Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2246 Do foreigners have such a good time?

With the shouting, the two people rushed over and punched and kicked the kidnappers!

The kidnappers were stunned!

He was beaten before he could react!

By the time he reacted, the other party had already pulled the two prey away!

Chen Xin'an and Luo Xiaoman were also confused.

What's going on?

Why do you still act bravely?

Involuntarily being pulled by the two men and running for a few steps, Chen Xin'an shook her hands and broke away. She looked at the man beside her, somewhat speechless.

The two people in front of me were both in their early thirties, with sloppy beards and ragged clothes. They looked a little embarrassed and decadent, and their mental state was a little bad.

But just two homeless people had snatched them back from the hands of several kidnappers.

Although he did bad things with good intentions, his courage is indeed commendable.

Seeing Chen Xin'an and Luo Xiaoman break away from their pull, the two people had to stop and said anxiously:

"What happened? Why did you stop? Run quickly, those guys are catching up!"

"Dayao, even if you tell them this, they won't understand! This is the Eagle Flag Country, not China!"

"Continue to say 'enough'! If you don't say 'enough' to those bad guys...Old Han, what do you mean by kidnapping?"

"I don't know either! Damn, why are these two girls stronger than us? I thought they were Chinese compatriots, but I didn't expect them to be foreign girls wearing our Chinese cheongsam!"

"The key is that it looks ugly! I wouldn't even dare to give it to someone like this. Those foreigners have really strong tastes..."

Your sister!

Chen Xin'an and Luo Xiao's faces turned dark. Just when they were about to curse, the kidnappers caught up with them!

"Let's go!" The two brave compatriots grabbed Chen Xin'an and Luo Xiaoman's arms and tried to continue running, but they were broken free again.

Dayao shouted anxiously: "Old Han, forget it!

Let's run, don't get caught!

Besides, these two may not be compatriots and they may not understand what we are saying! "

Old Han scolded with a straight face: "You just watched them get kidnapped by gangsters?

No matter which country you are from, now that you have seen this kind of thing, you can't just ignore it, right?

Madhu, try your best!

The worst case scenario is that you will be caught by the police and sent back to your country! "

The two clenched their fists and took a fighting stance against the gangsters.

Chen Xin'an and Luo Xiaoman had already seen that they were both practicing masters and had some skills.

Ordinarily, with their skills, these gangsters might not be able to be beaten by them.

It's just that this is the Eagle Flag Country, not China, and the gangsters have guns!


Several guns were pointed at their heads, and their faces turned pale with fright. They raised their hands and did not dare to move.

No matter how stupid you are, you can't fight someone with a gun with your bare hands. That's just looking for death.

The van drove over, and someone jumped out, took out some black cloth bags, and put them on the four people's heads.

Dayao and Lao Han originally wanted to struggle, but when the guns were pointed at their heads, they were so frightened that they remained still and allowed the cloth bags to cover their heads.

The four people had their hands tied behind their backs and were forced into the car. Then the car started and sped away.

After driving for about twenty minutes, the car finally stopped.

The four people were then pulled out of the car and stopped after walking for a few minutes.

"Boss, we're here!" a gangster said.

After a while, a hoarse voice came: "What do those two do?"

The voice sounded eerie, the tone was strange, and it made people very uncomfortable.

The gangster who just spoke responded: "When we brought back these two Chinese women, we were blocked by them.

They are also Chinese, so in order to prevent others from discovering them, they were brought back too!

Should we dispose of them directly, or let them work as miners? "

The hoarse voice laughed strangely: "Since they are here, let them work as miners! It just so happens that there is a need for more people over there!"

Chen Xin'an felt someone walking in front of her. The bag on her head had not yet been taken off, so she could not see what was going on outside.

There was a person standing in front of him, breathing heavily, and said in a hoarse voice: "Yes, that's the kind of figure you have!

My former Chinese wife had this kind of body.

Only such a body can withstand the torment!

He was too thin and was played to death within a few minutes!

The goods this time are good, you did a good job.

Come on, take those two with you, don't disturb me! "

"Yes, sir!" Someone responded, and the others pulled Dayao and Lao Han up to leave.

At this moment, Luo Xiaoman suddenly shouted: "Holy shit!"

Chen Xin'an sighed, and with a bang, he broke the rope in his hand!

Taking off the bag on his head, Chen Xin'an cursed at Luo Xiaoman: "What the hell are you calling for? It's all revealed!"

Luo Xiaoman yelled, broke the rope, pulled off the bag, and shouted angrily: "He touched my thigh!"

A bald man standing in front of Luo Xiaoman was dumbfounded. He glanced at his hands, then at Luo Xiaoman and Chen Xin'an, and screamed:

"Fake! They're fake! You bastards!"

This bald man is indeed William!

Chen Xin'an ignored him and walked towards Dayao and Lao Han, cursing: "What's wrong with touching your thigh? Can't you bear it if he touches it without losing a piece of flesh?"

In front of the gang of gangsters, Chen Xin'an pulled the bags off the heads of Dayao and Lao Han.

"So you are men!" Dayao looked straight at Chen Xin'an, who was wearing a cheongsam, leaning back as if to avoid dirty things, and said with a look of disgust:

"Are all foreigners having such a good time? It's so perverted!"

Lao Han coughed twice and said awkwardly: "So you understand?"

Luo Xiaoman cursed angrily: "Let him touch your thigh and try it! I have goosebumps all over the floor!"

"Asshole! Who are you!" A gangster took out his pistol and pointed it at Chen Xin'an!

At this moment, Luo Xiaoman grabbed William's neck and said coldly: "Who dares to move, I will kill him first!"

The faces of a group of gangsters changed drastically. They took out their guns and pointed them at Luo Xiaoman!

"Let him go, or I'll shoot you!"

"Damn Chinese, it's a man pretending to be a woman, he's a liar!"

"Mr. William, when I count to three, you squat down and we will shoot them!"

William's face turned red, his eyes rolled back and he cursed with difficulty: "You idiots! Who are the people they brought back to me! How can I squat down like this?"

Lao Yao nervously shouted to Luo Xiaoman: "Big sister... no, big brother, I have a gun, so don't mess around!"

"Yes, that's right! A good man won't suffer the immediate consequences. Don't make things so tense. If you have something to say, speak it out!" Old Han also nodded fiercely.

Chen Xin'an heard everyone shouting. No one could understand anyone's words, and she felt like her head was exploding!

As soon as he stretched out his hand, he snatched the gun from the gangster next to him, pointed it at the top of his head and fired three times!

The gangsters next to him were all dumbfounded. Seeing that his empty right hand was still holding the gun, their eyes almost popped out!

Where is my gun?

How did he steal it?

After the gunfire, the surrounding area suddenly became quiet.

The gangsters pointed their guns at Luo Xiaoman, and then turned their guns to point at Chen Xin'an. For a moment, they didn't know who to deal with first!

Dayao said from the side: "Brother, bullets have no eyes, don't be impulsive!"

Chen Xin'an nodded and said, "You're right!"

He walked up to William and said coldly: "I know you understand what I say. Tell them to throw away the gun!"

After saying that, he quickly unloaded the pistol magazine, then threw the gun to the ground.

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