Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2515 You can choose weapons at will

Didn't this guy not understand Daying language?

How come he understands it now?

Takabe Kenxiong was startled. Fortunately, he didn't say anything private in front of this guy, otherwise he would have heard it!

In fact, even if he didn't tell her, Takanari Mina didn't have the ability to act rashly now.

For an ordinary person, having his hand chopped off directly, the pain is very unbearable!

At this moment, Takanari Mina's whole mind was on the severe pain of the broken hand. Her face turned pale due to excessive blood loss, and she staggered when she walked.

Chen Xinan didn't want her to die early, that would be meaningless, so he took out the steel needle.

"What are you doing?" Takabe Kenxiong saw Chen Xinan's action and shouted angrily.

Chen Xinan sneered and said lazily: "If you want her to bleed to death, stop me, otherwise shut up!"

Takabe Kenxiong is a warrior, and naturally knows that many Chinese warriors can practice both medicine and martial arts, so he stopped stopping her.

Seeing Chen Xinan holding a steel needle to give her an injection, Takanari Mina, who was in unbearable pain, spat and cursed Chen Xinan:

"You don't need to be hypocritical. I won't let you treat me even if I die!"

After listening to Xu Qilan's translation, Chen Xinan showed a sneer at the corner of his mouth, grabbed Takanari Mina's arm, snorted and said:

"Can you stop me from doing what I want? Just like your life, I want it, and you dare not give it to me?"

As he tapped with his right hand, three steel needles pierced into the cross section of her wound!

The great pain made Takanari Mina scream shrilly, and she hit her head against the wall next to her, shouting: "Kill me! You kill me!"

But Chen Xinan had already let go of his hand and said to Takabe Kenxiong: "Let's go, she can't die!"

Takabe Kenxiong, who wanted to rush over regardless of everything, saw that Takanari Mina's wound was indeed no longer bleeding, and his heart was relieved!

Just looking at the woman's pain, almost wanting to die, he felt even more distressed, glaring at Chen Xin'an, wishing to eat him alive!

Chen Xin'an sneered, glanced at him with disdain and said: "If you want to fight, hurry up! Are you trying to stare me to death?

Want to avenge your old lover, just kill me on the ring.

Playing tricks, an old man who is about to die like you doesn't have the brainpower!"

Gao Bu Jianxiong was so angry that he almost exploded on the spot, but there was nothing he could do. He just gritted his teeth and lowered his head and continued to walk towards the martial arts hall.

The martial arts hall on the eighth floor is a large training room, which is about the size of ten basketball courts.

There are not many fitness equipment, but there are many weapons.

Of course, they are all cold weapons, and there are even Chinese axes, halberds, hooks and forks. As for how many people can practice, it is unknown!

The largest area here is a large martial arts training ground.

A thick rubber mat is laid on the floor, which is more elastic when stepped on, but not hard.

It can accommodate fifty or sixty people to fight at the same time, and there is no fence around it.

Gaobu Jianxiong has already stood on the martial arts training ground, leaning on his sword with both hands, and said to Chen Xinan:

"Please come up! You can choose any weapon here!"

Chen Xinan's eyes lit up and said to Gaobu Jianxiong: "Really?"

Just then, the door of the martial arts training ground was pushed open again, and a group of people rushed in!

Chen Xinan said nothing, and directly swung his arm and threw the long sword in his hand as a sleeve arrow!

With a flash of cold light, the long sword flew to the door that was thirty meters away!

But at this moment, a man suddenly appeared in the front, put his hands together, and clamped the long sword with a snap.

The man standing behind him realized it later, his face turned pale, and cold sweat instantly soaked his back!

If it weren't for this bald master just now, I would have been pierced through the head by this knife!

"Thank you Master Zangshan for saving my life!" Several men in Daying robes bowed respectfully to the bald man.

The bald man smiled slightly, shook his head, took down the long sword, and said to Chen Xinan as he walked:

"Mr. Chen, I am Zangshan Shinobu from Daying Temple, and I am a friend of Mr. Gaobu.

I will be the witness of this duel. I wonder if Mr. Chen agrees?"

This guy speaks more authentic Chinese than Gaobu Jianxiong.

Chen Xinan also found that in Daying, older people know more Chinese than young people.

The reason is of course needless to say.

So Chen Xinan has no good impression of these people.

Chen Xinan looked at the forty or fifty people behind him, sneered and said: "Your witness group is quite stylish!"

All the people who came in were wearing Daying robes, long swords on their waists, white socks on their feet, short flat heads, and solemn expressions.

Zang Shan Ren smiled slightly and said to Chen Xinan: "I am the only witness.

These are Mr. Gao Bu's disciples, and they are here to watch the fight.

My role is to prevent anyone from disturbing Mr. Chen and Mr. Gao Bu during the duel.

I will make this duel fair and just.

As for other things, I can't do anything!"

This monk was honest and told Chen Xinan directly that you were fair when you fought, but I can't guarantee whether you can still be fair after the fight!

Chen Xinan sneered.

He never thought that these Daying people would pay attention to any martial ethics or rules.

No matter what the result is today, these Daying people will not let him go.

But Chen Xinan is not worried. No matter how many enemies there are, it is not so easy to keep him, Chen Xinan.

He didn't pay any attention to these ants.

What really caught his eye was the bald monk in front of him, besides Takabe Kenxiong.

Moreover, this bald man should be much stronger than Takabe Kenyu!

There is such a master in Da Ying, which is beyond Chen Xin'an's expectation.

However, there are many talented people in this world, and the martial arts world is full of crouching tigers, hidden dragons. It is not surprising that there are masters who have left again!

The disciples of Takabe Kenxiong quickly ran to one side of the training ground, divided into two rows, and sat down on their knees.

At the same time, they also took off the long knives from their waists and laid them on the floor in front of them.

The Zangshan nin walked onto the stage with Chen Xin'an's long sword, put his hands in front of Chen Xin'an, and said with a smile: "Mr. Chen, this is your weapon, please take it!"

Chen Xin'an curled her lips and said with disdain: "This is not my weapon, it belongs to that Miyazawa Tomoyuki. I just used it casually and it didn't go smoothly!"

Someone translated his words to the disciples, and everyone was shocked.

Everyone knows that Miyazawa Yuyuki is the master's beloved disciple and their senior brother.

Moreover, he died in the hands of this guy, and his head was even cut off. The body is still incomplete and cannot be buried!

Now this bastard actually said this in front of everyone. This is a humiliation to everyone!

Zangshan Ren was not angry. He turned around, put the long knife on the floor, and asked Chen Xin'an:

"Then Mr. Chen wants to duel Mr. Takabe with his bare hands?"

Chen Xin'an waved her hand and said: "I'm not that stupid, I'll choose a new weapon that I can use!"

"Even if he is sensible, if he wants to humiliate the master with nothing, he is seeking death!"

"Even if he takes advantage of the weapon, he is no match for the master. He just lives a few more minutes!"

"When he is defeated by Master, I will use Brother Miyazawa's knife to cut off his head!"

Chen Xin'an took off the backpack in his hand and said to Takabe Kenxiong: "You said I can choose weapons at will?"

Kenxiong Takabe nodded while holding the sword with both hands and closing his eyes to warm up his sword intention.

Chen Xin'an unzipped her backpack, took out a pistol and two small pineapples, threw the backpack at her feet, and said to Takabe Kenxiong: "Okay, let's start!"

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