Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2424 I heard him call the headquarters

I don’t know if the citizens of London City had a premonition, but the streets were very quiet tonight.

At midnight, a rumbling sound came from the road, and the whole earth seemed to be shaking!

In Chen Xin'an's headset, the sentry's shocking report came: "Tank! They actually drove the tank into the city!"

Chen Xin'an's eyes widened.

He knew that Goldfinger was lawless, but he didn't expect that he would be so arrogant!

This kind of steel fortress of infantry can actually march into the city in a majestic manner. Goldfinger really intends to annihilate Chen Xin'an and his team in one fell swoop, leaving no one behind!

As for destroying a small five-star hotel, it is nothing to them!

Taking a deep breath, Chen Xin'an said into the microphone: "Everyone, please pay attention, Aqi is commanding the battle, everyone should pay attention to concealment and conserve your strength.

Leave that big guy to me! "

Everyone's objections immediately came from the headset, and Chen Xin'an frowned and shouted: "Follow the order!"

Only then did everyone become quiet.

Chen Xin'an's plan is very simple, stop the tank at all costs and destroy it!

This requires breaking into the enemy's position, and the degree of danger is self-evident.

But for the whole battle, it was definitely worth it.

Because there is such a thing, the other party doesn't even need to fight, they can just flatten the hotel to achieve the goal!

But at this moment, the tremor disappeared!

The frightening roar also disappeared.

Chen Xin'an walked to the window, opened a crack, and looked at the interface in the distance.

What is inexplicable is that the tank listened for about five minutes, then turned a corner at the intersection and rumbled back!

Luo Niu's excited voice came from the headset: "Boss, that big guy is gone! I didn't expect Philemon's phone to be so effective!"

Chen Xin'an frowned and asked him, "What do you mean? Who did Philemon call?"

Luo Niu said quickly: "I just heard Philemon calling their headquarters.

It was said that they encountered an ambush in the city of London. The target gathered a large number of armed men to resist the arrest and asked for support!

I didn't see support coming, but the tough guy was scared away!

It seems that’s what that phone call is for! "

Chen Xin'an hummed and said to him: "Be careful, the enemy hasn't left yet, the battle is still going on!"

Luo Niu responded and ended the call.

Chen Xin'an lowered the curtains, walked back and sat on the sofa.

Long Sheng asked carefully: "What's wrong, boss?"

Chen Xin'an smiled and said: "The big guy is gone. Philemon helped us!"

His plan was just to use Interpol as a bait to attract officials.

As for whether the official will come, it depends on God’s will.

Unexpectedly, Philemon would use such a trick and directly ask the headquarters to put pressure on the officials.

This is equivalent to putting the official government on the fire, and it won't work if you don't come!

He thought Philemon might help, or he might stay out of it.

Even if he wants to help, it is just in the name of staying here.

I really didn't expect that he would do this.

This is tantamount to completely clearing the line with Goldfinger, and also morally kidnapping Eagle Flag officials, forcing them to make a statement.

If you say you are not moved, you are really deceiving yourself!


A huge explosion came from below, and the other party had started a war!

Perhaps they knew that the official was about to intervene, and they couldn't wait any longer. They had to get rid of the target before the official arrived!

Not far away, a group of fireworks immediately went up, followed by fireworks in many places around, illuminating the entire night as bright as day!

Cunning enemy!

This is a trick to confuse the citizens, using the sound of fireworks to cover up the real sound of gunfire!

Under the cover of fireworks, a group of men in camouflage uniforms fired countless cigarette bombs into the hotel lobby.

When the white smoke filled the air, the group in camouflage uniforms burst into the hotel lobby with guns in hand!

But then, explosions came from the lobby one after another. The first line of defense deployed in advance had already taken effect!

According to Li Qi's thinking, tonight is a counterattack.

So everyone gave up the defense on the outside of the hotel and all entered the hotel.

Use the rooms on each floor to stop the enemy's attack.

Tonight, the Four Seasons Hotel has turned into a military fortress.

No matter how many enemies there are outside, as long as you enter the hotel, you will face hard-to-prevent traps and precise fire coverage!

A large piece of the camouflage uniform fell down, and the remaining people screamed and fled from the lobby.

A large number of camouflage uniforms have been gathered outside.

Among them are killer troops and Goldfinger's personal guards.

They are all out tonight, about two thousand people, and the vehicles have blocked several intersections near the hotel!

And the weapons are also diverse and all-encompassing.

Goldfinger has a lot of money, and they don't even lack the standard equipment of the Eagle Flag Country.

If it weren't for the inability to explain the lethality and destructive power, they could have brought the missile over and fired it directly at the hotel!

The first wave of attacks killed and injured more than a dozen people, which was nothing to the opponent!

But it was unbearable for the conductor to open the door.

In a modified Lincoln car, the blond man had a sullen face and cursed at the two people standing at the door: "Tell them, I don't care how many people die or what method they use!

Within thirty minutes, resolve the battle for me.

I want them to come to me with Chen Xin'an's head.

If they can't do it, then don't come back alive to see me! "

"Yes!" A bearded man responded with his head lowered, turned around and left quickly.

The tall and thin man left touched his aquiline nose and said to the people in the car:

"Mr. Luopu, please calm down. Chen Xin'an, together with his team, numbering only more than thirty people, is nothing to be afraid of.

No matter how capable they are, under the attack of us people, they will die!

The real trouble is the Interpol gang!

It seems that they are determined to help Chen Xin'an! "

Luopu snorted coldly, narrowed his eyes and said: "Those annoying guys have always been against us!

That's fine, let's take this opportunity to kill them too! "

The tall and lanky man's expression changed and he said to him: "Mr. Lopp, if we do that, we may be in a lot of trouble!

Mr. Keynes would not agree! "

Lopp glanced up at him and said expressionlessly: "Henry, don't forget, I am the commander-in-chief this time!

If Keynes doesn't want to, just let him take charge.

He was gone when we were fighting desperately. Why should I consider whether he was happy or not when I did anything?

Just because he is the boss? "

Henry lowered his head and remained silent.

These people were all big bosses, and he was just an errand boy, but he didn't have the guts to say anyone was right or wrong.

Although the words were harsh, Lopp also knew that once Keynes became lively, he would not get any good results. He snorted and said to Henry:

"Don't worry, from the beginning to the end, those people never made it clear who the people in the building were.

I'm not their dog, I don't have such a good understanding!

Since you are unwilling to say it clearly, then I can just pretend to be confused!

I found an opportunity to kill those people. When I asked about it afterwards, I said it was manslaughter.

I will bear all the consequences, I don’t believe they can do anything to me!

If you want to blame, blame them themselves for being mysterious.

It’s just a mistake, this situation is inevitable! "

Henry's eyes lit up, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

In terms of treachery, I can't compare to these big guys. They are the ones who are truly ruthless and daring!



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