Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2337 This is our first pot of gold

There was finally a noise in the forest, and lights lit up.

The light was not strong, it was just a flashlight, but it was still dazzling and uncomfortable when it shone on people's faces.

Migo pointed his gun at the group of people who suddenly appeared.

The other party's faces were all covered, leaving only two black holes for their eyes, so they couldn't see their appearance.

"Are you Dongchao people or Da Ying people? Do you know that the consequences of doing this are officially declaring war with us Mofei people?"

Migo's face was gloomy, and he gritted his teeth and said: "That will make you have no place in the Eagle Flag Country!"

He hates these bastards so much!

So cunning, waiting here all the time.

After everyone worked so hard to bring the goods up, they came to grab the ready-made goods. Is it possible?

But the other party didn't seem to be threatened by him at all. He just said in non-standard eagle flag language: "Get out now if you want to survive! Stop talking nonsense!"

In his impression, no one would speak like this. Migo really couldn't determine the identity of the other group of people.

But since the other party has already expressed its intention to grab the goods, naturally they cannot be allowed to succeed.

Migo roared angrily: "If you dare to rob our Mofei people's things, all you bastards will die!

Brothers, hit me hard! "

Suddenly, there was a loud sound of gunfire.

The other party quickly fled back to the woods in embarrassment.

Migo gritted his teeth and cursed angrily: "Come out! Fight us Mofei people desperately, you are really looking for death!"

As soon as he finished speaking, with a clicking sound, a row of bullets shot out from the forest, hitting the little brother next to Migo, knocking him down!

The opponent has a gun, and it's a long gun!

Migo also remembered that the guns of his group were all placed on the truck. These were the guns on the truck!

Augustine was a friend, and it was very rude to see a friend carrying a gun.

So he left all his guns in the car.

I just didn't expect that it would be used by others now, and even against themselves.

What a great irony!

The opponent's firepower was too fierce. After rushing out of the woods, Mo Feiren was no longer an opponent and was beaten back.

But at this moment, Josephhan finally came to his senses, shot down an opponent with one shot, grabbed a rifle, and started shooting at the group of people.

It's just that his resistance attracted retaliation from more people on the other side, and the other side's firepower pinned him down the slope and couldn't lift his head up.

Migo shouted loudly in his ears: "Retreat! Ignore those goods for now, it's important to save your life!"

This is the characteristic of Mo Fei. He is willing to risk his life at every turn, but he is more afraid of death than anyone else.

"Joseph, go quickly!" Migo urged loudly.

With the sound of a gunshot, Joseph Han knocked down one person again and shouted to him: "I won't leave! This is our thing, we can't give it to these bastards for cheap!"

Migo wanted to come over and pull him, but the opponent's firepower made him dare not get close at all.

Gritting his teeth, Migo turned around and ran away.

The worst he could do was to go back and be scolded by Ped, saying that he had accidentally killed Joseph in a fight with the enemy.

After all, it's been so many years without a brother, Peder will get used to it.

He didn't want to risk his life by accompanying a fool.

Hearing the sound of Migo leaving, Josephhan showed a sneer on his lips.

Is this how we talk about brothers?

If it were Hao, the friend he met in Peroses, he would not treat him like this.

In Pegasus, without Hao's care, he would have died long ago!

So after returning to Block 11, he tried every means to find Hao's whereabouts, just to take him to Block 11 to repay him and let him live a good life!

But after searching for so long, there was still no news, which made Joseph even wonder if he had returned to China?

There was a sudden sound in his ears, and Josephhan knew that someone was sneaking next to him. Before he could think about it, he suddenly turned around and pulled the trigger!

It clicked twice, the magazine was stuck, and there were no bullets!

Josephhan's heart sank, it's over now!

But the other party didn't shoot, he just glanced at him.

Looking at those bright eyes, Joseph felt a sense of familiarity. Could it be that this person knew him?

The man suddenly leaned over, snatched the gun from his hand, grabbed his collar, took two steps back, and pushed him out.

Josephhan fell in the ditch, stood up immediately, and glanced at the man.

The other party didn't say anything, he just waved the gun a few times to signal him to leave.

Although I feel strange in my heart, who would be so stupid as to want to die if they can survive.

Joseph turned around and ran forward along the ditch. All the goods had been lost. He couldn't get any of them back even if he wanted to. But why did these people let him go?

The battle is over and a group of masked men clear the battlefield.

Five of the Murphians died and three were wounded.

A masked man with a gun shot each of the wounded in the head and sent them home.

After confirming that the surrounding area was safe, the leader asked loudly: "Old Han, report the casualties!"

One person said loudly: "Brother Snake, four of our brothers were injured and five died."

Brother Snake nodded and said: "Send the injured brother to Huilan Clinic immediately! Tell Dr. Yan to close the bill!"

"Okay!" Lao Han responded and made arrangements immediately.

Brother Snake turned his head and said to one person: "Wang Hao!"

"Here!" A masked man stood in front of him and shouted: "Brother Snake!"

Brother Snake looked at him expressionlessly and said, "Give me a reason!"

Wang Hao took a deep breath, lowered his head and said: "I can't bear it! And I know this person, he is not as greedy as ordinary Mofei people.

There will be a big fight between us and the Mofei people. With such a variable, I think there may be another way to crack it. "

Brother Snake looked at him without blinking. Wang Hao raised his head, took off his mask, and looked at Brother Snake calmly.

After a while, Brother Snake looked at Wang Hao and said, "Both Dayao and Lao Han are not as smart as you, so I need a helper like you.

Brother Hao, I hope you won’t let me take this wrong.

Let's start well and finish well, let's create a new world together in this foreign country! "

Wang Hao said with a solemn expression: "I will try my best!"

Brother Snake nodded and said to everyone: "Brothers, this thing belongs to us now!

This is our first pot of gold, and we will soon have the second and third pots!

If there is no way to survive at home, then go out and find a way to survive.

Remember why we are like this?

It’s these bastard Eagle Banner people, and this is their company!

They deceived us into taking out loans so they couldn’t afford to pay them back!

Then work as slaves for them and work as hard labor!

Now we come to its lair and torment them.

Please remember a rule for me. No one is allowed to violate it. Otherwise, no matter who it is, if he makes a mistake in the future, I will drive him away and I will never be soft-hearted.

This rule is that the things we want to buy, such as these cigarettes, will never be sold to Chinese people!

No amount of money is allowed!

Remember? "

A group of masked people gathered together and shouted in unison: "Remember!"

Brother Snake nodded and said to everyone: "Load the car!"

Everyone immediately got busy.

The key to the truck had already been grabbed, and it was soon driven out of the woods and to the cargo.

Everyone helped load the car, and then quickly boarded the car hidden deep in the woods, and left here with a roar.

It was already dawn. Chen Xin'an opened his eyes, picked up his phone and turned on the time. He wanted to take his arms out from under his wife's neck. As soon as he moved, he was hugged by the girl.

Then a small hand crawled back and forth on his body like a snake.

Chen Xin'an pinched her nose lovingly and said, "Aren't you tired?"

Ning Xiruo blushed and didn't open her eyes, but she got into his arms again and said softly: "I want it again! I'm leaving today!"



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