Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2444: Raising the price while sitting on the ground

A black commercial vehicle was driving on the highway to the airport, then slowed down, suddenly made an emergency U-turn, and rushed in the direction it came from!

But several cars that seemed to have nothing to do with each other on the road suddenly turned sharply and blocked the way of the commercial vehicle.

Not far behind the commercial vehicle, a bus was lying across the road, with green-clad people armed with guns on both sides!

The cars that blocked the commercial vehicle stopped together, and a large group of green-clad people jumped out of the cars, aiming their rifles at the commercial vehicle.

Some people even carried PRGs and surrounded the commercial vehicle, looking ready to fire at any time.

The green-clad officer standing in front walked carefully to the front of the commercial vehicle under the protection of more than a dozen green-clad people holding shields in front, and shouted to the people inside to raise their hands and surrender.

There was no way, the person inside was Chen Xin'an!

This guy is not an ordinary lunatic, and he is super powerful!

He really dared to shoot at the green-clad people. Without some protection measures, who would dare to approach him?

But the people above insisted on catching him alive, it was really fucking!


The door of the business car was opened, and a group of green-clad officers were so scared that they quickly raised their shields, and the people behind them also raised their guns!

The green-clad officer was stunned when he saw the people inside.

He took out his mobile phone, looked at the photos of Chen Xin'an and the people around him, and then looked at the people in the car in front of him, and they didn't seem to be the same!

"What are you doing?" Everyone in the car raised their hands and shouted angrily:

"Mr. Peng Chang, the president of our Chinese Chamber of Commerce, is in a hurry to go to the airport to receive guests. Why are you stopping us?"

The green-clad officer cursed angrily: "Why are you turning around and running!"

Peng Chang cursed angrily: "The road ahead is blocked, I'm in a hurry to receive VIPs, so I'll take another road. What's wrong?

Which green-clad unit are you from?

I'm going to write down your number and complain about you!

Why do you have to put up such a scene to deal with us for no reason?

Even if we break the law, the police should come forward and close us. What's up with you green suits?"

The officer's face turned pale and he looked embarrassed. He quickly waved his hand and said, "It's a mistake, it's a mistake, you go!"

"Go? Just drive us away if we're wrong? How can it be so easy!" Peng Chang said angrily:

"Take a picture of what they look like now!

We have an elderly friend in the car with a bad heart.

You look so scared by you guys that his face is pale!

It's not okay to just walk away like this. You must give us an explanation for this matter!

Otherwise, I will expose you and complain about you!"

The green suit officer was in a big headache and didn't know what to do.

Didn't these bastards say they were in a hurry to pick someone up?

Why aren't they in a hurry now?

He quickly took out his mobile phone and called his superiors for instructions.

They, the green suits, can fight when they receive orders, but they are not good at handling disputes like this.

Peng Chang smiled coldly and let the people around him argue with the green suits. He walked aside, took out his mobile phone, and sent a message: The airport is blocked, five passes!

At the Eagle's Beak Wharf, Dayao pointed to the map on his phone and said to Chen Xin'an: "Mr. Chen, take a rest here first. The ship will arrive at this location in about an hour. I have already made an agreement with the captain. You go up and pay the money, and endure for a while. Once you enter the high seas, you will be free. Go to Daying first, and then turn back to China!" Chen Xin'an looked at the map on the phone, nodded, looked up and asked Dayao: "Okay! How is this place?" "Very good!" Dayao grinned, looked around and said: "Renovate it, and use this place as a base in the future. Once the wind is too tight, come here to hide!" The killer training base was destroyed, and this place became a deserted island. Due to the geographical location and the environment on the island, there is not much development value here, so the official Eagle Flag State also dislikes it. The Golden Gloves wanted it, but they didn't dare to ask for it. Now they have been stared at, and they can't reopen the killer training base, right? Chen Xin'an bought the island in the name of Snake Brother for a period of ten years, on the grounds of breeding venomous snakes and doing drug research. He even registered a company specifically for this purpose. Now Chen Xinan and his people came here temporarily, waiting for the cargo ship to pass by, and then sneak out to sea.

Looking at the message sent by Peng Chang, Chen Xinan showed a sneer of contempt on his face.

Chen Xinan didn't take the so-called 24-hour release to leave Eagle Flag Country seriously at all.

Burman would not let him leave so easily, and Lehman would not let him leave either.

So he asked Kotoko to put on makeup and sent several groups of people to try to leave Leton City through various means.

As expected, the whole army was wiped out!

Fortunately, Chen Xinan had never planned to take the formal route from the beginning.

He knew that it was a trap, so if he wanted to leave Eagle Flag Country, he could only sneak out.

It was almost time, Chen Xinan patted Dayao on the shoulder and said, "Let's go!

When Brother Snake and the others come back, you can tell them a message for me.

Live well, you will go home eventually.

When the time comes, you must come to Kyoto to find me, and we will get drunk!"

Dayao grinned and said, "I know, Mr. Chen, I will definitely tell you! I look forward to that day coming soon, and I will not go home until I am drunk with Mr. Chen!"

The prepared boat was on the shore, and Chen Xinan took Li Qi, Long Sheng, Xia Hongfeng, Xu Qing, and Qiao Yanhui, a total of six people, on board.

Dayao sailed the boat and everyone set off. Twenty minutes later, the boat stopped near an abandoned drilling platform.

In less than ten minutes, a medium-sized ocean-going cargo ship came over and looked at the white bear logo on the bow.

Dayao nodded and said to Chen Xin'an: "This is the ship!"

Chen Xin'an nodded and signaled to Li Qi next to him.

Li Qi picked up a strong flashlight and started to shine in the direction of the White Bear cargo ship.

Soon there was a response, and then the White Bear cargo ship slowly stopped.

Dayao quickly drove over and stopped next to the cargo ship.

A tall man with a beard stood on the side of the boat, looking down at the people on the boat.

Dayao quickly shouted: "Captain Hodgson, these are the friends I told you about.

Brother Snake has also said hello to you, right?

Can we let them on board? "

Standing next to Hodgson was an Eastern man with a sinister face. He said something to Hodgson, then turned his head and said to Dayao: "You can get on the boat, but you have to pay first!"

"That's for sure, I understand the rules!" Dayao smiled and turned to Chen Xin'an and said, "Mr. Chen, you have to give money first, 10,000 yuan for each person."

Chen Xin'an nodded, asked Long Sheng to hand over his backpack, took out a wad of money from it, and counted six wads.

An iron bucket was put down from the cargo ship, and Li Qi threw 60,000 eagle flag yuan into the iron bucket.

When the iron bucket went up, Hodgson checked it again, nodded and stuffed it into his pocket.

Dayao smiled and shouted: "Mr. Hodgson, can we get on the boat now?"

The Oriental man above smiled coldly, shook his head and said: "These are just docking fees. If you want to board the ship, you have to pay a stowaway fee!"

When Dayao heard this, his expression changed and he cursed at the people above him: "How could you do this?

We agreed to take them out of the country at a price of 10,000 eagle flags per head.

Now that the money has been paid, you want more money. Isn’t this just raising the price? "

The Easterner said coldly: “Friend, if you think it’s unreasonable, you can take another boat.

However, the parking fee is non-refundable. After all, we made a special trip and wasted time!

It's up to you whether you get on the boat or not. If you don't want to hand it over, we'll leave now! "



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