Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2291 An unusual trebuchet

After living like slaves for a long time and suffering inhuman torture, these workers finally broke out!

Some of them were deceived.

Some came to Black Eagle Island for tourism, but were drugged into unconsciousness and abducted by force.

These people have their own families, their own beloved women or children.

But after coming here, they cut off all contact with their families.

Not enough to eat, no clothes to wear, living without dignity, and I don’t know when I will fall down and never stand up again!

Once that time comes, they will be thrown into the rows of corpse trucks and then sent outside to be burned to ashes.

No one knows if they are still alive, and no one knows when they died!

Now, they finally have a chance to escape!

Even if they can't escape, they will kill the bastards who brought them to this hell, tortured them, and persecuted them, so as to make themselves angry!

When they don't have the chance, their hearts are numb.

But once there is an opportunity, everyone bursts out with a strong desire for survival and revenge!

Compared to what these bastards did to them, even cutting them into pieces would not be too much!

Therefore, even when faced with the bullets fired by the man in white, many workers screamed and rushed over, throwing themselves on the man in white even though they were weighed several times by bullets!

Tear him, bite him! Die together with the other party!

The usually aloof man in white is really scared!

They began to retreat steadily, rushing towards the left side of the large construction site.

Li frowned and said to Chen Xin'an: "Boss, something is not good! The other party has heavy weapons!

If we let them all evacuate and leave us on the construction site, it will turn into a massacre! "

Chen Xin'an watched a group of men in white carrying ammunition boxes from the construction site, and knew that the situation was a bit dangerous!

"Mr. Chen!" Wang Hao suddenly said to Chen Xin'an: "I know where the explosives are hidden here!"

"Explosives?" Chen Xin'an was stunned for a moment and asked him, "Is there any explosives here?"

Wang Hao nodded and said: "Yes! The construction process here is very slow, and sometimes explosives are needed.

As long as we can get into that place, we can get the explosives to deal with them!

You can even blow up the place! "

He pointed his arm forward, which was exactly the direction in which the man in white was retreating.

Li Qi frowned and said, "You wouldn't say that the explosives are in the arsenal of those men in white, right?"

Wang Hao shook his head and said: "Not there! But it's not far away. But those things need to be configured on site, so it's useless for ordinary people to get them!

This is also the reason why the place is not strictly guarded.

But they didn't expect that someone would bring an expert who knew this in today.

Well, that's the middle one hanging above.

We have the materials now, but I don’t know if any of these workers are qualified enough to do this..."

Li Qi said to him: "I can go in and take a look. I can prepare ordinary explosives myself, as long as the materials are complete!"

Chen Xin'an nodded.

Wang Hao said excitedly: "That's great! But now, how do we get there?"

"I'll send you there!" Xiao Zhang looked around and said to Wang Hao.

Wang Hao was stunned for a moment, wondering what ability this man had to send those men in white into the explosives room right under their noses.

Chen Xin'an looked at Xiao Zhang's eyes and understood his plan, patted him on the shoulder and said:

"Okay, I'll cooperate with you! Brother Snake, let me ask if there is anyone who has driven a special vehicle. Come with us!"

There are many excavators, mixers, etc. on the construction site, but they have all stopped working now.

Xiao Zhang got on an excavator, started it, and began to rush forward.

Behind him, dozens of various engineering vehicles gathered together and rushed forward!

A group of workers all voluntarily moved out of the way and followed these construction vehicles.

In front of Xiao Zhang's car, the bodies of five men in white were piled on the huge bucket of the excavator!

They have basically been beaten into shape.

Xiao Zhang drove his car up the slope, frightening the men in white to retreat.

The huge bucket was raised high, and the corpses were being lifted up, just like the corpses of the workers who were being hoisted.

As Xiao Zhang pushed with his hand, the bucket tilted, and the corpse inside fell from a height with a bang and hit the ground!

At this moment, the excavator did not stop, it was still driving forward quickly, crushing directly over the corpses!

All the construction trucks from behind followed closely and crushed all the corpses into meat patties!

The entire construction site was filled with workers’ cheers and demonstrations.

The men in white were so frightened that their faces turned pale. Some turned around and vomited loudly. Some picked up guns and were about to shoot at the engineering vehicles!

But before he pulled the trigger, Li Qi jumped out from behind the cockpit and knocked him down with one shot!

The gunshots that had been silent for a few minutes rang out again.

This time it was no longer a unilateral shooting and massacre by the men in white.

In that wave of fighting just now, hundreds of men in white were killed, so there were hundreds of guns.

There are now more than a hundred workers with guns, which is certainly insignificant compared to the men in white.

However, under the command of Li Qi, under the cover of these engineering vehicles, everyone avoided the places where the men in white had the strongest firepower, seized advantageous terrain, and fired accurately.

People without guns took the gravel they had just prepared from the engineering vehicle and threw it at the men in white!

Throwing stones from too far away was of no use, so the workers simply rushed forward despite the hail of bullets. They would rather be beaten to death than hit the man in white with a stone on the head!

The ammunition boxes of the men in white have been opened, and heavy weapons have begun to be distributed.

They're going on a killing spree!

If these slaves die, new ones can be sent over, and if the project is stopped, it can be restarted.

But if one of these people escapes today, it may bring disaster to the entire Pairoses!

Therefore, none of these people can get out alive, they must all be killed!


White smoke rose and a grenade hit a mixer.

There was a dazzling fire in the entire cab. The driver inside didn't even scream, he was killed, and his body was instantly surrounded by fire!

At this moment, the excavator in front scooped up a bucket of rocks from the ground. People next to the cab jumped down, looking for cover while shooting, and then waved others to get out of the way.

Xiao Zhang controlled the digging arm, turned it in a semicircle, and then violently threw the digging bucket out!

The stones inside flew towards a group of people in white like cannonballs.

The men in white screamed in terror, turned around and ran away!

But the legs couldn't match the speed of the flying rocks. Including the guy who fired the grenade just now, four or five people in white were hit by the gravel. They vomited blood from the mouth and fell to the ground dead!

"Damn it, Lao Xiao, it's so fierce!" Luo Xiaoman was stunned and shouted excitedly.

Not to mention him, even Chen Xin'an, this was the first time he saw an excavator being used as a catapult!

Then, when the enemy was in a panic, the engineering vehicle spewed black smoke and advanced rapidly, rushing towards the man in white.

At the same time, Li Qi, Wang Hao and Joseph Han, avoided the sight of the man in white and rushed towards the large iron gate next to them.

Chen Xin'an asked Brother Snake beside him: "Brother Snake, where did you come in from when you came in?"

This place is so big, there can't be only one entrance and exit, there must be other exits.

Brother Snake thought for a while, pointed to the west side of the construction site, and said to Chen Xin'an: "Over there are the dormitories and canteens, and beyond that is the prison.

We passed through the prison before arriving at the dormitory.

I was in the car at the time, and everything was blocked. The exit should be outside the prison! "

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