Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2314 He is Mr. Chen’s friend

In fact, both Stilwell's Reggie family and Boorman's Cecile family have a relatively obscure attitude towards Chen Xin'an.

Basically, it's a wait-and-see attitude, not a deliberate deep friendship.

They were all waiting for a result, just to see if Chen Xin'an could come back alive from Black Hawk Island.

Now they have waited for this result, and Chen Xin'an's performance on Black Hawk Island shocked them, so they all began to pay attention to their relationship with Chen Xin'an.

Of course, these two families are not the only ones who hold this attitude. There are also many other forces, such as the Chinese Chamber of Commerce.

The luncheon this time was still at the Huaxia Restaurant in Chinatown, but we didn't go into the private room and asked for two tables in the lobby.

Stilwell made a call, and soon Boorman arrived with his two sons.

Peng Chang brought a pot of tea, poured a cup for everyone, and said to Chen Xin'an: "Mr. Chen, have a taste of this!"

Chen Xin'an smiled and shook his head and said, "I don't know much about tea ceremony!"

But he still took a sip, then frowned and asked: "Dongshan Red Brick?"

Peng Chang laughed loudly and said to Chen Xin'an: "Mr. Chen is really too self-effacing. You can taste it in one bite. Is this called lack of research?"

Chen Xin'an shook his head and smiled bitterly. He didn't study anything else, but he had no choice but to study this thing, mainly because he drank too much.

The free tea that Zui Xian Tower uses to entertain guests, even the entire wine industry building, usually drinks this stuff.

So when Chen Xin'an picked it up and smelled it, it felt familiar.

After taking a sip, it turned out to be Dongshan Red Brick.

Peng Chang said with a smile: "It is specially brought here from Dongshan by domestic friends. It is of the best quality that can be bought.

Are you still used to drinking, Mr. Chen? "

Chen Xin'an took another sip, nodded and said: "The taste is very authentic, it is Zhengdong's trademark. President Peng is serious about it, it's good!"

He has been drinking this since he came down the mountain. He has no dependence on it, but he has become accustomed to the taste of this tea.

Even if I go to Kyoto, I rarely get this familiar taste. I didn't expect that I can still taste the authentic taste in this foreign country.

Peng Chang laughed loudly, took a beautifully wrapped gift box from the waiter, placed it on the table next to him, and smiled at Chen Xin'an:

"As long as Mr. Chen likes it. There is some in it. Mr. Chen will take it back to drink after dinner."

"This..." Chen Xin'an glanced at Peng Chang, nodded with a smile and said, "Okay! Thank you, President Peng!"

"President Peng, what about me and Stilwell?" Boorman spread his hands, looked at Peng Chang and said, "Why are we empty-handed?"

Stilwell also looked like he was going to accuse Peng Chang, and said to Peng Chang: "We are old friends, even longer than Mr. Chen.

Peng, I'm going to be jealous if you favor one over the other! "

Peng Chang shrugged and said: "There is only one box, so there is not enough for two people.

And I remember what Stilwell said, you don’t like tea, you prefer coffee.

So I prepared two boxes of coffee for you two! "

With that said, he actually took out two boxes of coffee from the cabinet next to him and handed them to the two of them.

"I'm so angry. It's just regular Red Eagle coffee! Can't I afford it myself?"

"What's even more outrageous is that it's actually instant! I wouldn't even order it in a coffee shop! This stingy guy!"

The two threw the box aside in disgust, and everyone laughed.

It's all a joke, they don't really mean it, it's just a way to liven up the atmosphere.

At this moment, Chen Xin'an's cell phone rang. He took it out to answer it, nodded and said:

"You're already here, right? Who wants to drive you away? Okay, I'll go over and take a look!"

He hung up the phone expressionlessly and stood up.

The surrounding atmosphere instantly cooled down.

Although Chen Xin'an has taken a shower and changed clothes, the murderous aura he brought back from Black Eagle Island has not completely dissipated.

So once his smile no longer appears on his face, his aura is enough to make the hairs of those around him stand on end!

Everyone didn't understand what happened, so they all stood up nervously.

Li Qi, Luo Xiaoman, and Xiao Zhang walked around the chairs and naturally stood beside Chen Xin'an.

"You guys sit down while I go out!" Chen Xin'an said to everyone, turned around and walked towards the door.

At the entrance of the shops on the street in China Street, Mu Jiahua stood uneasily at the entrance of a three-story building that was being renovated.

Several Chinese people blocked the front and cursed at him: "I told you, you are not welcome here, get out of here right away!"

"You still have the nerve? Have you forgotten everything you have done before? You dare to offend Master Cai, and you still want to gain a foothold in Chinatown?"

"What a shameless thing! I gave you a mouthful of food. Not only are you ungrateful, but you also reported Master Cai. You are such a white-eyed wolf!"

Mu Jiahua said with an aggrieved look: "I am very grateful to Master Cai for taking care of me, but this is not the reason why he does not pay my salary!

Since it’s the promised treatment, why don’t you abide by it? "

A man came over and pushed him and cursed: "You are still reasonable, right?

It was because of your report that the authorities came and fined Master Cai a large sum of money. Master Cai was so disheartened that he simply returned home.

You ungrateful dog has made us all lose our jobs.

We didn't bother you, but you came to our door!

What do you mean? Do you think we people in Chinatown are easy to bully? "

"Get out now! Don't come to Chinatown again, or I'll beat you to death!"

Mu Jiahua said angrily: "Mr. Chen asked me to come here. I came to see him. It has nothing to do with you!"

"That Mr. Chen? There is no boss named Chen in Chinatown! Who are you trying to bluff here? You must be unable to survive outside and want to join us again!"

"No, the guest that the president is going to accompany today is named Chen! That proud Chinese man who has become famous recently, Chen Xin'an!"

"Yes, that Mr. Chen is the pride of us Chinese people. He has become so famous during this period!

But the key is, what does it have to do with this kid? Will this foreigner know Mr. Chen?

Stop being funny, is he worthy? "

Everyone looked at Mu Jiahua and laughed mockingly.

One of them pointed at Mu Jiahua's nose and cursed: "Get out of Chinatown right now! Otherwise, don't blame us for taking action!"

Remember, never come to Chinatown again, you are not welcome here! "

"He is my friend, and I called him here. Do you have any objections?" A voice suddenly came from behind him.

Everyone turned around.

The young man who was about to drive Mu Jiahua away just now snorted coldly. He was about to speak when he saw the lineup in front of him and was so frightened that he swallowed the words he spoke.

A young man with a stern expression came over with a large group of people.

Even President Peng followed behind him honestly and did not dare to cross.

The identity of this young man is self-evident.

He is Chen Xin'an, the Chinese fierce man who has recently become famous in the Eagle Flag Country!

Peng Chang walked over with a livid face and whispered to several young people: "What's going on?"

A young man with long hair pointed at Mu Jiahua and said to Peng Chang:

"President Peng, do you remember this boy?

The culprit who forced Master Cai away!

He still dares to go back to Chinatown. Isn't this looking for trouble? "

Peng Chang glanced at Mu Jiahua, then at Chen Xin'an beside him, then slapped the long-haired man in the face and cursed at him:

"Master Cai went home to be with his grandson. He didn't want to do it himself, so what does it have to do with others.

Mr. Mu is a friend of Mr. Chen. How dare you drive him away? How courageous do you have? "



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