Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2437 Did I let you go?

Several policemen wanted to ask the chief with their eyes whether they should call for reinforcements.

Anyway, the green-suited men have already been dispatched. As long as they can hold on until they arrive, this arrogant guy will definitely die!

Even if you don't need green equipment to take action, the police can still take him down as long as they get more reinforcements!

But Jibrin didn't mean that, and just said to Chen Xin'an:

“My people’s working methods are a bit rough, and there’s nothing we can do about it.

This is the normal way our Eagle Flag country police handle cases.

But you openly attacked the police, leaving me unable to explain! "

Chen Xin'an sneered and said to him: "Chief Jibrin, how about I explain it for you?

You can write in the report that my room was burgled by a group of thieves who even pretended to be police officers.

I helped the police subdue these thieves and was awarded by the police!

How about this report? "

Why are you so shameless?

Whoever beat us still wants to be rewarded?

Jibrin's face was ashen, and just when he was about to speak, he heard Chen Xin'an continue:

"One more thing can be added. The thief dared to pretend to be the local police chief and was killed by me on the spot! This should be considered a meritorious service, right?"

Jibrin's expression changed drastically, and he looked at Chen Xin'an in horror.

This guy never does things according to common sense and is always bold.

Killing a police chief is not impossible for him!

Just then, Jibrin's cell phone rang. He took it out, took a look, breathed a sigh of relief, and said to Chen Xin'an, "Sorry, I'll answer the phone first!"

After pressing the answer button, Jibrin took a few steps to the side and said to the phone:

"I'm here and he's back.

There was a little conflict, but it doesn't matter, I will deal with it.

Come over now?

Okay, I told him, wait for you here! "

After hanging up the phone, Jibrin said to Chen Xin'an: "Mr. Buck and Mr. Mark will give you an explanation for what happened tonight.

They will be here soon. Mr. Chen, please wait a moment. "

Turning around, Jibrin said to the policemen: "Okay, no more searching, you go down first!"

Several police officers looked at each other and then walked over to help their injured colleagues on the ground.

Just when they were about to leave, they heard Chen Xin'an say coldly behind them: "Did I let you go?"

Jibrin frowned and shouted to Chen Xin'an: "Chen Xin'an, what do you want to do?"

Chen Xin'an pointed to the ground and said to him: "Restore it to whatever it was before!

If you can’t recover tonight, no one can get out of this door! "

"Chen Xin'an, don't be too arrogant!" Jibrin and a group of police officers were angry.

"We are investigating a case, and you must cooperate! Otherwise, you will interfere with our law enforcement!"

"Don't think that our police are afraid of you. If you dare to take action, we will never condone you!"

"A disaster is imminent. How dare you be so arrogant? Let's see how long you can continue to be arrogant!"

Chen Xin'an didn't pay attention to what these people were saying. She just looked at Jibrin coldly and said:

"You haven't told me yet, will the police department give me a reward for killing a group of thieves pretending to be the chief and the police?"

Everyone in the room became nervous.

A tough talk is a tough talk. The powerful strength that Chen Xin'an showed just now still makes everyone feel lingering fear.

If we want to take action, these people may not be enough to fight each other, and it will be difficult for everyone to get out of this room!

Jibrin took a deep breath and said to his men: "Clean up!"

The faces of a group of police officers turned red. This was a great shame and humiliation for them!

Jibrin cursed angrily: "What are you doing standing still? Clean the room!"

Everyone had no choice but to bend down and start picking up things on the ground.

Chen Xin'an said from the side: "Pat it clean and put it in place.

What it was like before, restore it to what it is now!

Put back everything you stole!

One thing is missing, I will take off one of your arms! "

Since you've broken your heart, there's no need to be merciful.

The people in the province thought that these Orientals were easy to bully.

A group of policemen lowered their heads and said nothing.

They have never experienced such a humiliating moment!

This damn guy is so arrogant now, he will regret it later and be unable to even cry!

Half an hour later, someone came.

Buck stands in the middle, with Mark on the left and Golden on the right.

Looking at Chen Xin'an sitting on the sofa in the living room, Buck pretended to knock on the open door a few times, and asked with a smile on his face: "Can I come in?"

Chen Xin'an said unceremoniously: "No, get out!"

Buck was stunned for a moment, and his face suddenly darkened.

There is no need for me to tease this guy, just fall out!

Buck snorted coldly and strode into the presidential suite.

Mark and Golden also came in, followed by a group of people wearing suits and sunglasses.

Agents of the Hexagon?

Chen Xin'an curled up the corner of her mouth, with a disdainful sneer on her face.

Buck walked over and sat on the sofa opposite Chen Xin'an.

He said to Jibrin and the policemen who were still cleaning up: "You have nothing to do here, get out!"

Jibrin and the policemen breathed a sigh of relief and turned to leave.

Chen Xin'an said coldly: "Should I let you go?"

Damn, that’s it again!

Giblin and those policemen are going crazy!

The people from Hexagonal Tower are here, how dare this guy be so crazy?

Buck said coldly: "I asked them to leave! Chen Xin'an, do you still think this is the past?

I'm telling you, you're in trouble tonight..."

Chen Xin'an, who was sitting opposite, suddenly came to him and pinched his neck!


The surrounding agents almost pulled out their guns at the same time and pointed them at Chen Xin'an!

At the same time, Chen Xin'an also held a pistol in his left hand and pointed it at Mark's head!

"Chen Xin'an, please don't mess around!" Golden was startled and shouted to Chen Xin'an.

Chen Xin'an was fearless and said to Golden with a sneer: "Let them shoot! See if they can kill me before I kill the three of you!"

After hearing what he said, everyone became even more nervous, and no one dared to move!

Jibrin and the police were dumbfounded!

This guy is really not a normal person!

He is a complete lunatic!

He doesn't even care about the people in Hexagonal Building!

"What do you want?" Mark swallowed and asked Chen Xin'an nervously.

Chen Xin'an glanced at him and said to Jibrin: "Go on, do your thing.

Also, put my things back and I’ll say it one last time! "

Jibrin glanced at the backpack on the ground, which contained all the guns found here.

He said angrily to Chen Xin'an: "These are evidences, we have to take them back..."

"Don't give me such nonsense!" Chen Xin'an interrupted him impatiently and said, "Even if it's just a piece of waste paper, if you dare to take it out of this room today, I will give you an arm!"

Turning his head, he looked at Buck in front of him, smiled disdainfully, and said to him:

"No matter what you are here for, wait until they tidy up the room for me! Is that clear?"

Buck suppressed the fear in his heart and looked at Chen Xin'an angrily, trying to show some toughness.

But as soon as Chen Xin'an closed his fingers, Buck felt his vision go dark, and almost suffocated and fainted. He quickly shouted hoarsely: "It's clear..."

Chen Xin'an let go of Mark, threw him on the sofa, and sat back. However, the muzzle of the pistol was moved away from Mark and aimed at his heart.

Buck's face turned pale, his eyes looking at Chen Xin'an were full of scruples, and he no longer had the arrogance he had just now.

He was a little reluctant, but reluctantly waved to the agents, asking them to put down their pistols and stand aside.



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