Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2243 I said you are not level enough

After coming out of the elevator, the corridor was already full of people.

Not just the police, but even Mark and his security team were present.

The doors to the presidential suite and the rooms on the left and right floors were opened, and everyone was gathered in the corridor and held at gunpoint by the police.

"I want to protest to your superiors! This is an insult to Mr. Li!" Han Xiaolei cursed excitedly:

"Mr. Li was mentally ill to begin with, and now he is being treated roughly by you guys. You must be responsible for the consequences of this!"

Police officer Philip snorted and said: "That is your freedom! But now, no matter who you are, you must cooperate with the police search!"

Duan Yu supported Li Zecheng and said to Chief Andre in front of him: "Officer, let Mr. Li go in and rest first. He can completely rule out suspicion, right?"

Andre glanced at Mark next to him, and seeing that he didn't express anything, he snorted coldly and said:

“None of you can move until we find people and evidence!

I warn you, don't try to resist.

If you do anything to hinder our law enforcement, we will regard it as a provocation to the laws of the Eagle Flag Country and shoot without hesitation! "

After saying this, although Duan Yu was very angry, he did not dare to move.

"You bastards, you don't know what the hell you're talking about!" Luo Xiaoman gritted his teeth and cursed:

"You think we Chinese people are easy to bully, don't you?

Seeing that Lao Chen is not here, that's why you dare to do this, right?

Let me tell you, Lao Chen is not here, but I am still here!

If you don’t get out of here, I’ll kill you right now! "

The police couldn't understand what the man was talking about, but they sensed that he had a bad attitude.

Several police officers screamed and pointed their guns at Luo Xiaoman.

"Fuck!" Luo Xiaoman was angry and wanted to pay. Ning Xiruo shouted to him: "Brother Man! They are official people, don't force yourself!"

Luo Xiaoman stopped taking out his gun and glanced at Xiao Zhang next to him.

The only ones left in the hotel who could take a taxi were the two of them and Duan Yu. Even Gongsun Feiyang didn't know where he was.

If we really start a fight with these bastards, we can protect ourselves, but we can't protect the safety of everyone here!

Luo Xiaoman relaxed his arms angrily, glared at a group of policemen and cursed: "Wait, Lao Chen will have to deal with you when he comes back!"

After listening to the words of the female translator beside him, Mark curled his lips and cursed Luo Xiaoman: "You damn Chinese people are just unreliable!

What can Chen Xin'an do here?

I still want to settle the score with him! "

He swaggered up to Ning Xiruo, looked at her greedily and said:

"Miss Ning, you know everything about today, it's not my fault!

If you don't make friends, I will have to invite you to the security station for coffee! "

At this moment, someone behind him said, "How do you want to settle the score with me?"

Upon hearing this voice, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Chen Xin'an had no expression on his face and walked over as if there was no one around.

A group of police and security personnel wanted to stop him, but were intimidated by his aura and did not dare to approach.

Andre and Phillip also swallowed at the same time and turned their heads to look at Mark.

"Chen Xin'an!" Mark frowned and walked over, and suddenly found that the momentum he had originally wanted to have an army to prosecute had weakened a lot when he stood in front of this guy!

Chen Xin'an ignored him and said to everyone: "You go back to your room first!"

Without hesitation, everyone turned around to enter the room.

Phillip shouted anxiously: "Are we letting you go? Who dares..."

Seeing Chen Xin'an's intimidating eyes looking over, Phillip was so frightened that he swallowed back the rest of his words.

Mark frowned and said: "Chen Xin'an, I regard you as a friend, but you colluded with the wanted criminal Red Hood, and even hid under my nose!

Chen Xin'an, what do you mean by doing this? "

Chen Xin'an pointed to the relatives and friends in front of her and said coldly to Mark, "Are they the Red Hood?"

Mark snorted and said: "Of course they are not, but..."

Chen Xin'an interrupted him directly and said to Ning Xiruo: "Help Mr. Li back to rest!"

Ning Xiruo nodded, walked to Li Zecheng's side, and said to Han Xiaolei: "Secretary Han, let's help Mr. Li back to his room first!"

The people from the police and security bureau looked at Mark and saw that he had no intention of blocking him anymore, so they moved out of the way.

Andre came over and cursed Chen Xin'an angrily: "Chen Xin'an, I warned you, I don't care what your identity is, you have to be honest with me when you come to Black Eagle Island, I..."

Before he could finish speaking, Chen Xin'an kicked Andre directly in the stomach!

"Ah!" Andre screamed and sat on the ground holding his stomach!

The surrounding police officers shouted loudly, pointing their guns at Chen Xin'an!

But at this moment, Chen Xin'an grabbed Andre's hair and lifted him up. He grabbed Phillip with his other hand and blocked the two of them in front of him.

At the same time, Li Qi also moved.

He immediately took out his pistol and pointed it at Mark's head!

"Chen Xin'an, are you crazy? You know who we are, and you dare to attack us?"

Mark was scared and angry, and yelled and cursed loudly.

Andre and Philip have never seen such people who are not afraid of death, even they dare to fight!

Although the surrounding police and security personnel aimed their guns at the two people, no one dared to shoot because the boss was in their hands.

Chen Xin'an looked at the three people in front of him coldly, with a gloomy expression.

My people have already entered the room, are they still afraid of you?

In the past two days, I had been in a bad mood because of Li Yinuo's death and Zhang Jian's joining the Red Hood.

Well now, these bastards took advantage of his absence and dared to come with guns and live ammunition to threaten his relatives and friends!

Who gave you the courage?

Do the officials of the Eagle Flag Nation think they are great?

Chen Xin'an strangled Andre and Phillip's necks with her backhand, looked at them with a grin on her face and said:

“I told you, you’re not at a high level, so don’t mess with me!

No matter who threatens my relatives and friends, they must pay the price!

Do you think what I said is just a joke, and you can trample on it as you like? "

Andre and Philip's faces turned red and they wanted to speak but couldn't!

Even if you can tell it, you don’t know what to say because they don’t understand it at all!

Chen Xin'an turned her head and shouted to the female translator: "Are you standing to watch the show? Translate for me!"

The female translator turned pale and trembled, and quickly stammered over Chen Xin'an's words.

Mark cursed angrily: "Chen Xin'an, you are harboring the most wanted criminal in the Eagle Flag Country, but I still treat you as a friend..."

"Listen, Mark!" Chen Xin'an turned her head, looked at him coldly and said, "I told you, you and I have never been friends!

Also, they are not qualified to talk to me. Do you think you are qualified?

Don't think that just because your dad is Boorman, you can act arrogantly in front of me!

If you want to convict me, let your father come in person!

What's the most wanted criminal, I don't know!

If you want to come to my place to arrest people, then try it!

Now let your people shoot, and let's see how many of you can get out of here alive! "

This man is really a lunatic!

The female secretary stammered and translated Chen Xin'an's words to everyone.

Mark and Andre's expressions changed with anger, but there was nothing they could do. This lunatic really dared to do this!

While talking, Luo Xiaoman walked out of the room with a rifle and dragged a bag, and dumped the bag at Li Qi's feet as if no one was watching.

Li Qi calmly bent down, took out an RPG from the bag and pointed it at everyone!

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