after her and said nervously: "She said she wanted to go over and play in the morning, but we stopped her.

Everyone here has said that the reef cave is a shark's nest, and no one dares to go there all year round!

And without diving equipment, it would be impossible to swim there!

They probably won't go!

How about we ask Brother Quinn to go over and take a look!

Let them come up. We have one more group to finish shooting and are ready to go back! "

Konoha nodded, took Guo Zhaodi's hand and walked to Quinn who was sitting on the rocks nearby, and said a few words to him.

Quinn, who was bored, waved to two of his men and asked them to go to the beach to find someone.

After a while, the two boys ran back and shook their heads at Quinn.

Quinn said to Konoha: "My people didn't find them, they don't seem to be there!"

"Ah?" Konoha and Guo Zhaodi were dumbfounded!

Quinn said to them impatiently: "They are all adults and know where the dangers are, so there is no need to worry about them!

If anything happens, they will send a message! "

A bodyguard came over with two bags and said to Quinn: "Boss, these are the clothes that Miss Mu's friends gave me to keep. They rented diving equipment and went into the sea!"

Konoha and Guo Zhaodi ran over, it was the clothes of Red Fox and Little Baiyang!

Even communication equipment is inside.

Konoha said angrily: "When was this given to you? Why didn't you tell us earlier?"

The bodyguard said angrily: "They left after lunch.

The boss asked us to watch over there. What are we doing here?

If George and the others hadn't just gone over to look for someone, we wouldn't have known you were looking for them! "

Guo Zhaodi took Konoha's arm and said: "My dear, don't worry, they will be fine.

You tell Brother Quinn to send a few people to rent boats and equipment to the reef cave, and we'll pay for it! "

Konoha nodded and said to Quinn: "We will pay for you to rent a boat, get diving equipment, and go to the reef cave to look for them..."

"No!" Quinn refused directly and said with a straight face: "The scariest thing about the reef cave is not the shark, but the reef!

No locals go to that place, let alone us!

Who is responsible if something happens?

You two, we will follow Mr. Chen's arrangements and protect your safety.

As for other people, we don’t care!

They commit suicide on their own, we can't die with them! "

After hearing his words, Konoha Zhen and Guo Zhaodi were very angry, but there was nothing they could do.

I can only look at the distance of the sea and pray in my heart: Sister Red Fox, Brother Little Baiyang, please don’t let anything happen to you!

The Reef Cave is a group of reefs about twenty miles away from the coastline.

The terrain here is complex and dangerous, and passing ships must stay away.

The red fox sat on the rock and said to the little Baiyang next to him: "You haven't even recovered from your injuries. Why do you have to follow me here?"

Xiao Baiyang coughed twice, shook the water on his head, and gasped: "You insist on coming here alone. How can you rest assured if I don't accompany you?"

Red Fox bit his lip and looked at him, stretched out his hand and put a little bit on his forehead, and cursed:

"What are you doing! I just came here to relax, what are you doing with me?

Don’t worry, I won’t even risk my own life? "

Little Baiyang took out the dry towel prepared in the bag, wiped Red Fox's hair and said:

"Without you, what else do I need to do with my life?"

Seeing what Red Fox wanted to say to him, Xiao Baiyang covered her eyes with a towel and said tremblingly:

"You don't have to say anything, I know everything!

I know you can't forget Brother Heilong. Maybe you won't be able to forget this man for the rest of your life.

You may never fall in love with me.

But I don't care.

Falling in love with a woman worth loving and being able to stay with her day and night, what else can I not be satisfied with?

You are everything in my life, I will accompany you wherever you go.

For me, this is my happiness!

Don't drive my happiness away, okay? "

Red Fox stretched out his hand, took Little Baiyang's hand, took off the towel covering his eyes, and looked at him softly.

Then she took his arm, made him lean in, and kissed his lips.

At this moment, Xiao Baiyang was completely frozen, with an expression on his face full of shock and surprise.

Before he could react, Red Fox had already pushed him away gently and said shyly: "Fool, actually I have fallen in love with you a long time ago! I just don't dare to face it myself!"



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