Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2446 I Must Find My Son

Smuggling is very dangerous, not only because you have to avoid inspection, but more importantly because of the harsh environment.

For fear of being discovered, the stowaways were concentrated in the most secluded corners of the ship.

It was even hidden in a container, with dozens or hundreds of people locked inside, eating, drinking, and urinating inside.

If you can't come out for a month or several months, a small illness can turn into a larger plague, causing everyone to lose their lives!

Therefore, every stowaway is a selection of survival of the fittest.

Most of the people died on the way, and their bodies were thrown into the sea and became fish food.

Only a few can successfully reach the other side.

Katsu Uemura's words are not outrageous. Compared with those conditions, the current space is indeed not bad.

But everyone spent 60,000 yuan to live in a place like this, which is really not worth it!

Katsu Uemura ignored this and said to everyone: "You must stay here before entering the high seas at noon tomorrow.

To prevent detection, we will lock this door from the outside.

Once there is a coast guard inspection, you must not say anything.

If you are discovered, we will be in trouble too.

So just bear with it for the night, and everyone will feel comfortable when we reach the high seas!

By the way, if you have any valuables, leave them to us for safekeeping! "

"No!" Long Sheng said angrily.

Why should I leave it to you for safekeeping?

Can you still want it back?

If there are any valuables, it’s you who need to guard against them!

Uemura Katsu curled his lips and said to everyone: "Then you go in now, I'm going to lock the door!

Every minute outside the high seas is unsafe! "

"Wait a minute!" Xu Qing said in a low voice: "They are all locked inside, what if they need to take a shower or use the toilet?"

She is now made up by Qinzi and has a beard. She looks like a middle-aged man in his forties!

In addition, she deliberately spoke in a lowered voice, so it was hard to tell that she was a woman.

Uemura Masaru glanced at her with disgust, snorted coldly and said, "Brother, do you really think this is a hotel?

We don’t take showers every day. Do you still want to have this condition?

When we get to the high seas, I'll let you take turns taking a bath.

Just make do with these two days!

Use the toilet in a large bag or a small bottle. There are pipes inside. You can just throw them in when the time comes and it will be discharged directly into the sea!

They are all great men, and they live such a particular life for no one to see! "

"You..." Xu Qing wanted to kick him angrily, but didn't know what to say.

You can't say that I'm a woman and you let me live in a single room!

Once it is discovered that she is disguised as a man, her situation on the ship will be very dangerous.

Chen Xin'an shook his head at her, it was just for one night, and it would pass if he endured it.

Everyone stooped into the room, and the iron door was slammed shut and then locked from the outside.

Chen Xin'an stood at the door and asked Katsu Uemura who was about to leave, "What should I do with dinner?"

Uemura Katsu said: "Two meals a day, someone will deliver them!"

Then he left, and there was no sound outside.

Chen Xin'an pushed the iron door with his hand. It was very strong. If he wanted to force it open from the inside, it would probably take a lot of effort for him to use his internal strength.

Moreover, there are no handles or railings on the door. There is only a movable baffle at the bottom, but it is also plugged in from the outside.

Long Sheng sat down, kicked the smelly bedding away from him in disgust, and said to Chen Xin'an: "You pay 60,000 yuan to live in a place like this. These bastards are really evil!"

Chen Xin'an also sat down and said to everyone: "Be patient, as long as you can leave the country!

But everyone, be careful, everyone on this boat is not a good person! "

He just saw the greed and ferocity in the eyes of Hodgson and Uemura Masaru.

If you reveal your wealth, these guys will definitely not let it go like this.

Chen Xin'an didn't want to cause trouble, so she just wanted to go to sea in peace.

But it doesn't mean that he is a Kaizi who can be slaughtered by others. Anyone can cut his flesh and eat whatever they want!

Xia Hongfeng asked Chen Xin'an with some worry: "Boss, those three guys... aren't they dead?"

Li Qi next to him smiled and said to him: "Don't worry, the boss's needle has expired now, they will be sent back!"

In front of the Nada Building in Century Plaza, a large wooden box appeared inexplicably.

Everyone took a detour, not knowing who put it here, and no one cared about it.

But suddenly, there was a banging sound from the box, which scared several beauties who happened to be passing by to jump up and scream!

The movement in the wooden box became louder and louder, as if there was a wild beast inside and wanted to break out!

A few men boldly walked over and kicked the big wooden box. Soon there was a response from inside, and the banging sound became louder!

Someone took out his mobile phone, started taking pictures of the big wooden box, and then posted it on social networking sites.

The security guard from the Nada Building came in time and brought some tools.

First, the people around him were asked to step back, and then the two security guards began to open the boxes.

With a click, the hidden lock of the box was pried open, and the people around him also let out a cry of surprise.

Then the box board suddenly fell down, and three men rolled out from it, covered in blood, but naked, without a trace of hair!

People around him exclaimed, and some women even covered their mouths and laughed.

The three men had their hands tied behind their backs and their mouths were stuffed with rags, making them unable to speak.

No wonder it can only use or even hit boxes, but doesn't know how to call for help.

The security guard untied their injured ropes, and the three of them got up, covered their key parts, and yelled curses at the people around them:

"Go away! Stop filming! Do you know who I am? I am the son of the boss! Call the police for me!"

"Why are you laughing! Do you believe that I will arrest you all? I am the son of the boss, and I am the director of the Security Bureau!"

"Shut up, you two, aren't you embarrassed enough? Get out of here quickly! Damn Chen Xin'an, how dare you treat us like this, I must make him pay the price!"

In the office of the head of the Hexagon Building, Boorman slapped the desk and cursed at the man in front of him:

"Haven't found it yet? Increase the manpower and turn the Four Seasons Hotel upside down!

If I can't find my son again, I will replace you all!

Chen Xin'an must still be hiding in Lieton City. Since he has not been found at any checkpoint, he is hiding!

Look for me carefully and investigate all the places he might go! "

The man next to him asked strangely: "Mr. Boorman, why don't you let me send the police?

It would be easier and more convenient to let the police help..."

"You idiot!" Boorman scolded angrily: "I have promised Chen Xin'an that I will not arrest him within twenty-four hours.

Do you want me, the boss, to be dishonest in my words?

You go find it and do it secretly.

The most important thing is to find my two sons!

If they make any mistakes, I won't let you go! "

The man responded, turned around and walked out, but in his heart he greeted all the women in Boorman's family!

You really want to build a reputation, and you talk about yourself behind your back like you’re farting!

You still use us as a scapegoat, you are really not human!

There is no way, he is the boss, how can a small working person like me have the right to resist!

He opened the door and was about to walk out when a man suddenly came in from the outside and said to him with a mobile phone: "Mr. Grote, I saw them!"

Grote glanced at the screen of the mobile phone in his hand, and almost laughed out loud when there was a sudden pop!

He quickly stopped his smile and said to Boorman behind him: "Mr. Boorman, we have a clue. We have found the three of them!"



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