Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2509 Madam’s Breakfast

Chen Xinan, who had already taken the steel needle in his hand, immediately took it back and turned on the light in the room.

There were people lying on the sofa and on the floor. Wei Yuan covered his eyes with his hands and woke up. Seeing Chen Xinan standing next to him, he sat up immediately.

Chen Xinan waved to him, indicating that he didn't need to speak loudly, and walked to the balcony.

Wei Yuan followed and stood beside Chen Xinan.

Blowing the gentle night breeze, Chen Xinan said to Wei Yuan: "Didn't I let you go? Why are you all staying here?"

Wei Yuan shook his head and said: "Old Chu and I are not stupid. We know that Mr. Chen wants to choose us out and doesn't want us to participate.

But at this time, we can't leave!

Mr. Chen, we know that our abilities are limited and we can't help you.

But we can still stand guard.

Now Old Chu is with a few people

Chen Xinan shook his head helplessly and smiled, pointed to the people on the floor in the living room and asked: "What about them?"

Wei Yuan glanced behind him and whispered to Chen Xinan: "Mrs. Daoben asked them to stay.

Mrs. Daoben and Xiaojuan are in the room over there.

Mr. Chen killed Xiaoyuan today, and the Sakura Society might take revenge. Mrs. Michimoto was worried, so she left them behind.

Lao Chu and I stayed because of this. In fact, we were worried about them..."

Chen Xin'an laughed and scolded: "That's your future mother-in-law!"

Wei Yuan smiled and said seriously: "Don't say it hasn't happened yet. Even if Ajuan and I are really together, I won't trust her 100%.

But I admire her way of doing things. When she needs to be cruel, she can abandon even her own daughter.

When she needs to put down her attitude, she will spend blood and blood to win over someone. "

Chen Xin'an nodded and understood this statement very well, because Wei Yuan himself is the same kind of person as Junko Michimoto.

This is not purely unscrupulous, but the most rational move that a person who is extremely calm can make.

Wei Yuan asked Chen Xin'an: "Mr. Chen, I can see that everything you do is not reckless.

But I really can't figure out why you offend the entire Daying black forces and put yourself in absolute danger.

I thought that in your current environment, doing something secretly would be the best result.

I never expected that you would be so high-profile and directly attract the attention of both the black and white worlds in Daying!

Mr. Chen, I don’t know what your purpose is, but I believe that you are definitely not impulsive.

So if there is anything that needs me and Lao Chu to do, please tell us. "

Chen Xinan smiled slightly, looked at Wei Yuan and said seriously: "Brother Yuan, we are all family members, and I won’t beat around the bush with you!

I stayed in Daying and did have some things to do.

But you can’t help me with what I do.

It’s not because of the problem of strength, but because it’s too dangerous and sensitive.

This will expose you, and such exposure is completely meaningless. "

Wei Yuan fell silent, he knew what Chen Xinan was talking about.

He hesitated for a while and said to Chen Xinan: "But I always feel uneasy that Mrs. Daoben and her gang stay with Mr. Chen! "

Chen Xinan smiled and said: "In fact, I want it! Don’t worry, I dare to cooperate with them, and I have ways to deal with them.

Brother Yuan, I have something more important that I want you and Brother Tao to do for me!"

Wei Yuan nodded and said, "Mr. Chen, please tell me!"

Chen Xin'an whispered, "It's not a tell, it's a commission!

Please help me take care of the compatriots in Chinatown.

Everyone is suffering this time because of me!

It's just that I am distracted and powerless now, and I really can't take care of them..."

Wei Yuan shook his head, looked at Chen Xin'an and said, "Mr. Chen, I have really paid attention to this matter.

After all, one of our jobs is to pay attention to the living conditions of the Chinese in Daying.

Not only Daohelian, but the entire Yingjing black society is eyeing the location of Chinatown.

They are competing with Yingjing Baidao for this sweet spot.

With the usual virtue of Daying black society to destroy it if it can't get it, the situation in Chinatown has little to do with Mr. Chen.

This is by no means to comfort Mr. Chen, and I can guarantee that the reconstruction of Chinatown will be carried out soon, and it is officially funded by Yingjing.

The scale of Chinatown will only be larger than before. "

Chen Xinan looked at him doubtfully.

He knew that Chinatown was very important to the Yingjing government.

But it was so important that they spent a huge amount of money to rebuild and expand it. It was a little impossible, right?

Wei Yuan smiled and said, "I know Mr. Chen doesn't believe it, but it's all true.

In the past five years, the number of tourists from China to Daying has increased more than tenfold.

And Chinatown is a must-go place for them.

Do you know how much tax Chinatown pays to the government every year?

It is one-eighth of all the tax revenue in Yingjing!

And this proportion is constantly increasing!

If I were the mayor of Yingjing, I would not throw away such a big piece of fat!"

Chen Xinan nodded, that made sense!

He nodded and said to Wei Yuan, "Anyway, you and Brother Tao should keep an eye on the people in Chinatown. If there is anything, notify me immediately!

You don't have to worry about things here. Tomorrow morning, you and Brother Tao will leave with Meijuan!"

Wei Yuan sighed, nodded and said: "Mr. Chen, don't worry, the things over there are originally our own jobs and Lao Chu's, we will do a good job!"

Chen Xin'an nodded and asked him to continue to rest, then turned and entered the bedroom.

After a long sleep, my mental and physical strength recovered.

When she woke up, the sun was already shining brightly. Chen Xin'an opened the curtains to let the sunshine in.

The sky is clear and it's killer weather.

Li Qi also opened his eyes, looked at Chen Xin'an next to him with a guilty look on his face and said, "I'm sorry, boss, I'm useless!"

Chen Xin'an laughed and scolded: "Don't talk such nonsense! Take good care of yourself, I will take care of everything!"

I heard movement in the bedroom, and someone was knocking on the door.

Chen Xin'an walked over and opened the door. Junko Domoto stood outside and said to Chen Xin'an respectfully:

"Mr. Chen, breakfast has been prepared for you and Mr. Li. Do you want to bring it in?"

When this woman was not the leader of the underworld, she returned to the virtuous and hard-working nature of a Japanese woman. She even cooked breakfast for Chen Xin'an and Li Qi.

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly and said to her, "I'm going out to eat. Just ask Brother Yuan to come in and help."

Junko Daomoto quickly said to Chen Xin'an: "I'm sorry, Mr. Chen, Mr. Wei and Mr. Chu took Xiaojuan away early in the morning!"

Chen Xin'an nodded and said, "Then bring it in and I'll feed him myself!"

Domoto Junko wanted to say something, looked at Chen Xin'an, and nodded.

Soon someone brought two dinner plates and placed them on the small table.

After Chen Xin'an finished washing, she wiped Li Qi's face and rinsed his mouth.

After closing the door, Chen Xin'an took out the dinner plate, took out the silver needle, and tested them one by one.

Looking at the slightly black pillow, Chen Xin'an said to Li Qi: "Don't drink milk, you can eat other things!"

Li Diding nodded, opened his mouth, and let Chen Xin'an put the rice ball into his mouth.

There is no need to be too polite to the boss, and the best way to express gratitude is to take good care of your health as soon as possible.

After feeding Li Qi and himself, Chen Xin'an poured two cups of milk into the toilet.

Carrying two empty dinner plates, he walked out of the bedroom and said to Junko Michimoto, who was sitting on the sofa in the living room:

"Thank you Mrs. Dauben for the breakfast, it tasted great!"

As he spoke, he suddenly threw out the rice ball in his hand, and then grabbed Junko Domoto by the neck!

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