Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2440 You’d better read the contract again

I wanted to see Chen Xin'an beating her chest, feeling distressed and angry, but Golden was disappointed in the end.

There was no expression change on Chen Xin'an's face, as if everything was as expected.

He nodded and said to Golden: "It's pretty much what I guessed. You guys really won't give up this piece of fat in the Nada Building.

He swallowed tens of billions of my investment in one go, and he robbed it by force. He took it for nothing. It was really cruel! "

Golden said with a smile: "Mr. Chen is serious! We just want to solve some troubles for our friends!

There is also a famous saying in China, which I find quite interesting.

Lose money and eliminate disaster!

Chen Xin'an used the Nada Building and a security company to exchange the lives of those four people, which was a good deal.

What do you think, Mr. Chen? "

Chen Xin'an looked at him with squinted eyes, shook her head and said, "Now it seems that I have no choice, right?"

Buck laughed out loud, looked at Chen Xin'an mockingly and said:

"What do you think?

Chen Xin'an, do you have this day too?

Why aren't you arrogant now?

Don't you want to protect those four people?

Okay, then use all your assets in the Eagle Flag Country to buy the lives of four of them! "

Mark also smiled and said to Chen Xin'an: "We won't be so heartless if we are friends.

From the moment we leave the hotel, we give you twenty-four hours to leave the Eagle Flag Country!

How about it, interesting enough? "

Chen Xin'an frowned and asked them, "For me? Not for us?"

The three people opposite laughed wildly!

Golden smiled and said to Chen Xin'an: "Mr. Chen, I have told you to leave the Eagle Flag Country from the beginning to the end, but I have never said that I want to let them leave too!

You see, this is the disadvantage of language barrier and poor communication.

Mr. Chen should have coordinated with us, but now that his name has been signed and his fingerprints pressed, there should be no need for coordination, right? "

Chen Xin'an's face was gloomy, looking at the proud smiling faces of the three people opposite him, he frowned.

He looked at Golden and said: "There is a problem, I have already expected that you want to rob the Nada Building.

But why don't you even let my security team go? "

Mark cursed angrily: “That’s what father meant!

Those of you, do a great job.

The agents in Hexagonal Tower cannot protect my father 24 hours a day, but your team can make up for the lack of protection of those agents!

Moreover, they have very strong fighting ability. If they are transformed into a private armed company, they can help my father do a lot of things! "

Chen Xin'an thought of the Predator Armed Company.

Boorman wanted to build security and become a second predator.

After all, the Predators are a Golden Gloves property.

He needs an armed force of his own to do some private work for him that is not suitable for official dispatch.

Chen Xin'an sneered and said: "Those are people, not tools.

Are you so sure of making them obedient?

Even if I sign the contract, when my brothers know the truth, do you think they will be honest and obedient? "

There was a cruel smile on Mark's face, and he said to Chen Xin'an: "Do they have a choice?

My biggest support is you, and you were no longer in the Eagle Flag Country at that time!

Do you really think that our official people are just freeloaders?

Is it difficult to plant some charges on them and control them?

Non-cooperation will lead to death, but cooperation will allow us to stay in the Eagle Flag Country.

I believe they are not stupid and know how to choose! "

Chen Xin'an nodded, the other party had made enough preparations and came prepared!

Chen Xin'an said with some reluctance: "How can you explain to the people what you are doing?

This is the same behavior as a robber! "

"Hahaha!" The three laughed again.

Mark shook his head and said to Chen Xin'an: "Chen Xin'an, sometimes I think you are quite naive!

where is this place?

Eagle flag country!

If something happens to you, a foreigner, who will care about you?

Do I need to go to a special place to explain it?

Even if I have to explain, who is my father?

The leader of the Eagle Flag Nation!

Isn’t it up to him to decide what kind of explanation you want? "

Chen Xin'an nodded, looked at Mark and said, "So, everything you are doing now was ordered by your father who is the leader, right?"

When Mark was about to speak, Golden stretched out his hand to stop him and said to Chen Xin'an: "Okay, you don't have to trick us anymore!

Chen Xin'an, it's now this time, is it still interesting for you to play your tricks?

Okay, that’s it for today’s conversation!

Remember, you only have twenty-four hours! "

Chen Xin'an pointed to the photos of Xu Qing and Qiao Yanhui on the coffee table and asked him, "Where are these two people?"

Buck grinned and said: "In a very safe place! Don't worry, someone from the Chinese official has interceded on their behalf. They will end up better than the two wanted criminals, at least they won't have to die!"

But we will not hand people back to China so easily. After all, we killed people in the Eagle Flag Country!

Just imprison them for a few years first, and then let them go when we find the remaining balance of Liao Haisheng's money!

Of course, I don’t know what kind of torture they will suffer in order to trace the whereabouts of the remaining money! "

Chen Xin'an nodded and said: "So, this is a deal where you can make a sure profit without losing any money.

Take everything from me, but don’t let anyone go.

This trick is really cruel! "

Two agents walked up behind Chen Xin'an and pointed their guns at Chen Xin'an's head.

Golden stood up, took away the contract and information on the coffee table, and said to Chen Xin'an with a smile:

"At least I spared your life, and we are still friends enough, right?

You don’t have to think about how to take revenge. The police should have your security company under control now! "

Buck gritted his teeth and said to Chen Xin'an: "Don't let me see you in the Eagle Flag Country again!

This is the price you pay for defying the Hexagon!

Chen Xin'an, next time we meet, I will kill you! "

Chen Xin'an curled her lips and smiled with disdain on her face.

Seeing Golden trying to put the contract back into his bag, he asked with a strange expression:

"You are so generous, you don't even need to check it again?

What if I don't sign?

You'd better read the contract again! "

"How dare you?" Golden laughed loudly, pointed around and said, "Under such an environment, you still want to play tricks? Aren't you afraid of death?"

After all, he picked up the contract and read it quickly, and then his eyes almost popped out!

"What's wrong?" Seeing his appearance, Mark frowned and asked.

Golden's face turned red, he glared at Chen Xin'an and cursed: "You are really looking for death! How dare you do this?"

He spread out the contract, pointed at the messy graffiti in the blank space and cursed: "Do you really think we don't dare to kill you?

Or do you think that the life and death of those you protect are not as important as your assets?

Do you think you can get away with scribbling like this?

It has your fingerprint on it, so it will still be valid even if there is no signature! "

"Fingerprints?" Chen Xin'an said jokingly: "Whose fingerprints? Why don't I know?"

Golden said angrily: "Aren't these red ones your fingerprints?

Now that you’ve pressed it, don’t even think about denying it!


He couldn't speak anymore, but his eyes were fixed on the red mark on the contract.

There is indeed a thumb mark on it, but what is strange is that there are no lines on it!

In other words, this fingerprint is just a finger, not a pattern!

Chen Xin'an raised her hands and grinned: "I'm sorry, I have been hiking since I was a child, and the fingerprints on my hands have been smoothed away!"



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