Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2526 Who will take care of whom?

The burning smell spread quickly, and the bearded man shrieked and retreated, tripping over a stool and lying on the ground.

He slapped his face with both hands and breathed a sigh of relief as he watched the flames getting smaller and smaller.

But at this moment, Luo Xiaoman stood next to him with a bottle of shochu, grinning and poured the wine in the bottle on his face and body!

The flame that was about to go out started burning again!

And it's not just limited to his face, it has quickly spread to his whole body!

The bearded man let out a shrill scream, and the foreigners at the table also woke up from their stunned state, yelling and rushing in this direction!

The bald boss Tang Yang held the bar with both hands, jumped out of the bar with agility, and shouted to the waiter: "Do it!"

A group of young people rushed out from inside, holding machetes in hand, and rushed towards the foreigners!

The waiter who had a head of vegetable soup picked up the wooden basin on the table next to him, hit the foreigner next to him on the head hard, and cursed:

"You still want to come to the Dragon Force to cause trouble with this little guy, who gives you the courage!"

At this moment, two big men at the door kicked the store door open, each holding a canvas bag in their hands.

When they rushed into the izakaya, they had already taken out a light assault rifle from their bag, aimed at the bald boss and the waiter, and started shooting!

Everyone’s expressions changed drastically!

No wonder these guys dare to come and cause trouble. It turns out they came prepared!

A group of foreigners all rushed towards the door. At the same time, the two companions guarding the door also threw their canvas bags over.

Tang Yang's heart sank, and he shouted loudly to his men: "They are from the Ice Bear Society! Everyone, go back, don't show your head!"

When all these foreigners pick up guns, all of them will die here!

Even he didn't expect that people from the Ice Bear Society would be able to obtain these weapons, and even dare to use them blatantly!

Even if Da Ying officials would not let them go, the dragon forces would suffer heavy casualties today.

He, the boss, will probably have to answer here.

The dragon forces are leaderless and will definitely be driven away by the Ice Bear Society and leave Yingjing!

A moment of carelessness allowed the Ice Bear Society to sneak in and kill two compatriots. Tang Yang was filled with regret.

But he also knew that this was not the time to regret.

Find a way to get a few people from the Ice Bear Society to support you before you die, so that those who die today will not be too cowardly!

Several foreigners laughed and ran towards the two canvas bags. They were going on a killing spree here today. The only ones who can cooperate with Sakura Club in the future are Ice Bears!

But the moment someone grabbed the canvas bag with his hand, a wine bottle hit his arm with a crash!

As he retracted his arm in pain, a large amount of liquid spilled from the broken wine bottle.

The home-brewed ultra-high-grade shochu was sprinkled on the canvas bag.

It was like a bottle of gasoline was sprinkled on the canvas bag. As Luo Xiaoman threw out the lighter, the flames burned on the canvas bag!

"Oh, damn!" The big man's arm was also ignited, and he was so frightened that he quickly slapped the flames on his arm with his other hand!

A big man raised his gun and aimed at Luo Xiaoman, but before he could shoot, Chen Xin'an raised his hand, and the sword flashed through a cold light and pierced his ribs!

"Ah!" The big man's arm instantly dropped, and he bent over and took two steps back.

Before he could straighten up, Chen Xin'an was already standing beside him, grabbed the handle of the knife under his ribs with one hand, and pulled it out with a pop!

The big man let out a beast-like howl and slammed into Chen Xin'an!

He was half a head taller than Chen Xin'an, and his figure was comparable to two Chen Xin'an. When he was injured, he used brute force. Even if a car blocked the front of him, he could be knocked over by him!

However, Chen Xin'an put a hand on his head, making him motionless and unable to move forward.

Chen Xin'an made a circle with the sword in his hand and wiped it on the big man's neck!

The big man seemed to have had all his strength drained away in an instant, and fell to the ground slumped.

He tried to cover his own throat with both hands, but was unable to stop the blood from gushing out.

A lot of blood foam came out of his mouth, he coughed a few times, and he lay motionless on the ground!

Luo Xiaoman was not idle either. He had already rushed to the burning canvas bag, picked it up with his foot, and the canvas bag flew up!

Another big man with a gun had just pointed the gun at Chen Xin'an when he was hit on the shoulder by a canvas bag!

The big man lost control of his gun and lifted it up. The bullet hit the ceiling light and shattered, and the glass rained down!

"Fake Squid!" The big man cursed angrily and raised his gun to aim at Luo Xiaoman.

But the other party had already rushed to him and punched him in the eye!

Luo Xiaoman's punch was mixed with many glass fragments from the ceiling lamp.

Under the heavy blow, these gadgets all got into the big man's left eye socket, instantly shattering his left eyeball!

The big man let out a scream, dropped his gun and covered his eyes with both hands.

Luo Xiaoman picked up the gun, put it on his head, and pulled the trigger!

Kicking away the corpse in front of him, Luo Xiaoman took a gun and pointed it at the foreigners who rushed in front of another canvas bag. Bullets whizzed towards them!

How could a group of foreigners dare to hold guns? They were dodging in all directions, howling like ghosts and wolves.

Luo Xiaoman didn't control his marksmanship, he just needed to make these guys have no guns to pick up.

The bullets were quickly consumed. Luo Xiaoman threw the empty gun in his hand into the canvas bag at his feet. Together with Chen Xin'an, he kicked the two canvas bags into the table next to him.

Seeing the actions of these two people, a group of foreigners jumped from the table

Are these two guys crazy?

With so many guns unused, isn't this looking for death?

Since there is no threat from a gun, am I still afraid of you?

A group of short Chinese people rely on their superiority in numbers every time they fight.

There are only five people now. Even if one of the Ice Bear Club dies and one is seriously injured, there will still be five left.

It's just one-on-one, but in terms of physical condition and strength, Ice Bear will have the advantage here!

"Kill them!" A scar-faced man glanced at the distance between the other party and the two canvas bags, and shouted to his companions.

They want to completely eliminate these opponents before they go back and get their guns.

Five big men rushed towards the other five, but were stopped by Chen Xin'an and Luo Xiaoman!

Chen Xin'an faced Scarface, and before the other person could react, she had already grabbed his arm, tripped with her right leg, and threw him violently!

Scarface exclaimed, his body rose into the air and crashed into his two companions!

The two of them didn't see clearly how he came over, but they subconsciously caught his body.

But the next second, Chen Xin'an had already caught up, jumped up and kicked Scarface, knocking all three of them to the ground!

On the other side, a big man weighing more than 200 kilograms rushed towards Luo Xiaoman like a tank!

He was about to knock the opponent away, but suddenly lost his target!

Luo Xiaoman moved sideways to avoid the opponent's collision.

He stretched out his arms and clamped the opponent's neck with his armpits.

As the body twisted, the opponent rushed forward involuntarily.

Like a bull, he bumped into the chest of his companion next to him and knocked him to the ground!

Tang Yang and the two waiters were stunned. The remaining waiters stood in the aisle and stared at the scene in the hall with wide eyes.

Who are these two people introduced by Sister Hua?

This strength is simply abnormal!

The Ice Bear Club, which was domineering in Yingjing, looked like a bunch of stupid pigs in front of these two people.

Apart from being beaten, there is no way to fight back!

I originally thought that Sister Hua wanted everyone to help take care of these tourists.

Now it seems that who is going to take care of whom?

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