Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2357 In front of me, they are all ants

Amidst the successive explosions, the two people used the furniture in the room to quickly climb to the roof!

Moving forward quickly on the steel frame, Li Qi pointed forward and said: "Boss, we have to climb up to the maintenance platform.

Going down from that place, the view is wide and unobstructed, and the risk is minimal.

Chen Xin'an looked down and said calmly: "You go first, I'll say hello to an old acquaintance!"

He had already seen a familiar face in the crowd through the broken glass window.

Dickens, the boss of the killer unit!

This guy ran away on Black Hawk Island, and now he appears in front of Chen Xin'an again!

Knowing what he was going to do, Li Di nodded and said, "Boss, I'll cover you!"

Chen Xin'an nodded and said to Li Qi: "You are up there, look for a hidden angle yourself, I want to go down there!"

Li Qi was a little hesitant. In that case, the boss would be deeply surrounded. It was really too dangerous!

But Chen Xin'an had already jumped down and entered a room next to her.

Before the killers hiding behind the door could react, they were knocked down by a volley of bullets from Chen Xin'an who fell from the sky.

Someone rushed in from the door. Before the gun was lifted, Li Qi was knocked to the ground by Li Qi above his head.

An injured killer struggled to get up and wanted to shoot Chen Xin'an in front of him.

Chen Xin'an raised his left hand, and two steel needles pierced the killer's eyes.

Then he rushed to the killer and kicked him on the head!

With a click, the killer's cervical vertebra broke on the spot.

His head tilted and his body collapsed to the ground.

Chen Xin'an walked to him and quickly took off his clothes.

Soon, he changed into killer clothes.

Li Qi shouted to him: "Boss, there are four at the door!"

Chen Xin'an nodded, pointed in the direction of the door, and made a throwing gesture.

Li Qi immediately picked off the last small pineapple and threw it towards the door.


There was a bang and smoke filled the air!

At the same time, Chen Xin'an actually rushed forward despite the thick smoke and jumped out of the door!

People outside were howling like ghosts and running around in all directions.

Seeing a figure rushing out of the smoke, I was about to shoot, but I saw the clothes on him and it turned out to be one of my own!

In the next room, Dickens held a walkie-talkie and shouted loudly: "Block all exits! We must kill them all on this floor!"

No matter what price I have to pay, I just want to see their bodies!

Call the drone to come up and equip it with thermal imaging!

No matter where they are hiding, I will target them as soon as possible and kill them! "

"Are you looking for me?" A voice suddenly came from the side.

Dickens raised his head and glanced, frowned and cursed: "Who the hell are you?"

The man slowly raised his head and picked up the gun in his hand.

Before Dickens could react, the other party's gun went off!

Dickens is worthy of being the leader of the killer unit, and his reaction is not unpleasant.

He grabbed the arm of a subordinate next to him and held him in front of him.

The bullet hit the man's body, making him tremble all over.

The men next to him immediately opened fire, but Chen Xin'an turned his gun and killed two people instantly!

The killers in the room all pointed their guns at Chen Xin'an, but there was a soft sound above their heads. Several gunmen had no time to dodge and were knocked to the ground!

Dickens pushed the body in front of him away, turned around and ran out!

He is not stupid and knows that the other party is powerful.

If you fight alone, you have no chance of winning!

Only under the protection of his men could he have a chance to kill these two opponents!

So now he wants to return to the main force as soon as possible.

It's just that Chen Xin'an didn't give him this chance at all.

When he first arrived at the door, Chen Xin'an kicked the table in front of him.

The entire computer desk made a harsh friction sound, moved sideways, hit Dickens, and knocked him to the ground.

This guy was also experienced. The moment he fell to the ground, he picked up his gun and fired without hesitation!

Chen Xin'an rushed over and kicked the table again!

The gunfire stopped and Dickens was trapped between the table and the wall, unable to move.

He might have hit his head, and he screamed in pain.

People outside wanted to rush in to save people, but Li Qi overhead swept them wildly, driving them back.

The killer below kept shooting at Li Qi. Li Qi's body trembled a few times and fell to the steel frame.

He's been shot!

But because he was wearing a bulletproof vest, he was not injured, but the severe pain still affected his movements.

Chen Xin'an has already changed the magazine and started to clean up the killers in the room!

He had used his body skills to the extreme, shooting continuously while moving quickly, killing all the killers!

The room became quiet, Li Qi regained his composure, and sealed the door.

Chen Xin'an then walked up to Dickens and kicked open the computer desk.

Dickens quickly raised his gun and pointed it at Chen Xin'an.

But before he could pull the trigger, a cold light flashed, and two steel needles pierced his right hand!

"Ah!" Dickens screamed and threw away the gun in his hand.

As if bitten by a poisonous snake, he quickly pulled out the steel needle in his right hand with his left hand.

It's just that the entire right hand is numb and I can't use any strength.

Fortunately, I can still move my left hand!

Dickens took out his left hand and prepared to take out his pistol.

But Chen Xin'an didn't give him a chance, raised his right leg and stamped it down!


Dickens put his left hand on his chest. This kick not only broke his left wrist, but also injured his ribs!

Dickens screamed loudly and looked at Chen Xin'an with fear in his eyes.

He has never seen a person have so much strength!

Li Qi had run out of bullets and was changing the magazine.

The killer outside the door took this opportunity and rushed into the room.

But they didn't dare to shoot because the boss was already in the hands of the enemy!

Chen Xin'an grabbed Dickens' throat with one hand, lifted him up, and said expressionlessly to the killers who rushed in: "Get out!"

The group of killers hesitated, but after looking at Dickens, they still exited the room.

However, they did not go far and were on guard outside.

Seeing that Dickens's face had turned pale and his eyes rolled up, Chen Xin'an didn't want to strangle him to death, so she stuck three steel needles into his head, and then let go.

Dickens breathed heavily and wanted to escape, but found that his whole body was out of control and he couldn't move.

And there seemed to be countless ants crawling inside my body. It was painful, itchy, and extremely uncomfortable!

He gritted his teeth, endured the pain, and said to Chen Xin'an: "Do you think you can leave here if you catch me? Stop dreaming!

The Killer Troops never stop working for one person.

Even I don’t have that privilege!

Kill me, and they will re-elect a captain soon, without any impact on the entire team! "

Chen Xin'an said expressionlessly: "Just pick another one and I'll kill him!

How you solve it is how you solve the next one!

Anyway, they are just a bunch of ants, just crush a few to death!

As long as you become our enemy, you will not end well.

I, Chen Xin'an, have never been someone who refuses to take revenge! "

A look of fear appeared on Dickens's face.

He didn't think the man in front of him was bragging.

Not only was this his first time dealing with him, he certainly knew how terrifying this person was!

It seems that he already knows that he is doomed today. Dickens's face no longer has the fearlessness before, but is full of fear of death.

"Listen, Mr. Chen! I personally have no hatred towards you. Everything is just following orders..."

Chen Xin'an grinned, looked down at him and asked, "Are you scared?"



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