Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2421 Don’t answer the phone

The girl in front of her met Boorman's mysterious standards and had already shown her interest in him.

So Boorman planned to ask his secretary to contact this beauty after the event. Developing an exciting relationship is also a good spice to make up for the boring life.

This is not the first time he has done this kind of thing, he is already familiar with it.

And that bouquet of flowers is like a token of love between the two of them and must not be taken away by others.

The beauty also seemed to be a little dissatisfied with Chen Xin'an's fierce competition for love. She frowned and said, "What do you want to do? These are the flowers I dedicated to Mr. Boorman!"

People around him also booed in response!

"What does that person do? Why is he so rude? Is he even polite?"

"He dares to snatch flowers given to officials. Is this jealousy?"

"Maybe it's the boyfriend of that beautiful woman who got jealous when he saw his woman giving flowers to others and being so intimate with her!"

The people below said everything, but everyone showed contempt for Chen Xin'an.

Chen Xin'an didn't care what others said, she just opened the bouquet in three strokes, five divided by two!

Seeing him roughly taking out the beautiful bouquet and throwing it casually at his feet, the people around him were even more angry.

"What is this bastard doing? This is too much!"

"I have never seen such a lack of quality! What do those security guards do for a living? Why don't you arrest this bastard?"

"Damn Orientals, they're so barbaric! That's why I don't like them!"

Boorman's face was also livid, and he gritted his teeth and said to Chen Xin'an: "Chen Xin'an, what are you doing!

Do you know that doing this will have a huge negative impact on me?

I asked you to come here to protect me, not to ruin my reputation!

If you still don’t stop and apologize to everyone, I will..."

Before he finished speaking, he opened his eyes wide and closed his mouth, looking at Chen Xin'an in surprise.

At this moment, in Chen Xin'an's hand, there was a black box the size of a seven or eight-year-old child's fist.

There is also a clock display on it!

Needless to say, you can guess what this thing is!

Everyone was startled and stepped back involuntarily!

At the same time, security guards from other officials rushed up, snatched all the bouquets, and began to inspect them.

The face of the beautiful woman who presented flowers to Boorman changed, she shook her head and said, "I don't know why there is such a thing! I'm just a flower giver!"

Joel looked at the beauty and shouted: "Which department are you in? Tell me your job number!"

The beauty's expression changed, and she suddenly pulled out a sharp thorn from her head and stabbed Boorman's neck fiercely!

Chen Xin'an, who was well prepared, kicked her to the ground!

Looking at the countdown clock on the small black box, it was almost 0:00. He quickly opened the back cover, used a sword to open the circuit, and accurately removed the battery.

In Montenegro Tiger, Chen Xin'an learned bomb disposal.

This little thing is not complicated to make. Even if Li Qi doesn't help, Chen Xin'an can solve it.

The time stopped at three seconds, and then the screen went black.

There was no movement in the small black box in his hand, and Chen Xinan breathed a sigh of relief.

Other security guards also opened the bouquets and found nothing unusual.

In other words, only the bouquet of flowers dedicated to Boorman was problematic!

The beauty held her stomach and stood up with a painful expression. She looked at Boorman and said with a cruel smile:

"Dear Mr. Boorman, you can't escape!

You people will all die! "

Boorman cursed angrily: "Who are you? Who sent you here? Why do you do this?"

The beauty just giggled and looked at him with contempt.

It's not that she doesn't want to escape, it's just that the surrounding area has been blocked by security personnel, and she has no way to escape!

But her attitude made Chen Xin'an feel suspicious. The crisis had been resolved, so why did she still talk like this?

As if remembering something, Chen Xinan immediately opened the black box in his hand.

Sure enough, he found several more hidden wires under the battery compartment!

In other words, this thing not only relies on timing, but also has other detonation methods.


Chen Xin'an's face changed drastically, and he shouted to the security guards around him: "Everyone, check around the stage and search for suspicious objects!"

The stage had been set up in the morning and had been inspected.

There should be no problem.

However, the person who inspected was not the security guard, but the security personnel of Century Plaza, and the person responsible for the final inspection was the agent of Hexagonal Tower!

Chen Xin'an didn't believe anyone as long as he wasn't a well-protected brother, so he had to let his own people check it again.

Chen Xin'an shouted once in Chinese and again in Eagle Flag language.

All the security guards present moved!

After all, this concerns everyone's safety.

It's not that you can't evacuate immediately, it's just that you don't know the enemy's layout, and the chaos on the scene may cause accidents.

Therefore, the danger must be checked first before evacuation can be carried out.

But the strange thing is that after everyone checked, no suspicious objects were found, only the box in Chen Xin'an's hand!

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and Chen Xin'an waved his hand, signaling for everyone to retreat.

Glancing at the beautiful woman, she still had a sarcastic smile on her face.

Just then, Boorman's cell phone rang.

He took out his phone and glanced at the screen, with a strange look on his face.

Chen Xin'an asked: "What's wrong?"

Boorman looked at the phone screen and said, "The other party's number used to be displayed. Why is it empty now?"

Although the number was empty, the phone kept ringing, so Boorman pressed the answer button!

"Don't answer!" Chen Xin'an shouted, but it was already too late!

Without any time to think, Chen Xin'an snatched the phone.

As the beauty laughed ferociously, he stuffed the mobile phone and the small black box into her collar, then kicked her off the stage with a flying kick!

There was an expression of astonishment on the beauty's face. She never expected that the guy in front of her would do this!

Before she could react, she was kicked away by Chen Xin'an.

But she felt no pain at all, her face was filled with fear, and she shouted: "No..."


Two explosions sounded almost at the same time, and the beauty's body was blown to pieces in the air!

The people on the stage seemed to have been showered with blood, and each one screamed in fear!

At the same time as the explosion sounded, Chen Xin'an had already knocked down Boorman!

Then the phone rang, and an official subconsciously pressed the answer button.

Two seconds later, a red light suddenly appeared on the screen. Before the official who had just put the phone to his ear to answer the call could react, his head was blown to pieces!

People around him screamed loudly and fled away.

Chen Xin'an shouted to everyone: "Throw away your mobile phones and throw them away!"

A group of people took out their mobile phones one after another and threw them away from a distance.

Chen Xin'an was speechless.

What I'm specifically talking about are those officials in the Hexagon Building. Why are you security personnel joining in the fun!

These foreigners are just not fully evolved, they are so stupid!

Now that he couldn't care about that much, Chen Xin'an said to his collar: "Mengzi, arrange your formation and escort Mr. Boorman to the car!

Ah Niu, lead people to check the entire fleet as quickly as possible to prevent the cars from being tampered with!

Ah Qi, cover everyone's retreat. Let's meet at the entrance of Nada Building! "

Several people responded in unison from the headset: "Yes!"

In the corner of the stage, Joels looked at the mess on the scene and muttered to himself in despair: "How could this happen?"

Chen Xin'an picked up a piece of rag on the ground, which was the fragment of clothes on the beautiful girl who was blown to pieces just now.

He took out something from his body, pressed it on the rag, and then stuffed the rag into Joel's arms.

"If you want to get out, give this to the investigators!"



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