Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2471 International Store Visiting Group

After getting off Qiufu Mountain, there is a fork in the road. Follow the sign and turn left, which is the road to Yingjing.

The business car stopped under the sign, and everyone sat quietly in the car.

Ten minutes later, a motorcycle slowed down slowly and came to the side of the commercial vehicle.

Behind the motorcycle, a bloody man was dragged with a rope.

In fact, it was no longer a person, because it was just a mutilated corpse, with no visible pieces of flesh.

He Meijuan screamed in fright, covered her eyes and shrank into Wei Yuan's arms.

Xu Qing was much calmer. He frowned and asked Chen Xin'an, "Who is he?"

Chen Xin'an got out of the car, walked to the back and untied the rope, curled her lips and said: "The boss of the Hengshan Group, Kanemoto Tomoo!"

He turned around and looked for a while, then said to everyone: "Everyone, wait for me!"

Two minutes later, Chen Xin'an said to everyone: "Let's go!"

The commercial vehicle started and drove towards Yingjing.

Where the car stopped just now, a motorcycle was burning.

Above the flames and under the tall sign, hung a mutilated corpse that was still bleeding!

At Hongyun Tower in Kyoto, the store has been busy since dawn.

During the two days of renovation, we will be closed in the morning and only open for business in the afternoon and evening.

Now the boss of Hong Yun Lou’s kitchen team is Master Cai from Tanshi Street.

Chen Xin'an once took the initiative to invite him to Hongyun Tower, but Master Cai refused.

At that time, Master Cai felt that he had great ambitions and did not want to rely on others.

He left Tanshi Street with his team and opened a shop.

I still wanted to do something big, but I didn't expect that I couldn't hold on for two months, and I lost everything.

Master Cai was disheartened and finally understood a truth.

He is just a person who knows how to cook and doesn’t understand business at all.

Just as Hongyun Tower was about to fire the original chef team, Guan Qing was reminded by Ning Xiruo and took the initiative to find Master Cai, and the two officially cooperated.

Less than a month after arriving, with the help of Wang Yi and Du Yunyan, Hongyunlou’s ancient Chinese recipes became an instant hit. Now it has become a place for Internet celebrities to check in, and business is booming every day.

Because of this, Hongyun Building began to be renovated in batches and could only do business for half a day.

But there is a banquet to be held at noon today, so the market will open early.

Today is the 100-day banquet of Luo Xiaoman's daughter Luo Meng. Not many people were invited, just a large round table for fifteen people, all the closest relatives and friends came to have a meal.

Lord Long parked in the parking lot at the entrance of Hongyun Building. Ning Xiruo got out of the car and saw Luo Qianxue pushing a stroller waiting at the door, so she hurried over.

Behind her, Guan Qing opened the trunk and said to the brother and sister Guan Fei and Guan Du: "Put everything in!"

Luo Qianxue said angrily to Ning Xiruo: "We have so much clothes at home, why don't you buy them for her!

Children look the same every day, so buying too much and not wearing them is a waste! "

Ning Xiruo waved her hand and said: "I happened to pass by Aibei and just bought a batch of goods. I looked good, so I took a few pieces!

My daughter must dress up beautifully from an early age.

It’s best to change one set every day and never do the same thing again! "

Luo Qianxue shook her head helplessly.

When it comes to pampering children, she, as a biological mother, is far worse than this godmother!

Ning Xiruo pushed the stroller, pushed Luo Qianxue away, turned around and walked into the restaurant, complaining:

"Why is such a big sunbeam at the door? What should I do if it tans my daughter?"

Luo Qianxue rolled her eyes and said angrily: "Doctors all recommend that babies get more sun!"

Ning Xiruo snorted and said, "Then if I decorate an artificial warm light room for my daughter, wouldn't it be much safer than basking in the sun?"

Luo Qianxue was almost speechless. That thing requires an investment of at least millions, but you are willing to do it!

But then I thought about it, this couple just gave a winery to their daughter. It’s just a million dollars to decorate, but it’s nothing. She is really willing to give it!

He quickly said to Ning Xiruo: "Don't even think about it! The doctor said that there is radiation in it, which is not good for children's health."

Ning Xiruo widened her eyes and asked, "Really?" She lowered her head with regret and said to Luo Meng:

"Daughter, it's a pity.

When I was abroad, I heard many good things about it from others, but it seems they are all fake!

It seems that I will have to spend more time in the sun in the future.

But that’s enough for today, no need to go out in the sun, stay with your godmother! "

Luo Qianxue patted her forehead.

As for whether there is really radiation, only the devil knows!

But if you want to stop Ning Xiruo from spending money on your child, the best way is to threaten the child's health. There is nothing more effective than this!

She was really afraid of Ning Xiruo's pampering of her child. If the child grew up and became sensible, she would think that Ning Xiruo was her biological mother!

Luo Xiaoman was sitting on a chair next to the round table, telling Yu Zetao and Yan Shuisheng about his thrilling experience in the Eagle Flag Country.

Xiao Zhang and Luo Qianhe were playing chess aside, rolling their eyes at Luo Xiaoman from time to time.

This shameless guy talks about it every day and every night, and he doesn't get tired of it.

The key is to transform some of the battles fought by Chen Xin'an into him becoming the protagonist, killing everyone in the Killer Alliance without leaving any trace behind!

Neither of them had the nerve to listen, and they didn't know how the grandson had the nerve to talk about it.

Yu Zetao asked seriously: "Brother Man, isn't it?

You also said that day that you were surrounded by more than 60 people from the Killer Alliance on that Black Hawk Island.

Why is it now more than a hundred? "

Luo Xiaoman said with a straight face: "It was originally more than a hundred, but you remembered it wrong!"

Yan Shuisheng scratched his head and said, "I remember when you first talked about it, you were talking about more than thirty..."

Luo Xiao's face darkened, and he said to the two of them: "It was more than a hundred at the beginning!

Is it a big deal if there are more than thirty people?

Don’t you know Brother Man’s strength yet?

Even Lao Chen will be defeated!

Just over thirty people besieging me, can I be made to speak out?

This is simply an insult to me! "

Yu Zetao and Yan Shuisheng frowned and were about to tell the difference. Luo Xiaoman turned his head and looked at Ning Xiruo, who was walking over with a stroller, and said, "Xiruo, how's it going at the construction site?"

Ning Xiruo nodded and said with a smile: "Everything goes well. The hotel is also very fast. It is estimated that it will be open in the beginning of the new year!"

In Maoping New District, Anhao Group is the main investment and has built a super five-star hotel.

This is one of the few financing projects of Anhao Group.

It's not because Chen Xin'an and Ning Xiruo are short of money, but this is originally a welfare for everyone to invest together.

The Maoping New District, once completed, will definitely be the newest and most prosperous business district in Kyoto.

Everyone knows that as long as you can get a project in Maoping New District, it is equivalent to getting a cornucopia, and you can make money in the future!

As Chen Xin'an, the owner of Maoping New District, let alone the richest man in China, even the richest man in the world will have the strength to compete!

Therefore, this super five-star hotel will definitely make money, and make a lot of money.

Now hosted by Ning Xiruo, a large-scale project integrating Luo family, Luo family, Xiao family, Dao family, Guan family, etc. and various independent investors has been launched.

Chen Xin'an has never been a tyrant who stepped on the corpses of his brothers to rise to power.

He is never stingy with his brothers and friends. Everyone makes money and gets rich together. That is the greatest happiness in life.

Luo Xiaoman was in a better mood and shouted to the kitchen: "Lao Cai, how are you doing? Let's start the party, I'm hungry!"

Before the kitchen could respond, the front door of the restaurant was pushed open, and a group of blond foreigners walked in.

One of them frowned and shouted: "Is this the store online?

It doesn’t look like much!

Who is the boss? Come out quickly!

We are an international store tour group! "

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