Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2293 Sheep turns into wolf

Seeing Chen Xin'an and Luo Xiaoman carrying back a lot of empty beer bottles, Brother Snake and the others were dumbfounded!

Risking his life and running to the man in white's dormitory, he came back with a bunch of empty bottles?

What's the use of this thing!

Chen Xin'an put down the empty bottles and distributed them to everyone, and said to Brother Snake: "Give these bottles out and call back the construction trucks!

Put the oil in the bottle!

Here, there are some lighters here, share them! "

Everyone's eyes lit up.

It turns out that these bottles are used to make natural flasks!

Luo Xiaoman grinned and said: "Old Chen, you still have more clever ideas!"

Chen Xin'an rolled his eyes and said to everyone: "Let those with guns and bullets follow us, and those who throw bottles follow us.

Don't be reckless, otherwise you will harm everyone! "

Brother Snake nodded and said to Old Han: "Old Han, it's up to you!"

Seeing the strange look in Chen Xin'an's eyes, Brother Snake quickly explained: "Old Han is a foreign language teacher in a rural primary school, so he can communicate with these people!"

Let me go, there is another talent!

Chen Xin'an immediately looked at Lao Han with admiration.

Xiao Zhang's excavator stopped, its tracks were blown off, and now it's difficult to move.

The men in white clothes have been forced to retreat a hundred meters away, and some people have already followed the men in suits and ran out.

The remaining people also know that they can't stop it for long, but there are only one or two thousand security guards fighting against tens of thousands of workers.

Usually when these workers are sheep, they can be bullied as they please.

Now they have turned into tens of thousands of wolves. Even if the men in white have the upper hand, they will only be defeated later.

Unless we kill all these outsiders who break in!

Otherwise, they will be the Wolf King, with tens of thousands of wolves, and sooner or later they will eat up all the bones and scraps of the men in white!

The people in white are now fighting a delaying war, huddled near the large exit, waiting for reinforcements to come down from above.

And those workers, because they were running out of ammunition and food, did not dare to rush forward rashly, otherwise they would be dead.

Several heavy machine guns had just been placed at the main exit, and a group of men in black lay on the ground and started firing at the crowd!

The higher-ups just issued an order not to let a single worker run up there at all costs!

So even if there are still companions trapped, these men in white are no longer soft-hearted and start shooting without limit!

Chen Xin'an curled up like a leopard, rushed to the door of the excavator cab, opened the deformed and stuck car door, held Xiao Zhang, who was covered in blood, in his arms, and jumped out of the car!

Returning to the place where he was hiding just now, Luo Xiaoman was so frightened that he broke into a cold sweat.

Under this kind of firepower, he didn't dare to break through.

But Lao Chen brought Lao Xiao back, even if he refused!

"Old Xiao, how are you!" Luo Xiaoman patted Xiao Zhang's face.

At this moment, Xiao Zhang's face was frighteningly pale due to excessive blood loss, but there was still a trace of disdain on his face, and he said to him: "It's a small injury, it's a trivial matter! You can't die!"

Chen Xin'an checked the wounds on his body. The most serious one was the bullet that penetrated his body in the shoulder socket and broke his shoulder blade.

However, because the bullet passed through the body and did not stay inside the body, the injury looked serious, but it was not life-threatening.

Chen Xin'an took out a silver needle, gave Xiao Zhang two injections to stop the bleeding, and said to him: "Follow everyone, don't act alone!"

"Okay!" Xiao Zhang nodded and took the gun handed over by Chen Xin'an.

Brother Snake ran over with several bottles filled with gasoline and said to Chen Xin'an: "Mr. Chen, you're ready!"

Chen Xin'an looked at the more than thirty Chinese brothers behind him, nodded and said:

"Wait a while for us to attract the enemy's firepower, you can find the opportunity to light the things and throw them over!

Remember, throw the bottle in your hand in one breath and leave immediately, don’t stop! "

Brother Snake took a deep breath, nodded and said, "Understood!"

Chen Xin'an looked at the people beside him and said to Xiao Zhang: "Old Xiao, stay with Brother Snake to protect them!

Aman, Brother Feng, let's go around to the left, occupy that position, hit the fire, and use up all the bullets! "

Luo Xiaoman said worriedly: "All the bullets have been fired, what if they rush over?"

Chen Xin'an looked at Brother Snake and the others and said, "It depends on them!"

The workers are now running out of food and ammunition.

The stolen guns were all empty of bullets, and rocks were everywhere, but they posed no threat to the enemy.

Tens of thousands of people lay on the ground, avoiding the shooting of those men in white.

Chen Xin'an, Luo Xiaoman and Zhou Huafeng, bypassed the crowd and rushed to the bottom of the monitoring room.

He slowly approached the men in white along the slope, then climbed up the slope and used the terrain to find a shooting position.

With a wave of Chen Xin'an's right hand, three guns fired simultaneously.

A group of men in white clothes thirty meters away were instantly knocked down, and their location was completely exposed to the guns of Chen Xin'an and the others!

How did these people get there?

I didn’t even notice it at all before!

The men in white were stunned by this wave of attacks, leaving several corpses behind, while the remaining ones dragged their heavy machine guns and ran behind.

The big iron door had been opened, and the man in white blocked the door and did not close the iron door.

Every man in white has a magnetic card that can open the access control of all passages. It doesn't really matter whether the door is closed or not.

"Brother Feng!" Chen Xin'an shouted, Zhou Huafeng nodded, turned his gun, and aimed at the body that was in mid-air.


After a gunshot, the rope binding the body was broken and the body fell down.

At the same time, Chen Xin'an and Luo Xiaoman aimed at the men in white and shot wildly, not giving them any chance to breathe.

However, they did attract a counterattack from the men in white, forcing the three of them into the bunker and unable to lift their heads.

At this moment, Brother Snake took a few gasoline bottles and cleaned up the people behind him.

A group of people rushed forward silently, constantly approaching the men in white.

The sound of gunfire was getting closer and closer, and the man in white's attention was completely attracted by Chen Xin'an and the others on the side.

They turned their guns and suppressed Chen Xin'an and others with firepower. The dense bullets made people breathless!

But at this moment, the man in white suddenly heard someone shouting!

Before he could react, countless burning bottles were thrown at him!


The people in white eyes widened, looking at the fireball flying over.


The bottle smashed against the gun and broke into pieces. The gasoline inside also spilled out, all over the body!

The flames climbed up their bodies in an instant, and swept through their bodies in the blink of an eye, turning them into burning people!

The screams were endless, and the smell of burnt flesh was drifting everywhere along with the thick smoke.

Brother Snake also remembered Chen Xin'an's instructions. After throwing the bottle, he immediately led everyone back!

Behind him, gunfire rang out.

Those men in white who were not burned by the natural flask fired at their companions without mercy!

Looking at his companion who was still lying on the ground writhing in pain after being shot several times, a man in white said helplessly:

"I'm sorry, I had no choice but to beat you to death.

Only in this way can your pain be relieved.

And I can't let you in here, otherwise if it explodes, all of us will die! "

The man who fell in the flames was unable to roll over and could only stare at his companions with endless hatred in his eyes.

Chen Xin'an shouted to Luo Xiaoman and Zhou Huafeng: "Come on!"

Their target is the mounted heavy machine guns!

Those men in white who had escaped seeing the three men rushing over understood what they were planning.

One person shouted loudly: "We must not let them take the gun away, and we must stop it even if we die!"

More than a dozen people rushed out, trying to snatch the heavy machine gun back before Chen Xin'an and the others!

Both sides picked up their weapons almost at the same time and shot wildly at each other!



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