Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2278 I am more cruel than the devil

After hearing Nancy's words, everyone looked at each other.

Luo Xiaoman looked sarcastic, looked at Nancy and said: "What made you have such a ridiculous idea?

What you mean is that Lao Chen is not cruel enough! "

Nancy shook her head, glanced at Chen Xin'an and said, "I just said that his behavior is more...a gentleman!"

"Tsk, tsk!" Luo Xiaoman shook his head and said with a sneer: "Then you haven't seen Lao Chen's methods.

Just in the morning, this guy forced the guy from your killer alliance called the Ogre to eat his own flesh! "

Xiao Zhang also nodded and said to Nancy with a sarcastic look: "Not only let him eat it by himself, but also let the men around him share the food.

Eat all the flesh from the ogre's upper body, and the key is to keep him alive!

You can imagine what that scene was like! "

Nancy was stunned and looked at Chen Xin'an in disbelief.

Based on her understanding of this man, she never imagined that he could do such cruel and ruthless things!

Chen Xin'an looked at Nancy expressionlessly and said: "If my opponent is respectable, then I am a gentleman.

If my opponent is not a human, then I will turn into a devil and be more cruel than him! "

Nancy looked into Chen Xin'an's eyes and couldn't help but shudder.

This feeling even greatly surpassed her instinctive fear of Li Qi!

Zhou Huafeng also looked at Chen Xin'an with a shocked look on his face. This man was more powerful than he expected.

At the same time, this person's strong will was something he had never seen before.

No wonder the superiors issued a death order and protected him from Black Hawk Island at all costs.

This man really has extraordinary abilities and deserves death protection from his superiors!

Chen Xin'an told everyone: "We can't stay here for long, I will give Pigeon an injection first to suppress his injury.

Then we leave, the killer troops will come down soon! "

Nancy sneered and shook her head, and said to Chen Xin'an: "Chen Xin'an, you can't get out. There are already layers of blockade outside to trap you here.

Before, I wanted you to die on the mountain, but now that you are down, the focus of defense has been down below.

All exits are blocked, you can't fly! "

"Who said I was going out?" Chen Xin'an looked at Nancy expressionlessly and asked.

Not only Nancy, but everyone was also stunned.

Luo Xiaoman asked Chen Xin'an in a low voice: "Old Chen, you are neither going out nor staying here, so where are we going?"

Chen Xin'an pointed outside and said calmly: "Industrial zone! There are many people there and complete facilities.

I need to find tools first to perform surgery on pigeons.

Otherwise, he won't be able to save his legs! "

This is indeed the best way to get out of trouble nowadays.

Mainly because it was too unexpected, not even Maigret or the Killer Alliance could have imagined it.

Not only did this group of people not run away, but they went deeper into the hinterland!

Luo Xiaoman pointed at Nan Xi, gritted his teeth and said, "How about she..." He made a gesture of wiping his neck.

Chen Xin'an shook his head and said, "No, she is still useful!"

Luo Xiaoman said with a worried look: "But she heard our plan!"

Chen Xin'an snorted coldly, walked towards Nancy slowly, and said coldly: "You have to be able to say it out!"

While he was talking, he had already taken out the silver needle and pierced Nancy's head!

Luo Qianhe's injury could no longer wait, so Chen Xin'an gave him another injection to temporarily suppress the injury.

Everyone packed up their things and rushed out of the courtyard.

Li Qi and Zhou Huafeng opened the way, Luo Xiaoman carried Dao Lei's body, Xiao Zhang carried Luo Qianhe, Chen Xin'an protected Guo Zhaodi, dragged Nancy, and rushed forward while shooting!

The surrounding escort members did not dare to shoot, after all, Nancy was still in the hands of these people.

After running for a while, everyone saw a small truck.

Xiao Zhang handed Luo Qianhe to Chen Xin'an and within ten seconds of running over, the car came over.

Everyone put Dao Lei's body and Luo Qianhe into the car, and then jumped on.

Xiao Zhang drove and Li Qi sat in the passenger seat.

With this car, it is much easier to move around.

There is a wall between the industrial area and the living area in Pairoces, and security guards are on duty at the large iron gate.

Seeing a small truck speeding towards him, the security guard jumped off the guard box to stop it from a distance, and even made a gesture of drawing a gun with his right hand.

It’s just that the little truck didn’t even mean to slow down!

Seeing that the situation was not going well, the security guard jumped to the side and fell heavily to the ground.

The pickup truck whizzed by and smashed the iron gate with a bang!

The security guard looked at the truck speeding away and the mess in front of him in shock. It took him a long time to come to his senses, hurriedly rushed into the guard box, and pressed the red alarm!

Pairoses has a wide range of businesses, including technology manufacturing and real estate projects.

The factory here at the headquarters is mainly engaged in precision machine manufacturing.

There are many factories, and workers in blue work clothes shuttle among them.

The truck stopped behind a single-story house.

This is a factory substation, and few people usually come here.

Everyone hid the car, and they should still use it when they leave.

Dao Lei's body was also hidden in the car.

Nancy was pulled out of the car by Chen Xin'an. She was foaming at the mouth and now her eyes were turning white. She was so painful that she couldn't even scream even if she wanted to.

Chen Xin'an lifted a needle from her head, then took out her phone, opened a picture, and zoomed in in front of her eyes.

"Tell me the nearest road to the factory hospital and the location of the main power room!"

This picture was given to him by Chahong Tu, but the annotations on it were not detailed.

After all, Chahuntu is a killer from the Killer Alliance, not an employee of Pyroses, and he is not familiar with the entire huge factory.

But Nancy is different.

She had stayed in this place for two years, just to find the five undercover agents assigned by Interpol.

In the end, all five people died in her hands, and she became famous in one battle and entered the ranks of the top killers in the Killer League.

If it were another opponent, Nancy would definitely be more terrifying than the Terminator and the Ogre!

She is cunning, fickle, forbearing, and ruthless.

It makes people more defenseless and better at psychologically dismantling the enemy.

Therefore, those arduous tasks that seem impossible to others can be solved and completed easily in Nancy's hands.

But everything is in conflict with each other.

We are not afraid of a strong opponent, but we are afraid of being naturally incompatible with each other.

When she met Chen Xin'an, or Chen Xin'an's team, all Nancy's methods were restrained!

The disguise technique was discovered at first sight by Konoha, the more powerful master of disguise.

Psychological tactics are of no use against a special operations soldier like Li Qi.

She is no match for Chen Xin'an, a man with nine eyes above his heart.

So she became a prisoner now, obediently obeying his orders.

After taking a breath, Nancy showed an expression of pain and fear on her face, and begged Chen Xin'an: "Let me go, or kill me, don't torture me!"

Now she knows that Chen Xin'an did not lie to her.

When this person is cruel, he is indeed capable of perverted actions such as forcing the human-feeding demon to eat him one bite at a time!

Chen Xin'an looked at her expressionlessly and said, "When you were chasing the black dragon, did you ever think about letting him and the red fox go?

You don't need to take other people's lives seriously for the sake of money. You like people to cry in front of you and beg you for mercy.

Then I'll let you taste it for yourself, what it feels like. "

Nancy felt like she was about to collapse!

Even if he shot her or stabbed her, it would not cause her as much pain as these seemingly thin silver needles!

She has no strength now. If she can still run, she will definitely hit herself to death and doesn't want to suffer such torture again!



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