Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2475 A group of online beggars still pretending to be noble

The group of foreigners who were laughing and joking just now all lowered their heads with question marks on their faces.

"It's weird, there's a group of abusive black fans here too! What's going on?"

"Look at what this guy said: That's not what happened. This podcaster is confusing right and wrong. The real and complete story is on the 'One Story One' channel!"

"I also received such a message! What are you saying? I'll go over and take a look!"

The faces of a group of foreigners all changed, and they were constantly operating on their mobile phones.

Sandy suddenly raised her head, looked at Guan Qing and the table behind her with a shocked expression, and asked loudly: "Which one of you is telling me something?"

Wang Yi said coldly: "That's my channel, what's wrong?"

Delia looked at Wang Yi in shock and said: "After being launched on YouTube for half a month, the number of fans has increased from zero to three million!

Within a week of opening it on Twitter, it gained millions of followers.

That one called the powder suction machine is yours? "

Yu Zetao stood up, held up his mobile phone and said, "The comments on your side are not lively, why don't you take a look at ours?"

Those foreigners holding mobile phones were frightened to see it!

"It was not even during business hours, so we made an exception to entertain them. Unexpectedly, they turned out to be a group of people with ulterior motives!"

“When those dishes were served, I was drooling just looking at them through the screen.

It's obvious that the chef puts his heart into the food.

They themselves ate nothing, but in the end they said it was not delicious against their will. It was really abominable! "

"Their ratings are all fake. It turns out that as long as you pay them, you can change the ratings randomly! No wonder I go to the places they highly recommend to spend money. They are expensive and taste bad!"

"Report! Such a wicked person is not worthy of doing food appreciation! I used to like watching their programs, but I will never watch them again. I will lose my fandom immediately!"

The faces of a group of podcasters turned pale, and they all panicked as they looked at their decreasing number of fans.

Fans are the basis of their survival, and it is related to what kind of treatment they enjoy on the platform and how much profit they get.

Moreover, the sharp decrease in fans will directly lead to a decline in reputation, and then their accounts will be banned from the platform!

Delia exclaimed, covering her chest and said: "I've been banned! Damn it, this is the big account I've been doing for nearly five years!

Two hundred thousand fans, do you know how much it cost me to have them?

Damn it Sandy, you brought us to this store, you said we could make a fortune, now what do I get? "

The others also glared at the hooked nose.

Sandy cursed angrily: "I don't know either, I'll tell you right here!

I just saw that people in Kyoto like to eat here, so I thought they must care about their reputation.

Didn't expect such a thing to happen.

From the moment we entered, we were secretly photographed!

You don't need to blame me, you should cause trouble for them. They are secretly filming. This is an infringement of portrait rights! "

Yu Zetao looked at the group of foreigners with disdain and said: "A mere two or three hundred thousand fans can make you dare to extort money?

Having people like you in the live streaming industry is simply a disgrace to media people!

Do you think there is one person who only has this kind of connections?

Let me tell you, this is China, and the main battlefield is right here!

If you open any short video platform in China, you will find tens of millions of fans!

You little fish and shrimps, you dare to play this in front of us, you are really overestimating your capabilities! "

A group of foreigners were so frightened that they could not speak.

Luo Xiaoman felt Luo Qianxue's hand on his shoulder loosen and stood up.

He walked up to the group of foreigners and said to Lin Guoping next to him: "Brother Ping, pay the bill!"

Lin Guoping understood what he meant and immediately nodded to the waiter next to him.

The waiter took out the tablet, quickly raised his head and said to Lin Guoping: "Manager, the total is 45!"

Lin Guoping nodded and said: "Dear guests, we have spent a total of 45 yuan, just give us 1,300 yuan!"

Luo Xiaoman said coldly to everyone: "Did you hear that?"

Sandy said with a straight face: "We are visiting stores and never give money. This is an unspoken rule in the industry..."

Luo Xiaoman picked up a porcelain cup, smashed it directly on his head, gritted his teeth and cursed:

“It’s only natural to pay for food at a restaurant!

No matter what you do!

You are just freeloading, I want none of you to leave today!

A group of beggars who want to eat and drink for free, what are the unspoken rules of the industry to me?

Pay quickly, two thousand three thousand! "

Delia said angrily: "I just said it was one thousand and three!"

Luo Xiaoman snorted and said: "One thousand and three is for food! The remaining one thousand is for tables, chairs and tableware!

Let me tell you, asking you to pay a thousand dollars is pretty good!

Don’t be dissatisfied! "

Sandy covered his head and said angrily: "The tables, chairs and tableware are not broken, why should I pay compensation?"

Orem pointed at Luo Xiaoman and said, "This is extortion! I can call the police..."


Luo Xiaoman, who could no longer hold back, kicked him in the chest. The chair under his butt fell apart with a crash, and he lay on the ground!

Luo Xiaoman kicked him in the stomach again. As everyone screamed, Orem screamed and rolled two meters away!

"It's broken now!" Luo Xiaoman looked at the people in front of him coldly and said with contempt:

“A group of shameless online beggars who use chicken feathers as arrows take taking advantage for granted and are accustomed to it!

You've come all the way here to blackmail me, who gave you the courage?

You're still talking about quality, I'm the most uncultured person, you come to criticize me!

China is not good in this and that, why are you begging me to come?

If you can't get used to it, just get out!

Do you really treat others as fools, let you eat and drink for free and give you money?

Look at your hairy faces that haven't evolved completely!

Hurry up and pay, I won't let you leave if you don't have a penny less! "

Although I kicked Orem twice just now, it also let these foreigners know that the Chinese in front of them must be a kung fu.

But now they are forced to pay, and these foreigners are not happy.

"Why should we pay, we never pay for meals!"

"You are blackmailing, we want to call the police and let the police handle it!"

"Even if what we did just now was wrong, you can't treat us like this!

I'm a member of Eagle Flag, you dare to touch me? We are international friends!

China respects our international friends very much! "

"Fuck your international friends!" Luo Xiaoman punched Ferguson on the chin, knocking his feet off the ground and falling heavily to the ground!

Yageli, who was next to him, screamed and tried to grab Luo Xiaoman's arm, but he slapped her in the face with his backhand, and her mouth was full of blood!

Gongsun Feiyang rushed over with Xiao Zhang and Luo Qianhe, picked up a chair and smashed them!

Amidst the howling of ghosts and wolves, some people wanted to run to the door and escape from here.

Guan Fei and Yan Shuisheng blocked their way side by side.

It's not that a group of foreigners didn't think about resisting, but Luo Xiaoman didn't give them a chance.

Whoever dared to make a move would rush up and punch and kick until the person was motionless and stopped!

Delia covered her bleeding mouth and cried to Luo Xiaoman: "Stop hitting, we will pay! "

Luo Xiaoman waved his hand to stop everyone, and coldly watched the foreigners take money out of their pockets.

I didn't expect that it was only more than 2,000 yuan, and seven or eight people couldn't get enough after 20 minutes, and they were still short of 200 yuan!

Luo Xiaoman looked disdainful, pointed at their noses and cursed: "You are just a bunch of beggars, and you dare to talk about quality and pretend to be noble in front of me?

Bah, garbage!

Are you also Eagle Flag people?

I didn't spoil you in your country, and I can let you be arrogant when you come to my territory? "

Without saying anything, he grabbed their collars and threw them out one by one!

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